…rises inside one’s house and lights the entire house in the dream, it means that he will receive honor, dignity, rank and fame. If a woman sees the sun rising inside her house in a dream, it means that she will marry a wealthy person, and that her horizon will expand. The radiance of the sun in a dream means reverence, might and justice of the ruler of that land. If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will be honored and commended by the governor. If one sees the sun or the moon talking to him, and if he then strolls away with them in the dream, it represents his death. If one sees the sun rising from an unusual direction in a dream, it represents a beneficial knowledge he will acquire. If the sun shines over one’s head and not the…

…Dreaming that you have and enjoy from an enormous wealth, can mean that you live a difficult life so you must put all of your effort and energy, and maximize your abilities to get to achieve the things you saw in the dream. Dreaming of being wealthy too often may mean that what you have, be little or a lot, doesn’t satisfy you and there is a risk of you losing it. This is a warning so you don’t enter in risky business. Dreaming of others enjoying their wealth suggests that some wealthy friends of yours will help in difficult times. Dreaming that you’re rich but that you suddenly lose everything usually means that you will surprisingly receive some economic benefits (by winning the lottery, for example). Dreaming of greedily accumulating wealth suggests that you aspire to engage in uncertain adventures that are likely to more or less make…

…In a dream, a nightingale represents a wealthy man or a wealthy woman. It is also interpreted as having a son in his early childhood who recites the holy Qur’an beautifully. If one sees himself as a nightingale in a dream, it means that he depends on his assistant to provide professional advice, wisdom and good management of his business….

…If you dream that your are riding on a mule, it denotes that you are engaging in pursuits which will cause you the greatest anxiety, but if you reach your destination without interruption, you will be recompensed with substantial results. For a young woman Dreaming of a white mule, shows she will marry a wealthy foreigner, or one who, while wealthy, will not be congenial in tastes. If she dreams of mules running loose, she will have beaux and admirers, but no offers of marriage. To be kicked by a mule, foretells disappointment in love and marriage. To see one dead, portends broken engagements and social decline….

…To dream of seeing a very large oak tree, and of gathering acorns under it, is a sign that some wealthy relative will leave you a fortune by will: if anybody dreams this who does not happen to have wealthy relations, it may turn out that somebody else will take the liberty of making a will in his or her favour; if not, a streak of good luck will come in some other Way to make the matter right. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 65….

…For a Muslim, a crown in a dream represents the Holy Qur’an, knowledge, prosperity or marriage to a wealthy woman. Wearing a crown in a dream means begetting a son, moving into a new city or forcing an enemy to retreat. If a woman sees herself wearing a crown in a dream, it means marriage to a noble and a high ranking person. If she is married and pregnant, it means she will beget a son. If a prisoner sees himself wearing a crown in a dream, it means that he will be released from jail and regain his dignity. Wearing a crown studded or inlaid with gems in a dream is better than wearing a plain golden crown. Wearing a golden crown in a dream is also a bad omen. If a widow sees herself wearing a crown studded with gems in a dream, it means marriage to…

…Dreaming that you are possessed of much wealth, foretells that you will energetically nerve yourself to meet the problems of life with that force which compells success. To see others wealthy, foretells that you will have friends who will come to your rescue in perilous times. For a young woman Dreaming that she is associated with wealthy people, denotes that she will have high aspirations and will manage to enlist some one who is able to further them….

…Eating mulberries or strawberries in a dream mean increase in one’s earnings, praiseworthy religious assiduity, good faith, certitude and leading a healthy life. Blackberries in a dream represent gold. The mulberry tree in a dream represents a wealthy person with many children. Mulberry in a dream also could mean borrowing money. A mulberry tree in a dream also represents a wealthy and a generous man with a large family. Eating black mulberry in a dream also means prosperity….

…Dreaming of goldfish, is a prognostic of many successful and pleasant adventures. For a young woman, this dream is indicative of a wealthy union with a pleasing man. If the fish are sick or dead, heavy disappointments will fall upon her….

(Armor | Coat of mail) Abroad piece carried by warriors for their protection during their fight. In a dream, a shield means a faithful but an arguing friend. It also represents a well-mannered and a true person, or a sincere person who protects his friends and helps them. A valuable shield in a dream represents a beautiful and a wealthy wife, or any female acquaintance or relative. If the shield is worthless in the dream, then it means the opposite. (Also see Armor)

To feel the dew falling on you in your dreams, portends that you will be attacked by fever or some malignant disease | but to see the dew sparkling through the grass in the sunlight, great honors and wealth are about to be heaped upon you. If you are single, a wealthy marriage will soon be your portion.

If you are hung, it is good to you. You will rise in society, and become wealthy.

…See to it, if you are a lover, that your sweetheart wears lace, as this dream brings fidelity in love and a rise in position. If a woman dreams of lace, she will be happy in the realization of her most ambitious desires, and lovers will bow to her edict. No questioning or imperiousness on their part. If you buy lace, you will conduct an expensive establishment, but wealth will be a solid friend. If you sell laces, your desires will outrun your resources. For a young girl Dreaming of making lace, forecasts that she will win a handsome, wealthy husband. If she dreams of garnishing her wedding garments with lace, she will be favored with lovers who will bow to her charms, but the wedding will be far removed from her….

