…Any dream in which you see the Pope, without speaking to him, warns you of servitude. You will bow to the will of some master, even to that of women. To speak to the Pope, denotes that certain high honors are in store for you. To see the Pope looking sad or displeased, warns you against vice or sorrow of some kind….

To dream of the baby could have several meanings depending on the feelings and circumstances of the dream. If you dream that you have a baby which in reality you don’t it shows the need to look after yourself more than you do at the moment. The dream could also represent your hidden desire to become the mother. For pregnant women it is very normal to dream about the babied, because they are expecting at least one, therefore it reflects in their dreams. Sometimes the baby in dreams shows how caring you are towards the others.

…start of a joyful time in his life, living in high rises, or spending money for leisure and vacations. If one sees gravestones made of marble, or if one sees marble pillars in a dream, it means a good reward for one’s deeds, or it could mean eulogy, or lauding. An architecturally sound edifice made from marble in a dream represents good writing, skillfulness, dowry or a generous prenuptial agreement. If the marble is used excessively in the dream, it means suspicion and doubt about one’s resources or source of income. The marble bases of a pillar in a dream represents social benefits. As for marble tiles in a dream, they represent beautiful and noble women, or dignitaries. As for marble jars, tiles, or basins in a dream, they represent the positive and negative effects one overlooks during the course of this life. (Also see Column | Marble cutter)…

…robbery, or fear of a brutal thief. The barking of a jackal in a dream means a mission of good intent, a forthcoming evil, women’s cries for help, or the cry of people who ab andoned all hope . The sound of a pig in a dream means taking advantage of a stupid enemy and stripping him of his money. The sound of an ostrich in a dream means hiring a trustworthy and a courageous servant, or bringing a new employee into one’s business. Most dream interpreters dislike to interpret the meaning of the sound of peacocks or chicken and note that they mostly mean sorrow and distress, while others interpret the cawing of crows to mean separation or announcing someone’s death. However, in dream, any ugly or coarse sound represents sorrow and distress while any pleasant sound in a dream represents happiness and joy. (Also see Invisible caller)…

…When you are dreaming about God’s creatures: Adam and Eve, it symbolizes that you are avoiding your feminine part of you if you are a man, and if you are a women you are avoiding the manly part of you. This dream wants to show you, that you will suffer from being out of luck, which will lead you to disappointment and frustration. Do not panic, as you will be in despair only for a while, everything will pass away….

…If you see a tiger, then such dream signifies the extraordinary power and influence the dreamer has. Perhaps you are the person who likes to be in charge of everything and manage those around you. On the other hand the tiger could reflect the sexual aspects of the dreamer, especially for women, because the tiger in some cultures is known as the symbol of birth, fertility, grown and strength. If the tiger has attacked you, then such dream indicates the fear you have towards particular people or circumstances….

…Dreaming of seeing a crow, betokens misfortune and grief. To hear crows cawing, you will be influenced by others to make a bad disposal of property. To a young man, it is indicative of his succumbing to the wiles of designing women. See Raven….

…Men’s coats show riches, women’s gowns, the marriage bell….

The embryo in dreams could represent the desire to get pregnant the dreamer has. Maybe you are ready to take the responsibility to become a parent? It is a very common dream for the women who are expecting the child to dream about the embryo, which is only a reflection of reality and means nothing. The embryo could also symbolize new tasks and ideas.

