…To dream that you’re Insulting or outraging someone suggests that your affairs or businesses are going from bad to worse. To dream that you’re being insulted or outraged announces that soon you’ll experience bad times and some unpleasant surprises. When a woman dreams that she’s being insulted or outraged, it suggests that someone who does not sympathize with her will cause her a shameful situation….

…(Accolade | Hug) Embracing someone in a dream means longevity. Embracing a deceased person also means longevity. If a deceased person embraces the person seeing the dream and does not let go of him in a dream, it means his death. Embracing a known person in a dream means associating with him. Embracing one’s enemy in a dream means making peace with him. It is also said that an embrace in a dream signifies exchanging praises. An embrace in a dream also signifies kindness, liking for one another, travels, arriving from a journey and dispelling distress or anxiety. An embrace in a dream is also interpreted to mean having sexual intercourse. Embracing a woman in a dream means love for the world, and despair from receiving any reward in the hereafter. Embracing a man in a dream signifies lending him support and helping him. Embracing the trunk of a…

…The ladder symbolizes the means to move from one level to another. If it’s a hand ladder the prediction is of success or improvement of temporal position. Furthermore, each step is independent and each represents unrelated problems. If it is a fixed ladder that same success will be lengthy and of significance that will mark our lives. In this ladder the steps have continuity; it represents continuous difficulties and obstacles. The spiral staircase symbolizes a vicious circle. Often accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear and symbolizes that we are spending our energy on something that does not deserve our effort. The ladder can almost have a highly spiritual meaning, which we will know by the number of steps (should be a sacred number, almost always seven) and, for the atmosphere of the dream. In these cases it represents the rise of the soul to God or the…

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this is the reason for the concern. If during the flight the dreamer passes over beautiful green fields or forests, it suggests that even if the dreamer is suffering from some setbacks, better times will come soon.

To dream that you took the third place in some kind of competition, means that you are doing great and the results of your hard work already showing up. If you felt very unhappy, because you won the third place and not the second or first one, then such dream means that you are the person who like to be leader and first in whatever you do. The one who is happy because of accomplishing third place is the person that is happy for any achievement he does. Keep going that way, because you will succeed in your life later on because of your positive attitude towards the life.

(Casting metals | Glass | Gold | Mixing ores) In a dream, a founder represents a spendthrift, someone who cannot keep a secret, one who does not keep a promise, a minter, one who separates good from evil, a just judge who distinguishes between good and evil, an assiduous craftsman or a dream interpreter who distinguishes between true dreams and confused ones, a seer, a launderer or a garment bleacher. A founder in a dream also represents a person about whom people speak negatively, or a person who is appointed to lead a high ranking function.

…(See Jail.) To dream you are put in prison, foretells that honour awaits you: but this omen does not apply to rogues or dishonest people, though such a dream by them favours their desires: if a girl dreams that her lover has gone to prison, she will soon hear of his advancement. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46….

Dreaming of pencils, denotes favorable occupations. For a young woman to write with one, foretells she will be fortunate in marriage, if she does not rub out words | in that case, she will be disappointed in her lover.

Dreaming of walking barefoot and even worse if it’s at night, is a warning that if the dreamer does not take care of his image, he or she will fall victim to gossip and slander that will damage the dreamer’s honor. This symbol is especially applicable to women.

Temptations; one must be very cautious of what he does. 47.

…(Concern | Conscious | Watchful) Being too careful about something that does not call for extraordinary concern in a dream means hypocrisy, straying from the truth or forgetting the divine admonition of the Holy Qur’an or any part of it….

…A caterer in a dream represents celebrations or a wedding. A commercial caterer in a dream represents someone who deters benefits. Pastry caterer in a dream represents a man of knowledge, or he could mean profits. A travel caterer in a dream represents migration from one’s homeland or changes in one’s living conditions. Seeing a caterer in a dream is a good sign for someone who desires to get married. Seeing a hospital’s caterer in a dream does not convey the best of meanings. A caterer in a dream also represents someone who encourages people to work and seek an honest livelihood. To see oneself catering a dinner for his own house in a dream represents a wedding….