…If you handle gold in your dream, you will be unusually successful in all enterprises. For a woman Dreaming that she receives presents of gold, either money or ornaments, she will marry a wealthy but mercenary man. To find gold, indicates that your superior abilities will place you easily ahead in the race for honors and wealth. If you lose gold, you will miss the grandest opportunity of your life through negligence. Dreaming of finding a gold vein, denotes that some uneasy honor will be thrust upon you. If you dream that you contemplate working a gold mine, you will endeavor to usurp the rights of others, and should beware of domestic scandals….

…Dreaming of a stallion, foretells prosperous conditions are approaching you, in which you will hold a position which will confer honor upon you. Dreaming you ride a fine stallion, denotes you will rise to position and affluence in a phenomenal way | however, your success will warp your morality and sense of justice. To see one with the rabies, foretells that wealthy surroundings will cause you to assume arrogance, which will be distasteful to your friends, and your pleasures will be deceitful….

A wealthy marriage.

(Animal driver | Grooming | Tending | Stableman) An animal driver in a dream represents a leader, a president of a group or corporations or a wealthy person. In general, seeing a groomer, an attendant, a driver or a stableman in a dream denotes a bad dream and implies impetuousness, a pimp, a procurer, a pander, an officiant, an adulterer, or one who drives a chained male animal to copulate with a female animal. (Also see Copulation)

A fig tree represents a good harvest or increase in children for one who eats from it in a dream, or it could represent a wealthy person who benefits his community. Even his enemies will come to benefit from him, because many types of snakes live on a fig tree. No other fruit equals figs in benefits. Figs represent earnings without difficulties and it shows. Fig leaves in a dream represent distress, grief, depression. Eating a fig leaf in a dream means sorrow and af- flictions. Seeing black figs in season in a dream means comfort, while seeing white figs in a dream has a better connotation. Eating a fig out of season in a dream means jealousy. On the other hand, figs in a dream also could mean sorrow, representing the latter days of Adam and Eve when they first dwelled in paradise. (Also see Fig tree)

…Dreaming that you receive gifts from any one, denotes that you will not be behind in your payments, and be unusually fortunate in speculations or love matters. To send a gift, signifies displeasure will be shown you, and ill luck will surround your efforts. For a young woman Dreaming that her lover sends her rich and beautiful gifts, denotes that she will make a wealthy and congenial marriage….

…like a child in a dream, it means that he will receive an inheritance from his mother. If one sees himself as a newborn child in a dream, it means that he will become wealthy and prosper. If a young boy sees himself in a dream as a child, it has a negative meaning. If a sick person sees himself as a child in a dream, it means his death. If one sees himself as a child being reprimanded in a dream, it means that he will be conquered. In a dream, if one looks in a mirror and sees his face to be that of a child, and if his wife is pregnant, it means that she will beget a son who will look like his father. Carrying a baby child in a dream means distress and burdens. A child in a dream represents a weak enemy who sometime…

…Grain is a most fortunate dream, betokening wealth and happiness. For a young woman, it is a dream of fortune. She will meet wealthy and adoring companions….

…(Manager | Rich man | Treasurer) A water mill in a dream represents a person who handles large amounts of cash, or who is an extremely wealthy person. If one seeks him, his needs will be satisfied and he will not return empty handed. If one sees a water mill in operation in a dream, it means coming profits, or benefits for one’s life and his family through the person operating it. A water mill in a dream also represents one’s helpers, clan, easing of one’s difficulties, or it could mean rain. (Also see Hand mill)…

…To see a carpet in a dream, denotes profit, and wealthy friends to aid you in need. To walk on a carpet, you will be prosperous and happy. Dreaming that you buy carpets, denotes great gain. If selling them, you will have cause to go on a pleasant journey, as well as a profitable one. For a young woman Dreaming of carpets, shows she will own a beautiful home and servants will wait upon her….

…To see a cashier in your dream, denotes that others will claim your possessions. If you owe any one, you will practice deceit in your designs upon some wealthy person….

When you are dreaming of walking down the aisle it is a sign that you are assured type of person. There are nothing that will stop you, you are not afraid to face barriers, as you know you will pass them to reach the final destination. This dream wants to show you, that if you move forward as confident as you are at the moment, you will have happy and wealthy future.

Getting wealthy in a dishonourable way.

…crow in a dream also could signify migration, or separation between beloveds. Eating the flesh of a crow in a dream means receiving money from thieves. Seeing a crow standing before the courthouse in a dream means committing an offense and paying the price for one’s crime, or it could mean killing one’s brother, then regretting it. If one sees a crow digging the earth in a dream, then it becomes a stronger indication of such a crime. If a crow scratches someone’s face in a dream, it means dying from an illness or freezing to death from being lost in a forest during the winter. Receiving a crow as a gift in a dream means happiness. A hooded crow in a dream represents longevity, a wealthy person, elderly people or it could represent wonderment about something when awakened. A crow in a dream is also the messenger of winter,…

…To dream you eat mushrooms is a sign you will live to a good old age, but to dream you see them grow, or gather them, is a sign you will get rich by a splendid speculation, and then get poor as suddenly as you got wealthy. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 49, 59….

