…(Fighter) In a dream, a rooster represents the man of the house and a chicken represents the lady of the house. If one is offered a rooster in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will spend his life serving others. A rooster in a dream also represents a man of bad character who also mixes serious talk with joking, and whose words carry no weight. A rooster in a dream also represents a servant who has compassion toward his master. Receiving a rooster as a gift in a dream means making peace with a friend. If one sees himself slaughtering a rooster in a dream, it means that he does not heed the call to prayers. A rooster hence represents the caller to prayers. Seeing a rooster in a dream also denotes increase in one’s wisdom and knowledge, or frequenting the circles of knowledge….

…(Excessive admiration or adulation of someone in a dream.) Ingratiating oneself to someone for worldly profits, or to gain access to knowledge, or to find a job to help him better apply his religious obligations in a dream means honor, correcting one’s religious practices or attaining one’s spiritual goals. It also means evil consequences if one does not usually strive after such needs, or if he presents his needs too favorably, or if he does so in a dream soliciting favors from a woman he knows. It also means escaping from the dangers of his enemy. However, flaterry and ingratiating oneself to others in a dream also could mean giving preference to others’ needs over one’s own, trueness and being charitable. (Also see Adulation)…

…(Hunter’s snare | Hunting trap | Net | Snare) In a dream, a trap means deception, duplicity and fraud. If one falls victim to a hunting trap in a dream, it means that he will be victimized. If one sets a trap and catches an animal or a bird with it in the dream, it means that he earns his money through deception and fraud. In a dream, a trap also represents a man who fosters little moral standards, or one who does not prescribe to any religious code of conduct, and who is smart but deceitful. Setting a trap or a net to catch a bird in a dream means setting a trap to bring a powerful person to his knees. If a woman sees herself setting a trap in a dream, it means that she desires to bear a child from her husband, though if she does

(Bolter | Colander | Filter | Separate | Sift | Sort | Strainer) In a dream, a sieve represents knowledge, discerning, honor, rank and discriminating between truth and false. A sieve in a dream is like a detector of true banknotes from counterfeit, a person who chooses his words, a choosy person of the type of work he does, or a discriminating buyer, a pious person, or it could represent a comb. If a sieve is given as a collateral, or as a promissory note in a dream, it means that the depositor will flunk his promise, for a sieve does not retain water. (Also see Bolter | Strainer)

(Caprice | Distinguishing quality | Temper) In a dream, a trait represents someone who is impulsive, or who has an arbitrary change of mind, or someone who does not know rest in his work, or someone who does not know an end to his pursuit of success, or it could represent an argumentative person. The good or bad of such a character may show depending of the place, circumstance, or temper of the moment in the dream.

…for one’s wife and parents. If a sick person sees himself taking a ritual ablution then putting on a new garment in a dream, it means that he will soon recover from his illness. Taking a ritual ablution in a dream also could mean the release of a prisoner, payment of one’s debts, dispelling one’s distress, or it could mean richness, prosperity, attending the sacred pilgrimage in Mecca, or having a successful business. If one does not put a new garment after taking his ritual ablution in the dream, it means that he will be able to lighten his burdens, or recover his good health. Walking into a pond, or descending a well, or stepping into a bathtub to take a bath in a dream means marriage. Washing oneself with soap during such an ablution means dispensing of one’s debts, or dispelling one’s stress. Washing one’s garment after taking a…

…The water in a dream symbolizes the subliminal mind of yours. The big part of the brain are made from water, therefore it is one of the most important things we have to use for living. The water in dreams is associated with the psychical aspects of our being. The dream in which you see the water is known as the symbol of spiritual growth, energy, vitality and wisdom. There are many different explanations about the water and its importance to us, depending on the circumstances of the dream. If the water was boiling, then it shows the aggression and anger that lies in the dreamer. On the other hand, the boiling water could represent the emotions that are about to explode. If the water does not make any motion, then such dream foretells about the tranquility and peace of dreamer’s mind. If the water in a dream is…

