When you dream about quarry, then it means that you will have to work as hard as you can, like you never did before. The dream, in which no one is seen doing anything at their work, signifies your frustration, because of other people’s mistakes. If you opened the very old quarry that no one used for a very long time, then it means you will become fortune as you never been before.

Dreaming of being styled by a hairdresser signifies gossip, intrigues, and slander. Dreaming about a hairdresser at work, and better if this person is clean and has good presentation, suggests that the dreamer is an honest and educated person, which seeks success in affairs or business, including in love. Although in order to achieve all of this the dreamer must have huge devotion and full attention. Dreaming of being styled by a dirty hairdresser with an unpleasant presence suggests that the dreamer has not chosen good friends and this will create setbacks. When a woman dreams of a hairdresser at work, it suggests that it will be complicated for the dreamer to shortly improve her own economic situation. It’s also a warning of taking care of personal appearance.

…from led in the dream, it means that they are weak people. If the ornaments are made from silver in the dream, it means that the master or leader is a wealthy person and he will be followed by a strong son who will carry the work of his father. If one is given a cummerbund, and if he does not wear it in the dream, then it means travels. A broken cummerbund in a dream means loss of power or perhaps one’s death. If one sees a snake rather than a cummerbund around his waist in a dream, it represents a money belt. A cummerbund in a dream also means work for a jobless person, a wife for an unmarried person, and should it be carrying many ornaments, then it means the added blessing of having several children. (Also see Belt | Cincture | Waistband | Waist belt)…

…To dream of being injured in the knee, means that some of the obstacles and barriers will be made for you by your enemies, therefore you won’t be able to work your way. The knees that are swollen and giving pain, indicates grief, sickness, troubles, damage, bad success, or merely delay in business matters. To have them tired, illness. To bend upon knees, denotes devotion, humility, trouble, and embarrassment in business. Knees that are cut or withered that much as to be unable to walk, means poverty through lack of work. Drag knees along the ground in default of feet, means loss of goods, distress for the dreamer or because of the particular person, or his friends or relatives. Knees cured and placed in healthy condition for walking, misfortune and calumny will change into prosperity and contentment. Knees that are made to run fast, success in all sorts of…

…Dreaming that you are a street-poster, denotes that you will undertake some unpleasant and unprofitable work. To see street-posters at work, foretells disagreeable news….

work and who cheats when he does go to work. Using a table knife in a dream means voidance of a project one supports. A knife in a dream also implies a proof. A knife in a dream also means acquiring strength and prosperity at the hands of a servant or an employee. Swallowing a knife in a dream means depriving one’s son from his inheritance, or stealing his money or property. If one’s wife is pregnant, then seeing a knife in a dream means that she will beget a son. If one who is going to appear in court sees himself carrying a knife in a dream, it means that he will win his case. If one is given a knife as a gift in a dream, it means that he will beget a son, or have a new brother. If one is not expecting a son or a…

…If the machines work with a good pace, it’s an omen of success and prosperity. If they stop, there will be delays in our plans and projects. If they work badly, break or fail or if an accident should occur, then that’s an omen of failure and complications….

…To dream about lamps, lanterns or any handheld device that serves to illuminate your way as you walk, suggests that you always keep an eye on your own affairs, which will benefit you at the end. To dream that you’re lighting a lamp suggests a successful start. To dream about a lighting object, but that it’s turned off, suggests that you’re experiencing mental confusion and that you don’t know which way to go, but if the light is dim, it suggests that you’re about to loose everything you’ve desired and so must work hard to avoid this and fix any errors. To dream that you’re holding a lamp in your hands and it falls to the ground, and even worse, it’s destroyed, suggests a serious risk of failure. On the other hand, if the lamp’s intensity increases, it indicates certain success in the immediate future. To dream that you’re…

Dreaming about one or more cradles is always a promise of joy. If the crib is occupied by a beautiful baby, then it is announcement that success can be achieved through hard work. Dreaming of cradling a baby in a crib symbolizes work and happiness. This dream in a woman is a serious warning of what to expect when she gets married, so she should remain alert in her immediate future.