…(A piece of fabric worn by some women as part of their headdress | To conceal one’s face | Attire | Cap | Garb | Mantle | Mantilla | Veil) In a dream, a khimar represents a husband, protection or an ornament. The extent of its size shows the man’s prosperity. Its finesse connotes clarity and the color white represents honor and dignity. If a woman sees herself wearing a mantilla in a dream, it means maliciousness, a bad omen, or rancor and falsehood of female companions that might cause difficulties, or separate between a husband and a wife. If the khimar is made of black torn fabric in the dream, it means poverty of one’s husband, or his being natural, or unsophisticated. Damage to one’s veil in a dream means difficulties affecting one’s marriage, loss of business or a calamity caused by a guardian, a father or a…

…Dreaming that you are jealous of your wife, denotes the influence of enemies and narrow-minded persons. If jealous of your sweetheart, you will seek to displace a rival. If a woman dreams that she is jealous of her husband, she will find many shocking incidents to vex and make her happiness a travesty. If a young woman is jealous of her lover, she will find that he is more favorably impressed with the charms of some other woman than herself. If men and women are jealous over common affairs, they will meet many unpleasant worries in the discharge of every-day business….

…saddled horse in a dream means a woman in her menstrual period, during which time it is not permissible for the husband to engage in marital intercourse with her. A gathering of horses in a dream represents a gathering of women for a funeral or a wedding. Owning a herd of horses, or taking care of their feed in a dream means presiding over people, or it could mean managing a business. If a horse dies in one’s presence in a dream, it means loss of his house or business. The fit of a horse in the dream represent man’s own state. Descending from a horse in a dream means committing a sin that will force one to resign from his position, or be dismissed from his work. A hairy horse in a dream represents a large family. If the tail of one’s horse is cut off at its end…

…Dreaming that you are confined in a fortress, denotes that enemies will succeed in placing you in an undesirable situation. To put others in a fortress, denotes your ability to rule in business or over women….

…Dreaming about being celibate suggests that the dreamer is not only shy with women, but also in many other ways, such as fear of the unknown, insects, loneliness, darkness, and traveling without company. In some cases, it symbolizes religious vocation. It might also be the mental and psychological result of sexual impotence….

…him straight forward in the dream, it means that he will help him in his business or support his interests. If one’s eyes turn into iron in a dream, it means distress, a scandal or serious suffering from one’s community. If one sees himself looking at women in his dream, it means that he commits adultery with his eyes by looking and desiring what is unlawful. If one looks at someone’s eyes in a dream and likes them, it means that he will suffer from an adversity, religious corruption or jealousy. If one sees himself having an extra eye inside his body in a dream, it means that he is an atheist. If one sees himself having an extra eye over his shoulder in a dream, it means that he will be named to receive money in absentia. If one sees his eyes transfixed in a dream, it means that…

…If one’s eyelids are healthy in his dream and particularly for a women, it indicates positive developments in her life. If one’s eyelids have little skin, or if they are bleared, or if they develop sores in the dream, they represent difficulties, agony, anger, sickness or distress. Eyelids in a dream also represent one’s defenses and protection. They also represent one’s teacher, brothers, sisters, family, wife, children, coffer, veil, guards, confidant or trustees. Eyelids in a dream also mean something to be overlooked. Having bleared eyelids in a dream means being in love. If one’s eyes are interpreted to represent his wealth, then they mean protection, or paying alms tax. If the outer edge of the eyelid turns white in a dream, it means an illness affecting one’s head, eyes or ears. (Also see Body’)…

If a man dream of quarrels and fighting, he shall hear some unlooked-for news of women, or embrace some joy he thought not of.

…(Decoration | Medal | Pendant) In a dream, woman’s necklace or earrings if they are made of pearls represent a gift from her husband. If they are made of silver in the dream, they mean a physical ailment, and if they are made from beads in the dream, they mean being let down by one’s friends. A necklace in a dream also represents women’s adornment. If a man wears a necklace that is incrusted with gold, precious gems or sapphire in a dream, it represents a high ranking appointment, carrying a great responsibility, or fulfilling an important duty. If one’s decoration also carries some silver coins in the dream, it means marriage to a beautiful woman. Wearing a decoration necklace that is made from silver and adorned with precious gems in a dream represents a political appointment which will be coupled with honor and wealth. If the necklace is…