(Safety pin) In a dream, a pin represents miseries and wretchedness. If the pin does not have a head in the dream, then it represents someone who offers invaluable services for a small compensation, or it could mean starting a married life with little furnishings. A pin in a dream also represents a renowned brother, or a companion who defends his friend. (Also see Peg | Skewer)

…(Espalier | Grapevine | Trellis | Woman) A vineyard in a dream represents honor and strength, and the same goes for all fruit trees. A vineyard in a dream is also interpreted to represent a wealthy woman. Cutting branches from a grapevine in a dream means receiving money from a noble woman. Thus, an espalier in a dream represents a generous woman. A grapevine in the wintertime in a dream represents a woman who has lost her wealth, though one still thinks that she is rich. Plucking a bunch of grapes from an espalier in a dream means spending one’s money on a woman. If one sees it but does not pluck any grapes from it in the dream, it means that he will be spared unnecessary expenses. A grapevine in a dream also represents marriage. A trellis for grapevines in a dream represents a beautiful, a noble and…

The dream in which you see your own son, indicates the high expectations, young age, the experiences the one has. The dream about the son also shows your attachment to your relatives and what a big importance they play in your life. The one who dreams of the son, but actually does not have one is going through the time of his life when he feels nostalgic about the past, or it represents the youth and manhood that still lies within him

…If one intends to bank something with someone as a trust or to confide a secret with someone, then if he witnesses a case of castration in a dream, he should immediately halt that intention, or cancel such arrangement. If one sees himself castrated in his dream, it means that he declines to testifying to the truth. If one finds that he became castrated, or if he does so to himself in a dream, it means that he will be inflicted with humiliation and submission to someone’s command. If one meets a castrated person who is unknown to him and who has a dignified look and speaks words of wisdom in the dream, it means that he has met an angle who is conveying glad tidings or bringing a warning from his Lord. If he recognizes the castrated person in his dream, it means that he has met with…

An open door in our dreams is an invitation to cross it. The landscape that is perceived through the door will tell us if the crisis that we are going through is for better or worst. An open door is like a light in the dark. –If the door is very low, very narrow and we cannot pass through it, then it indicates that the solution to our crisis requires some sacrifices. If the door is closed and it does not open when we knock, it means that the moment of the final solution has not arrived yet.

…In a dream, a honeycomb represents an inheritance of a lawfully earned money, or money from a business partnership, or profits in general as long as the fire does not touch it. If a honeycomb is placed before someone in a dream, it means that he has knowledge which he wants people to hear about or to learn. If the honeycomb is placed as if on a table in the dream, it means a booty, or blessed earnings. If it is placed in a bowl in the dream, it means lawful profits. If one sees himself feeding it to the people in the dream, it means that he will chant the Qur’an with embellishment and awaits people’s praises and request to encore his recital. Eating from a honeycomb with honey still in it in a dream means having sexual intercourse with one’s own mother. Eating a honeycomb in a…

Although the horse does not have much prominence in our societies nowadays due to the modern life and transportation facilities, the tradition gives to horses a symbolism of very clear nobility and good luck. It is very curious the interpretations authors give to horses according to its colors. So if the horse is white portends good news and joy. If the horse is black then it is an omen of problems and concerns. If the horse is bay (characterized by a reddish-brown body color with a black mane, tail, ear edges, and lower legs) it means elevation and dignity. If the horse is sorrel (any reddish horse with a same-color or lighter mane and tail, ranging from reddish-gold to a deep burgundy or chocolate shade) it means gray difficulties and obstacles.

…Eyes in a dream represent one’s religion or wealth. If one sees grass growing all over him but does not cover his ears or eyes in a dream, it means prosperity. One’s eyes in a dream also represent his faith and the road to victory in this life and in the next. One’s eyes in a dream also could represent his guidance or his heedlessness. Having many eyes throughout one’s body in a dream represents one’s piety, vigilance and excellence of character. If one sees the eyes of his heart in a dream, it means that he sees with the light of clarity. If one sees a man looking at him with a side glance in a dream, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, mistrust, disapproval, suspicion and disdain at the hand of such a man. If such a man opens his eyes and looks at…

…Dreams that involve our grandparents or ancestors are significant when our grandparents have died and the dream does not go back to scenes of our past life. They are usually the premonition of some misfortune, almost always by our own fault, as if it were a punishment for our faults, often moral or spiritual. Let’s review our behavior and the strength of our moral principles, because maybe we are in time to avoid misfortunes….