…then if he sees such a dream, it means that his sorrow will be dispelled. White clouds in a dream are a sign of work, a job or business. Rising fog in a dream means taking a journey, or returning from one. Red clouds in a dream means lack of work. A gloomy cloud in a dream means stress. If one sees clouds welcoming him in a dream, it means glad tidings. If he is an evil person, it means a calamity and a chastisement for his sins. If one sees clouds covering the sun in a dream, it means that the ruler of that land is ill. If one sees himself wearing a shirt of clouds in a dream, it means blessings that God Almighty has favored him with. Clouds in a dream also represent virtues, miracles, favors, rains, love and blessings, because they also appear when a prophet…

…Dreaming about bees is a good omen, because it indicates success nearby at work and on all matters that are being handled. To dream of killing one or more of the bees hints that you will have various setbacks. Dreaming about angry bees that attack signifies conflicts with partners, or the fact that you will leave the job because of the pursuit of pleasure, which can bring misfortune and total ruin. To dream of being stung by bees hints that you will suffer betrayal from someone who has been trusted and appreciated. Dreamed of eating honey foretells about present and future prosperity hints. When you dream that you are surrounded by bees which are flying peacefully, then it indicates the fact that you are being surrounded by people of good behavior. Dreaming about wasps instead of bees indicates that you are being surrounded by negative people who are going…

…Dreaming that you are on the roof, or in the highest part of a building, from where you can observe an airport with planes flying, indicates the desire for a change in your life, a change of residence, work or business, and you are finally getting some of that, thanks to the intervention of strangers. Dreaming of watching the top of a building from afar indicates that for the moment there is not likelihood of success in what you want, whether it is business, work or love. Dreaming of being on a roof suggests aspirations of self-improvement, to stand out where you live, with a good chance of getting it. Dreaming of being on a roof and feeling frightened of falling, suggests you are thinking that you will fail in your attempts to overcome yourself. To dream that a roof collapses, is an announcement of calamities at home, in…

The brakes are interpreted as the symbol who tells what to do in certain situation. The one that are working properly, indicates your attitude towards some situation or life overall. You do know how to act and when to stop doing whatever you are doing. The brakes that are broken or do not work the way they supposed to work, foretells about something in your life you are unable to handle. Perhaps you should stop being worried and simply find the solution for it. The broken brakes could also be interpreted as the suggestion to check the brakes on your real vehicle.

…The anvil and the hammer are the two main and indispensable tools of any blacksmith, a job that constantly uses fire, hot iron, and spark. That combination in itself is a very ancient symbol of intense and creative work, which tends to appear in dreams symbolizing firm and productive work. When you are dreaming only about an anvil, then it can mean that you are enjoying a good health and solid business. When you are dreaming about an anvil in which hot iron is being forged and is giving off the sparks, then it is a symbol which shows that in real life, the dreamer is comfortable with what he has, because it will produce permanent gains, satisfaction, and happiness. This dream could also mean that one can count with the sympathy and help from affluent people, who can facilitate the path to success. When, in this dream, the…

…(Dye | A reddish-orange cosmetic dye produced from the stalks and leaves of henna plant) Henna for a man represents his working tools. It also means adornment, money, prosperity, or children. If a man sees his hands dyed with henna in a dream, it means that he keeps praising his Lord. If only the right hand is dyed with henna but looks ugly in the dream, it means that he may commit a murder. Dying one’s hands with henna in a dream also means carelessness about exposing one’s good and bad qualities in public, or it could mean that he delivers his merchandise or work in any condition without acknowledging blame, fault, or recognizing his improper behavior with his customers. If one’s hands are tattooed with henna in a dream, it means that he cheats to acquire his earnings. Eventually, he will be exposed and his opponents will rejoice…

Termites are a symbol of consistent, organized, proactive, and destructive, work. So if this insect appears in a dream, it represents the existence of destructive, slow, clandestine and relentless work that’s making you a victim. It calls us to look around and take precautions.