…If he takes something valuable or cherished from the person having the dream, it means the opposite, and one will receive from such a man what he wishes for in wakefulness. If he takes a shirt or a rope in the dream, it means that he will accept a promise from the person seeing the dream. If he takes a child away from him, it means enmity between the two. As explained under ‘Human being” p. 217, seeing the children of Adam in a dream is an exalted thing in general. Each category of people conveys a different interpretation. The category of rulers and judges in a dream means courts. The category of government authorities represents fear. Soldiers mean travels. Craftsmen in a dream mean profits, or they could represent their respective trades. Women in a dream signify temptation, while pious people represent devotion. (Also see Human being? Mankind)…

…To dream about a flute or any other wind instrument suggests an upcoming excessively frivolous party. When the instrument appears broken or is badly damaged it indicates that the dreamer self- criticizes for defrauding his/her friend’s, partner’s, etc., faith and trust. To dream that you’re listening to music produced by flutes or other wind instruments suggests that you (especially if you’re women) will have to defend your honor or a family member’s honor. To dream that you’re playing a flute suggests that no matter what is scheme against you, you’ll end up doing great and defending your honor. When a woman dreams this way it suggests that she’s likely to formalize a romantic relationship with a military or someone who normally wears a uniform….

Dreaming you are anointed with oil, is good for women; but for men it is ill, and implies shame.

If you eat the grapefruit in a dream, then it shows the stable mind you have. The dream could also symbolize fertility and sharp mind. You are the person with the strong views, who sticks to his morals. The dream in which you see the grapefruit tree indicates the fruits you will collect with your hard work. For women, the dream could also represent the children.

…(Softness | Support | Throw pillow) In a dream, a pillow represents money, a husband, a wife, a confidant, or children. A pillow in a dream also represents a women who knows another woman’s secret and who keeps it hidden from people’s knowledge. A stolen pillow in a dream means the death of one’s servant. The king’s pillow in a dream represents his deputies, ministers and administra- tors. As for most people, a pillow in a dream represents one’s intimate friends and brethren. The interpretation of a pillow in a dream is also similar to that of a mattress or a carpet. As for scholars, a pillow in a dream denotes their piety and righteousness. Carrying a pillow in a dream also represents earnings, a cushion, rest, or an illness….

…To dream about medallions suggests that your efficiency at work, your business, in your behavior, etc., will give you good results, and in some cases honors. To dream that you’ve lost a medallion indicates frustrations and failures. To dream that a medallion is hanging from your neck suggests, specially for women, the following: When a young woman dreams that the man she loves has the medallion, it suggests that she will meet different admirers and suitors. Dreaming that a young man wears a medallion suggests a near upcoming marriage, but if the medallion is lost in the dream, it is warning you that your relationship is at risk of breaking up or also that a family member may catch a disease. When a young woman dreams that she’s returning a medallion to her loved one, it symbolizes the act of returning an engagement ring. If a young woman is…

…Dreaming of seeing a red hot poker, or fighting with one, signifies that you will meet trouble with combative energy. To play at poker, warns you against evil company | and young women, especially, will lose their moral distinctiveness if they find themselves engaged in this game….

Strawberry dream reveals that women will play a role in our fate. We will get love, friendship and benefits thanks to a woman.

For women, good; for men, mockery and contempt.

…Dreaming of doing crochet work, foretells your entanglement in some silly affair growing out of a too great curiosity about other people’s business. Beware of talking too frankly with over-confidential women….

…costumes and masks have always indicated lies, deception, fraud and losses. Dreaming that you are in a modern dance party, with loud music and peculiar clothes, suggests that you live or work in an unpleasant environment that it’s unbalancing you psychologically and emotionally and it symbolizes that you want to get out of this situation. Dreaming of a dance where women dress provocatively and men show a perverse face indicates immorality, eroticism, and degeneration and is a warning that tells you not to fall into excesses. Dreaming that you are a dance teacher, suggests that you’re neglecting the really important things to take care of frivolous and inconsequential things. A young woman who dreams of her suitor or lover as dance teacher insinuates that she doesn’t fully trust his intentions are serious, but if she dreams of dancing with him, it indicates that neither of them have serious intentions….