…(Admonition | Fellowship | Gathering | Meeting | Religious meeting) If one who does not qualify to be a spiritual leader or a scholar sees himself holding a religious gathering and admonishing people to do good and to forbid evil in a dream, it means distress and an illness which he is praying hard for it to be lifted by God’s leave. However, if he does speak wisdom during such a spiritual gathering in his dream, it means praying hard to have one’s distress and illness lifted by God’s leave. Consequently, and God willing, he will recover from his illness and be able to dispel his adversities. His condition will change from tightness to abundance. He will repay his debts and overcome his oppressors. If one sees a spiritual gathering where God’s Name is glorified, the holy Qur’an is read and wisdom is spoken in his dream, it means…

…Fire is favorable to the dreamer if he does not get burned. It brings continued prosperity to seamen and voyagers, as well as to those on land. Dreaming of seeing your home burning, denotes a loving companion, obedient children, and careful servants. For a business man Dreaming that his store is burning, and he is looking on, foretells a great rush in business and profitable results. Dreaming that he is fighting fire and does not get burned, denotes that he will be much worked and worried as to the conduct of his business. To see the ruins of his store after a fire, forebodes ill luck. He will be almost ready to give up the effort of amassing a handsome fortune and a brilliant business record as useless, but some unforeseen good fortune will bear him up again. If you dream of kindling a fire, you may expect many…

…without wings means changes in one’s status or conditions. If a foreigner sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland, or it could mean that he travels excessively. If one who has pride and exaggerated hopes sees himself flying in a dream, then his dream represents mere hallucination. If one sees himself in a dream flying in a race with someone else, and if he wins the race, it means that he will conquer his opponent and rise above him in station. Flying over a mountain in a dream means power and sovereignty. If one who qualifies for leadership sees himself flying in a dream, it means that he will attain a leadership position. If he falls over something in the dream, it means that he will own or control whatever he falls into. If one does not qualify for leadership and sees…

…The train in a dream symbolizes the flow with the others. You are the dreamer who does things just like everybody else does. The dream, in which you are going on a trip with a train, denotes to the right direction of the life you chosen. Needless to say, that the train is also associated with the romantic feelings such as love and affection, that is why it is important to look who was sitting next to you in a train. If you missed the train, then it signifies the chances you missed and opportunities you were given. Perhaps only now you realized what you have missed and feel sorry for yourself. To dream that the train was wrecked, foretells about the confusion of your mind and unstable status you are in at the moment. On the other hand, the train wreckage could symbolize your fear to start changing…

…In a dream, a dream interpreter represents happiness for a sad person and sorrow for a happy person. If one who desires to maintain secrecy around his life and goals sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will find an intimate friend or a confidant to complete his intention. If one is expecting news from an associate or if someone in a different land sees a dream interpreter in his dream, it means that he will receive the desired news. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents knowledge of sings, deciphering mes- sages, analyzing substances, a tracer, a religious scholar, a lawyer, a good advisor, a compassionate friend, a judge or a physician. A dream interpreter in a dream also represents someone who does not keep a secret or someone who brings people both happy or sad news. In a dream, he is also…

…(Burial | Tomb | Sepulcher) A grave in a dream represents a prison and a prison in a dream represents a grave. If one sees himself living in a grave in a dream, it means that he will be incarcerated in a prison. Building a grave in a dream means building a house. If one enters a grave but does not witness a funeral in his dream, it means that he will buy a house. Digging a grave in a dream means getting married, though through tricking the woman to get her consent. Standing over a grave in a dream means committing a sin. If one sees himself digging a grave and upon completing his work, if he discovers that what he has dug is standing on the surface of the earth and has no walls in the dream, such ground represents the abode of the hereafter. If he…