To see a bookcase in your dreams, signifies that you will associate knowledge with your work and pleasure. Empty bookcases, imply that you will be put out because of lack of means or facility for work.

Dream of washing yourself means you’re proud of your social life and personal efforts and may also mean you’ll receive some fame and prestige. On the other hand, it symbolizes cleansing from unhappy experiences or emotions in your life. Dream of washing your feet means you’ll change your line of work and undertake a more fruitful work. Dream of washing your car suggests your troubles will soon pass. You may be ready to go through life with a new perspective and fresh attitude.

…To dream about books always suggests intense work. To dream that you’re studying a book insinuates that soon you’ll be greatly satisfied and will eventually receive money. When an author dreams that his work is about to be printed, it suggests that he/she will review the book before delivering it, because the author is doubtful as to whether his book will be accepted by the reading public or not. To dream that, with great effort, you’re studying a book, to then be able to answer questions and difficult problems, suggests that eventually you’ll be compensated with honors and awards. To dream that old, mistreated and neglected books surround you, suggests that you’re surrounded by lies and evil. However, if the books are in good condition and well placed, it indicates that the dreamer will have a long and peaceful life. To dream of children studying with books suggests happiness…

If the accelerator works the way it should work-perfectly, then you will cope with your waking life issues perfectly. The one that doesn’t work indicates minor problems.

Dreaming of bobbins, denotes that important work will devolve on you, and your interests will be adversely affected if you are negligent in dispatching the same work.

Predict success and prosperity through hard work and teamwork. If bees make honey in our house, or our property, success and fortune are ensured. Being stung by a bee represents the existence of a danger to our reputation because of slander. Seeing angry bees attacking us signifies conflicts with partners, or that you are abandoning work because of the search for pleasures, which can bring misfortune and ruins. Killing bees is the worst dream, it indicates that the ruin is inevitable, and is near. Finally, see them on a flower is a symbol of a new love.

…When a professional appears in our dreams, that reveals that something exists in the profession or in its symbolism that has a special importance for us and we can unravel it meaning by paying special attention to their level. The lowest level corresponds to sailors and fishermen because they work at sea level. It also symbolizes the removal of the contents of the unconscious, we must confront the forces of the unconscious and passion. A higher level corresponds to the farmers, gardeners and other workers in the fields and valleys. These workers symbolize the same as the sea ones, but with some more intellect. The shepherds and farmers work on the slopes of the mountain and symbolize the same. The miners extract the treasures within. The blacksmiths and potters are shapers of our inner raw material. The top corresponds to the ascetics and sages who lead their lives in…

…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…

If the environment in the dream is clear, sunny and peaceful it means tradition, study, reservation, patient and thorough work. If the atmosphere is nocturnal, cloudy or dark it presages heavy and meticulous work and study, even boredom.

…If you’re doing a work with ink, then such dream is interpreted as the symbolism of prosperity. If we get dirty with ink or spilling the ink out, then it is a sign of misfortune and obstacles in our work….

…Ants always symbolize hard, intelligent and organized work, so they do warn the dreamer that he/she should act the same way, perhaps because he/she is being negligent with his/her responsibilities, what may lead him/her to many setbacks. To dream that your job if full of ants, and that you can also see them in your regular activities announces abundance, both for you and your family, thanks to your efforts and success in your work, projects, etc. To dream that a group of ants is moving chaotically, and worse if they are black, announces that soon you’ll experience inconvenience and concerns. To dream that ants walk over your body announces discomforts, setbacks and failures, but without serious consequences….

…Dreaming that you’re on a boat that is in calm waters indicates coming successes, happy moments and satisfactions. However, if the waters are muddy and turbulent, which also seem threatening, indicates that soon there will be problems against which you must be alert. Dreaming that you see a boat going far away, into the deep sea, hints that there are too many illusions that you must control. Dreaming that a ship is sailing towards a storm suggests that the dreamer’s affairs related to business, work, family are not going well, and that the problems soon will increase due to rumors and gossips. Dreaming of boats anchored in the port and stevedores loading things on them, it’s an announcement of personal gains, prosperity, a change of life, etc. If boats are still, without moving around, it indicates that the dreamer’s affairs and business will be the same as the boats….