(Ascent | Creation | Fountainhead | Season) In a dream, a spring represents money, a child who may die young, a short lived marriage, acquiring an important job that does not last, or a fast disappearing happiness. (Also see Fountainhead)

…represent good health. It also could mean correcting one’s religious and spiritual attitudes. In fact, it all depends on one’s own consciousness in his dream and how he perceives the bleeding of his nose. Thus, feeling bad about it or weak from it means poverty. If the blood stains his clothing in the dream, it means that he will receive unlawful money or commit a sin. If the blood does not stain his clothing, then he might walk free from an ill he had indulged in. If the blood from one’s nose drips on the road in the dream, it means that he regularly pays his due alms which he distributes to poor people in the streets. It is also said that seeing one’s nose bleeding in a dream means finding a lost treasure. Otherwise, it means distress and depression. (Also see Bleeding | Cut | Injury | Wound)…

…a dream, it means that he maybe dismissed from his job, or he maybe reprimanded or disciplined for his misconduct. The sound produced by the ringing of coins in a dream represents temptation, allurement, or a fight between stockbrokers or money exchangers. The clank of money in a dream also means either good or bad news, or it could mean hearing good words, a wise speech, or words one likes to hear more about, if they are given as a sign of friendship or as a dower. If the clanking of money is made in jest in the dream, then it represents a fight one does not wish to end. The sound of a hornet represents a person who defames or discredits others, or whose evil cannot be removed without acquiring the help of a like person. The bleating of a ewe in a dream means kindness shown by one’s…

…A key in a dream represents money, a helping hand, entering the path of knowledge, or it could mean receiving divine guidance. Carrying a bunch of keys in a dream means prosperity, knowledge and security against one’s enemy. Keys in a dream also represent one’s children, emissaries, spies, servant, wife or wealth. Keys in a dream also mean attaining one’s goal, or fulfillment of one’s prayers. A key in a dream also may mean victory over one’s enemy. Holding a wooden key in a dream indicates the character of one who refuses to help others, or if he holds their money in trust, it means that he does not repay them, for wood in a dream means hypocrisy. Holding to a key that has no teeth in a dream means cheating an orphan of his inheritance, or becoming a guardian of an estate and deceiving its rightful heirs. Holding…

A judge represents an authoritative figure in your life and that you feel a need to be controlled by the person who is telling you what to do. Your behavior and what you are doing does not settle with your own beliefs. You may experience ingenuity and guilt.

(Controversy | Quarrel) If one sees himself quarreling with someone in a dream, it means that he will suffer extreme pressure, stress and sorrow. If one is engaged in a dispute in a dream, it means that he is wrong and must rectify the situation and make peace with the other person. If he does so, it means that he will win what his heart desires.

…(Bridle | Harness) In a dream, reins represent mastery of one’s craft, control of his trade, or it could signify power and a strong financial standing. Reins in a dream also represent a coachman, or the driver who never disobeys his master, and who goes wherever he is told to go. Riding on a workhorse who is fitted with a harness, or on a bridled nag in a dream means occupying an important office and letting everyone who works for the leader make an oath of allegiance before hiring them for work. If the bridle and the martingale are unadorned in the dream, then such a dream represents a humble person, and connotes that his heart is better than what his outer look may suggest. Reins in a dream also connote safety or a safety belt. Wearing a harness in a dream means safety, and that one does not…

…that will take place during it. If the angel appears in the form of an old man in the dream, he represents the past. If one sees the angels praying and asking for God’s forgiveness on his behalf in a dream, it means that one’s spiritual and religious life will grow for the better, and that he will become wealthy. If one sees angels descending upon a cemetery in a dream, it signifies the presence of blessed and righteous souls in that place. If one sees angels walking in the markets in a dream, it means that the merchants are trifling with prices and playing with the measures. If the angels who are in charge of punishing the sinner in hell walk before a dying person and he does not fear them in the dream, it means peace and tranquility. If one sees the angels teaching a dying person how…

…If one undresses himself in a dream though not knowing whether he did so for good or for an unlawful purpose, or if he strips himself from his clothing in a public place, feels shy and tries to cover his private parts in the dream, it means that his private life will be exposed and that he will be disgraced. If he takes off his garment in public and does not feel ashamed of his nakedness in a dream, it means that he will be credited for his honesty. If the person is sick in real life, it means that he will recover. If he is indebted, it means that he will repay his debts. If he is seized with fear, it means that he will regain his peace. Nakedness in a dream also means injustice. Stripping a dead person of his shroud means divorce, loss in business, repentance…

…(Bond | Connection | Liaison) To have important connections in a dream means compelling one’s enemy to retreat or to accept one’s conditions. To have strong relationships in a dream cools the divine wrath, as does giving charity in secret. This is true unless one’s connections or circle gathers a group of evil companions, or if one is mingling with a band of conspirators….