…(Charmer | Poet | Reciting) A poet reciting his verses in a dream represents a man who brings peace to people’s hearts, entertains them and dispels anger from their hearts if God’s name is mentioned in his poem. If he does not mention the name of God Almighty in the dream, then his words may be baseless and false. A poet in a dream also represents someone who pieces together a conversation, or who embellishes his words with lies, or who deceives people by giving them bad advice, encourages them to do wrong and to abstain from what is right, or misleads them with deceptive words. In general, seeing a poet in a dream means concoctions, lies, adultery, alcoholism, greed, or someone who writes poems for money and fame. If the person seeing the dream memorizes poetic verses containing words of wisdom, or verses glorifying God Almighty, or praising…

…(Lawn) In a dream, grass represents religious awareness and blessings. If one sees grass growing in the palm of his hand in a dream, it means that he will discover his wife having a secret affair, and he will find her in the company of someone else. If one sees grass growing over his hand in a dream, it means that he will die shortly and grass will grow over his grave. If he sees grass growing in a place where it is not supposed to grow, such as inside one’s house or inside a mosque in a dream, it means a wedding. If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. If he sees grass growing on people’s hands or floating on water in a dream, it means a good harvest and prosperity for everyone….

…(Dagger | Kitchen knife) In a dream, a knife represents the servant of the house or its sire who strives to serve and benefit his family and friends. Its sharpness represents the effectiveness of his commands, the force by which they are carried, or one’s magnanimity and distinct personality. If a woman sees herself carrying a knife, or if she gives someone a knife in a dream, it represents her love for a famous person. A pencil sharpening knife in a dream represents an author or a writer. A slaughtering knife in a dream represents a butcher, while a soldier’s knife means strength and service. If a kindergarten teacher is seen stealing a knife in a dream, it means that he is tempted by one of his children, and that he may abuse him. A table knife in a dream represents a lazy person who does not like to…

…close friend. Stretching one’s hands in a dream also could mean generosity. If one’s hands are cut off without causing him any pain in a dream, it means that he may fall in love. If one sees his hands joined together in a dream, it means haviiig a family reunion, or a wedding. If one’s hands are trembling in a dream, it means weakness, illness, old age or longevity. If one’s hands feel dry in a dream, | it means that such a person does little good in his life. If one enters his hand under his arm’s pit in a dream, then brings it out bright and radiant in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge and may develop wisdom. Otherwise, it could mean profits. If he brings forth his hand from under his arm’s pit in the dream, and if it reveal a flame in his…

…bathhouse in a dream, it means that a chaste person will turn corrupt or become heedless. A masjid in a dream also represents a marketplace or a business. If one has to climb up a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, then the masjid represents a thrifty person who does not like to share what he has. If one has to climb down a staircase to reach the masjid in a dream, it means that his needs will be satisfied. If a masjid in the city is moved to a remote village in a dream, it means stagnation of one’s business, being ostracized from one’s community, or it could mean legal complications related to one’s inheritance. If a ruler builds a house for God Almighty or a masjid in a dream, it means that he will be a just ruler and he will govern his subject by the…

…and defamation. If a man sees himself with horns formed from his own hair in a dream, it means might and adroitness. If one sees the hair in the back of his head disheveled or rumpled in a dream, it means that he will suffer humiliation. If he sees his hair on the right side of his head tousled in a dream, it means that he will molest male children from amonghis relatives. If he sees his hair on the left side of his head tousled, or disheveled in a dream, it means that he will molest female children from among his relatives. If one does not have relatives, it means that he will suffer harm from his evil actions. If one sees long hair under his armpit in a dream, it means he will attain his goal, or it could denote his generous character. If he sees it thick…

…to confess and apologize for his wrongdoing, though he does not like being caught. It could also mean paying damages, health problems, or it could mean a financial misfortune. Vomiting blood in one’s dream means repentance from sin, restraining oneself from indulging in what is forbidden, or it could mean satisfying one’s debts, or fulfillment of a vow. If one drinks wine, then vomits the same in his dream, it means that he has received some tainted or unlawful money that he will remit to its rightful owner and repent for his sin. If one gets drunk then throws up in his dream, it means that he is a stingy person who does not take good care of his own family. If one swallows a pearl then throws up honey in his dream, it means that he will render a correct interpretation of some Qur’anic verses. Drinking milk then vomiting…