To dream of asps, denotes that you will become extremely rich, and have great quantities of money by you: if you are in love, it imports that your love will be returned, and that your sweetheart will become through your means extremely wealthy.

…Dreaming of soup, is a forerunner of good tidings and comfort. To see others taking soup, foretells that you will have many good chances to marry. For a young woman to make soup, signifies that she will not be compelled to do menial work in her household, as she will marry a wealthy man. To drink oyster soup made of sweet milk, there will be quarrels with some bad luck, but reconciliations will follow….

…In a dream, plums in season represent health and welfare. Otherwise, out of season, plums represent distress and difficulties. However, everybody draws benefits from seeing a plum tree in a dream. If one sees himself eating a sweet and ripened plum in a dream, it means that he will satisfy his pleasures, passions, and wantonness. If it tastes sour in the dream, then it represents his fear. A plum tree in a dream also represents a rich person, or a spendthrift who is also dangerous but courageous when facing adversities, and who may become wealthy early in his life though he may die young. Eating plum out of season in a dream means suffering from a severe illness. Plucking a plum from its tree in a dream means seizing money from a dying person. Plums in a dream also represent the glad tidings of recovering what is lost if…

If you dream of a black agate it symbolizes health, power and strength. If you dream of a red agate it signifies healthy lifestyle, peace and freedom. This dream shows how blissful, auspicious and wealthy life you are going to have. It also could be a sign of happy marriage, good relationships or new start of your better life.

To see myrrh in a dream, signifies your investments will give satisfaction. For a young woman Dreaming of myrrh, brings a pleasing surprise to her in the way of a new and wealthy acquaintance.

…(Bed | Sleeping pad) In a dream, a mattress represents comfort or a woman. Selling one’s mattress in a dream means divorcing one’s wife. If one’s wife is sick, then selling one’s mattress means that she may die from her illness. If one sees a dog or a pig sleeping on his mattress in a dream, it means that an insolent person is having a secret affair with one’s wife. If the mattress is stuffed with wool, cotton, or down in the dream, it represents a wealthy woman. If the mattress is made of brocade or silk in the dream, it represents a Hindu woman. If the color of the mattress is white in the dream, it represents a religious and a pious wife. A green mattress in a dream represents a pious and a religious wife. A black mattress in the dream represents a woman who is engaged…

When you dream of having an affluence it symbolizes happiness and wealthy life you will have. There will be good people in your life who will contribute with your enrichment. Make sure you will let those people to help you.

…To have one successfully treated in a dream, denotes a sudden rise from obscure poverty to wealthy surroundings. Dreaming of a cancer, denotes illness of some one near you, and quarrels with those you love. Depressions may follow to the man of affairs after this dream. Dreaming of a cancer, foretells sorrow in its ugliest phase. Love will resolve itself into cold formality, and business will be worrying and profitless….

…A wall in a dream represents knowledge, guidance, cognizance, knowing secrets, judgment, or separation between friend. Standing by a wall or sitting on it, and depending on its conditions in a dream represents one’s own state. A wall in a dream also represents a strong, wealthy, powerful and religious person. If the wall needed urgent repairs, and if a group of people come to rescue it in the dream, it represents a man of knowledge, or the Imam of a mosque who has lost his control or respect, then some friends will come to his rescue and to help him restore his rank. If a successful businessman sees the walls of his house collapsing in a dream, it means that he will recuperate a lost treasure. If one sees a wall caving over his head, or falling over other people in a dream, it means that he has committed…

If you dream of the seal, then such dream signifies the fun, happy and positive side of yours. You have an ability to be playful, funny and confident at mostly of the situations. The seal is a symbol of prosperous life, wealthy and healthy attitude towards things. Consider that the dream could indicate the need to pay more attention to small details, as the seal is not the one who sees unfavorable things, because he gets to avoid them.

wealthy woman whom he will deceive. If the water gushes forth, rises and runs outside of an old well in the dream, it represents crying and grief in that place. Digging a well and finding water to channel for one’s garden in a dream means taking an herbal remedy to cure one’s impotence, or to save his marriage. Falling into a well of muddy waters in a dream means that one may become subject to the tyranny of an unjust ruler. If the water he falls into is clear in the dream, it means that he will willingly work to serve a righteous man and for a nominal wage. Falling into a well in a dream also means demotion, or it could mean travels. Sitting at the edge of a well in a dream means dealing with a deceiving person. A collapsed well in a dream represents a dying woman….

…To find yourself in a beautiful and richly furnished chamber implies sudden fortune, either through legacies from unknown relatives or through speculation. For a young woman, it denotes that a wealthy stranger will offer her marriage and a fine establishment. If the chamber is plainly furnished, it denotes that a small competency and frugality will be her portion….