…A glass bottle in a dream represents a servant, a housekeeper, a son or a woman. A glass bottle in a dream also represents a woman who does not keep a secret, a slanderous companion, sickness, an adulteress or a prostitute. A glass bottle filled with oil in a dream represents a woman and her makeup. If one grooms his hair with oil from such a bottle in a dream, it means adorning himself or being proud about his love for such a woman. If the oil spills over one’s face during the process of applying it in the dream, it means that he will suffer from distress. The broken chips of a glass bottle in a dream represent money. A urine testing tube in a dream represents a prostitute. Thus, if one sees himself urinating inside such a tube in his dream, he should beware not to commit…

…Cooking on fire in a dream means attaining one’s goal or achieving one’s purpose. If one sees himself preparing food on fire, and if his food is well cooked in the dream, it means that he will attain success and become famous. Otherwise, if his food is not well cooked in the dream, it means that he will fail to attain his goal. Cooking in a dream also means provoking matters of interest. If the food is well cooked in the dream, then it means money and profits. Cooking raw meat in a dream and finding it hard to cook means getting involved in something that will not mature. Otherwise, if it does cook, and if one can eat from it in the dream, then it means success. Cooking mutton in a dream means living an honorable life, being generous and earning lawful money. If one cooks beef in…

(Confiding) A secret in a dream means marriage. If someone tells a secret that does not denote marriage, then it means becoming a shareholder in a business, or it could mean trusting someone, or inheriting him. (Also see Confiding)

…If you dream of wantonly killing any animal, or insect, it predicts bad luck and poverty; but if the killing be done by accident, it shows that, though you may have a misfortune in consequence, it will not materially affect your interest. For butchers or farmers to dream of killing fat and healthy animals for food, is a sign of thrift and abundance; but if they dream of killing a hog that does not squeal, it shadows forth a death in the family. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 41….

If someone leaves us, we will abandon something that does not benefit us at all. If we say goodbye to a person, it indicates that we will see them soon. If we cry at the farewell, great happiness awaits us.

…libelous statements against someone. If one sees himself stabbing someone with a spear, a sword, a lance, or a wooden post in a dream, it means making or publishing libelous statements about someone, and in that case, he is the assailant and he is liable for his actions, also he will be subjected to the same destiny. If one stabs, wounds, or threatens someone with any of the above weapons, or if he points them toward the other person but does not attack him in the dream, it means that he will be tempted to slander or defame him, then he will withhold himself from doing so. If one sees people fighting with spears in a dream, it means that a plague will strike that place, or it could mean rising prices. If one sees them rebelling against the government in the dream, it means that prices will fall….

…To dream of eating rice, denotes health: if you imagine that you see large quantities of rice, it foretells to one who does not live in a rice country, a successful and pleasant journey; and to those who five there, it predicts gain and riches. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 12, 2, 24….

(Enemy) Pharaoh is the enemy of God Almighty. If one sees pharaoh looking good in a dream, it means that the Imam, the leader, or the person who leads the congregational prayers in his community is a goofy person, or that the congregation itself does not follow the proper religious rules. However, if pharaoh looks ugly in the dream, it means that both the Imam and his congregation are good people. The same interpretation applies for any common enemy one may have. If one sees himself becoming a pharaoh in a dream, it means that he may become a leader, though it will be at the expense of his religious covenant. If people are talking about a specific pharaoh in a dream, it means that one will earn fame in that locality. (Also see Orphan)

…children. An unknown garden in a dream also represents the Holy Qur’an. A garden in a dream also represents a marketplace, a new bride’s house, a property, an animal domesticated for service, a shop, a business, a tavern, a bathhouse, generosity, an army made of slaves, cattle or personal assets. If one sees himself inside a garden in a dream, it means comfort and growth in his life. If the house to which this garden belongs is God’s house, then the man seeing it is in paradise. If he is sick, it means that he will die from his illness and enter that paradise. If the garden is unknown in the dream, it means martyrdom and particularly if he finds inside the garden a woman calling him to herself, or to drink milk or honey from the garden’s rivers and the same is true if the garden does not look…