…God Almighty on the Day of Judgment having performed one’s obligations, or it could mean repenting from one’s sins. To look at the holy Ka’aba in a dream means safety and protection against fear. If one is given a job in Mecca in a dream, it means that he may become an Imam. Stealing anything from the holy Ka’aba in a dream means committing a sin. Walking toward the holy Ka’aba, or seeking it in a dream means correcting one’s religious standing. Seeing oneself in Mecca mixing with departed souls who are inquiring from him about the world in a dream means to die testifying to the Oneness of God Almighty and to the prophethood of His Messenger, upon whom be peace. Seeing the Ka’aba inside one’s own house in a dream means that one is still in power and living with grace. If the holy Ka’aba does not look…

…If you see green things, such as fruit, grass, green fields in your dream, it is a sign of long life, but if the colour has faded it is a sign of trouble. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 18….

To see green colour brings luck to you and your wife.

To dream you vomit much blood, and of a good colour, is good for him that is poor, for he shall get store of money. It is also very good for him who have no children, and whose kindred are in a strange country: the first shall, see a child of his own; the other his kindred returning home. To dream of carrying blood, is not good for them that desire to be hidden, to dream you vomit corrupt blood, is sickness to all. To cast a little blood in spitting, foretells sedition, as some have known by experience.

If you dream of buying or seeing a bedspread, it indicates your sexual desires and the way you look or represent yourself. You should try to recreate the colour or the print of the bedspread you had a dream of. For example if the bedspread was red it shows how passionate and sexual you are or if the bedspread is shrinked, it indicates the variety or confusions of your wishes. Usually the bedspread symbolizes the very intimate part of your life.

Red ones, denotes steadiness or perseverance; white ones, satisfaction; black ones, unfaithfulness; of no particular colour, it denotes steadiness in love.

…To dream of a birth signifies a death. One afternoon, at a garden-party, I met an old friend, who told me he had just dreamed his sister had had a child, and as he was curious to know whether that event had actually occurred, he was going to write at once. The dream was verified, but in a manner he did not anticipate; for, on arriving at his house he found a telegram awaiting him there to say his sister was dead! And again, at a cricket match one baking hot day in July I was speaking of dreams, when one of the players exclaimed with a shudder: ‘’I fear your interpretation of the birth dream is only too correct. A lady once told my wife that she dreamed she had given birth to a remarkably fine boy, whose eyes, however, were not both of the same colour. Two…

To dream you vomit much blood, and of a good colour, is good for he that is poor, to dream you vomit corrupt blood is sickness to all.

…To dream of indigo, denotes to a female that she will cross the ocean. When she dreams of putting the indigo in water, and it gives no colour, she may be assured she will arrive in India. But to embrace the water in the usual way, no such thing will come to pass. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 15….

The rat in dreams a very unpleasant omen for those who dreamed about it, but it doesn’t have a very bad meaning. The rat is an indicator of the jealous people you are surrounded by. Someone wishes you bad, however you are not in contact with those people, therefore there is no danger for you. If you see the rat that is in white colour, then it means you will get the support from one particular person you never expected to help. If you see many rats running, you shouldn’t do whatever you are doing and should concentrate on one issue which would make you happy. It also could mean that you are running from something.

…you are feeling weak and defenceless. Dreaming that someone smells your hair indicates erotic curiosity, sexual interest and your need for some physical stimulation or sensual encouragement. Maybe you have a lot to learn about intimate relationship. The odour of yours or someone else’s hair smell may remind to you the smell of a particular person. To dream that you are reaching for someone’s hair represents that you are trying to join with that person on a physical, spiritual or intellectual level. It also refers to authority, sympathy, protectiveness, and brotherly love. To dream that the wind is blowing through your hair signifies freedom to express inhibited thought or abandoned feeling. To dream that your hair is white or turns from any other colour to white, indicates that something important is made for you. Maybe something is trying to take attention from you. Also, white hair is a symbol of…

…(See Domestics.) To dream that you are robbed by your servants, is a sign that someone among them that you think the most of is deceiving you: if, in your dream, you imagine you have had your silver stolen by a servant, it shows that you will have a difficulty, and discharge one who will be replaced by a dishonest person. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 71, 40, 11….