…some time to arrive. The donkey is a symbol of patience, which can be related to the dreamer himself, or maybe he is exaggerating in his own patience with problems that require dynamism. In women, this dream is usually a warning which tells that they shouldn’t exhaust the patience of those around them. Dreaming of one or more donkeys loaded with food suggests that, even if it takes time, the news and expected recognition will eventually come. Dreaming of being chased by a donkey and being afraid of it announces that the dreamer will soon be victim of defamation. Dreaming of riding a donkey suggests that soon there will be fights and this is a warning to avoid them. Falling off a donkey indicates losses in business. Dreaming of a donkey running for no reason suggests that soon there will be failures, if the dreamer tries to stop it, then…

…Necklaces usually indicate slander and gossip about women. When a woman dreams of necklaces, one or more, in the hands of another person, it indicates that someone is trying to falsely impress her with dishonest intentions. When a woman dreams about wearing a beautiful necklace it insinuates that soon she’ll receive praise and attention and perhaps even honors, but all of it surrounded by hypocrisy, since in any society where this occurs she would hardly be able to shine by herself, meaning that the praises are directed to the gem and not to who is wearing it. A young woman who dreams about necklaces hints that she will have admirers, but not sincere ones, these will only be attracted by the jewels, indicating false promises. This same dream coming from a single woman, and worse if she’s older, means that she’ll remain single for a long time, regardless of…

When you are dreaming of an ace it represents how patience, smart and strong you are as a person. This dream could also represent someone old in you life, who is very important to you, but for some reason you lost the honor, which this elder person felt for you before. If you are a single women the dream could be a sign of someone who is jealous with your new relationships, maybe old girlfriend or someone, that likes this men.

…If you dream of seeing yourself being a groom, then such dream can be interpreted as the sign of joy in some aspect of your life. The groom also shows that you like whatever you do in your waking life and enjoying it. The groom could also show that you like to be the center of the attention. You do whatever is need to be done in order to be noticed. The dream also shows that you have special abilities to use your inner powers. For the women to dream of the groom has completely different meanings. The dream, in which you see the groom shows your wish to be in serious relationships and you have desire to give the best you have to someone special. There is also a possibility that you wish to be married. For the male, the groom could also indicate the wish to have…

The baby in dreams could indicate your mother instincts if the dreamer is the mother. Many pregnant women dream about the babies and it is absolutely normal. The pretty and healthy baby may also represent the peacefulness of your mind and life. The dream may signify that you are dealing with some new project in your waking life, therefore in dreams it stands as the baby omen.

To see women fighting signifies jealousy; men, sorrow.

If the scratch is made by a cat, is an indication of diseases and afflictions for those who dream of receiving them. If the scratches came from a woman, it is advisable to be perseverant and you’ll probably receive gifts. If these are produced by a child, and the one that dreams of it is an uncommitted man, he will have a lot of trouble with women.

Dreaming of women confined, does a death portend.

…Dreaming of Adam and Eve, foretells that some eventful occasion will rob you of the hope of success in your affairs. To see them in the garden, Adam dressed in his fig leaf, but Eve perfectly nude save for an Oriental colored serpent ornamenting her waist and abdomen, signifies that treachery and ill faith will combine to overthrow your fortune. To see or hear Eve conversing with the serpent, foretells that artful women will reduce you to the loss of fortune and reputation….

To dream of scallop shell signifies the feminine side of the dreamer. It could also simply indicate the sexual desires or the attitude about women.

The fetus denotes to your love for another person. The dream shows the deep connection you have with this particular person. The dream in which you are pregnant shows your will to have children. Sometimes the pregnant women have these kind of dreams which is absolutely normal and doesn’t have any special meaning.