Traditionally if we melt gold, then it symbolizes our questions about our capital investment. If it’s silver, then it is an omen of pleasant business, and if it’s ice, then symbolizes the need to reach others through feelings.

…To dream a golden crown is placed upon your head foretells that success and great honour await you; if the crown is silver, you will enjoy good health; if crowned with green leaves friends and fortune will forsake you. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 52, 6, 13….

…Gold jewelry warns us against pride. Silver is an omen of benefits. Fake jewels warn us against false vanity and presumption. Broken jewels foretell frustration. Worn or dirty jewels mean business problems. To lose them, means problems with our personal property. To find them, means dangerous temptations. To buy them, means loss of money. If we are given jewels as a gift it’s a warning not to lend or borrow. To wear them, means backbiting. In a much higher level jewels acquire the meaning of spiritual truths. Jewelries are symbols of a higher knowledge. Dreams in which the jewels are discovered in caves, symbolize a wisdom that lies hidden and ignored in our subconscious….

…To dream of bright and vivid white lightning, denotes that you will soon go on a pleasant trip or journey: blueish silver forked lightning foretells good crops and excellent success in business; red forked lightning the same, but attended with calamity, or the death of relatives by violence. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24….

…(Cane) A reed in a dream represents the worst of people, or it could connote engaging in a despicable and a loathsome conversation. Leaning on a stick of reed in a dream represents the short span of life which remains for such a person, and it could mean that he will become poor before he dies. Reed in a dream also represents a frugal person who has loyalty to nothing, and who has no respect for the common norms or ideals. If one sees strips of reed turn into strips of silver or gold in a dream, then they denote good and valued deeds. Reeds in a dream also signify prosperity and wealth which is made from lawful earnings, a pure and a chaste wife, or good children. However, reeds in a dream also represent hypocrites, and if one hears their sound in his dream, it means an argument,…

…(Hair of a newborn | Immolation offered on the seventh day for a newborn | Islamic tradition of shaving the hair of a newborn on the seventh day after his birth | Sacrament | Weighing the shaved hair of a newborn and distrib- uting an equal measure in gold or silver in charity for his benefit.) The offering of an ‘Aq’iqah ceremony in a dream represents glad tidings, the arrival of a long awaited person, recovering from an illness, or the release of a prisoner. Partici- pating in the sacrament of the ‘Aq’iqah rites in a dream also could represent a growing faith and certitude, and emulating the blessed traditions of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace. If the sacrifice presented in one’s dream on that day is a permissible one and if one fulfills all the necessary rituals in his dream, then it denotes his praiseworthy character and…

…(Brand | Burn | Castigate | Punishment | Seal | Sear) Cauterization in a dream denotes a ruler, or it could mean painful words. If one’s forehead or sides are seared or cauterized in a dream, it means that he is obviating or hindering the distribution of charities or the due alms tax on one’s assets, or it could mean a crack down by the authorities on people who are evading to pay their taxes, or it could mean separation between dear ones. If one is cauterized with gold or silver in the dream, it means stinginess or hindering the payment or distribu- tion of God’s rights upon one’s earnings to poor and needy people. If one is cauterized with iron in a dream, it means punishment for his sins. Discovering old marks from cauterization in a dream means discovering a treasurer. Cauterizing someone in a dream also means…

…To dream you drink cold water, is good to all; hot, sickness and hindrance; wine, is good; sweet wine, success in love; oil, sickness; from vessels of gold, or silver, or earthenware, intends tranquillity; of horn, implies good; glass, evil. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 67….