Dreaming of firefighters doing an intense work indicates that you have good friends. Dreaming of a fire truck is a sign that there are deep concerns that you will overcome. Dreaming of a fire truck and that firefighters are extinguish the fire, it is a sign that all your problems will be solved, but if firefighters fail to control the fire, or the car appears destroyed or broken and useless and it doesn’t work, the existing problems that you have will be aggravated. If a young man dreams of a fire truck, such dream works as an indication that he won’t be able to fulfil his romantic desires. If a young woman dreams of firefighters resting, inactive, it indicates that she or some of her relatives or friends are at risk of having an accident.

…the dream, the greater your chances of success will be. To dream that you fall down while you’re trying to climb suggests setbacks and failures, the higher you fall, the more severe will those setbacks and failures be. To dream that you’re going down a slope suggests that if you don’t pay much attention to your business, it will worsen each day. To dream that you’re fleeing from danger through a slope suggests that the risks that you’re facing may be postponed and perhaps they’ll even disappear. To dream that you’re exhausted and feel like you’re choking because of the effort that you’ve done to climb a slope suggests that you’re accepting more work and responsibilities than the necessary or appropriate. Dreaming about a broken non-mechanical ladder indicates that you have no chance to succeed in what you are planning. To dream that you’re walking under a ladder indicates that…

Dreaming about property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage is fortunate omen, if the dreamer received it with happiness. If the dream caused bad feeling and the dreamer was unable to receive a dowry, then such dream is unlucky omen. It indicates hard work and a lot of obstacles. If the dreamer is lazy and not trying to live better, then such dream indicates even more troubles. If the dreamer has a lot of desire to solve his problems, then dowry is just the reflection of current harsh period. After though times, a better tomorrow will come. And if the dreamer will work extremely hard, then he will see himself or herself living in abundance, without any invincible problem.

…To dream that you’re fully inspired to work on something important suggests that you have important projects in mind and want to work on them. This dream also indicates internal harmony, which will result in success after overcoming any existent obstacles, and any uncertain and adverse situations. Success always arrives after you experience problems or make major efforts….

The parakeet as the bird is very favorable omen, which brings happiness and joy in your waking life. The dream shows that you are quite relaxed person, who enjoys the friendships with those around him. The parakeet is also a symbol of relaxation, therefore the dreamer who sees the parakeet is the person who doesn’t work too hard, or when he does work very hard, he doesn’t worry too much about it and simply goes with the flow.

Dreaming that you are on a ranch or farm means effort, work and responsibility. This dream about ranch can also show your worries about losing money or work.

The horse is the animal that indicates the freedom, capability of work and life’s journeys. The dreamer who is able easily to control the horse the same way managing his own life. The hard work you do is also seen in the horse symbolism. The journey the dreamer takes from one phase of his life to another is also seen in the symbolism of the horse.

If you dream of architects it symbolizes the challenges at work you will have.These challenges will require lots of originality from you. Do not worry, just try to stay focused on your work.

Symbolizes persistent, organized, proactive and always destructive work. The dream signifies that we will be victims of a destructive, slow and clandestine work.

…To dream of beautiful apples usually signifies as a good omen. If you see apples among green foliage, but those are within your reach and are ready to be eaten, it suggests a long-awaited success announcement. To that you’re cutting the apples from the tree and eating them indicates that what you have long-hoped for it’s close to become a reality. By contrast, to dream about apples that are located on top of a tree beyond your reach suggests that your goals will still take some time to be achieved, so in the meantime, you must work hard. To dream about apples that are on the ground and worse if they are unripe or rotten, it suggests that your goals are not likely to be realized and therefore you must think and work on other plans or projects. Sometimes these types of dreams indicate losses, either due to your…

…Dreaming of medicine, if pleasant to the taste, a trouble will come to you, but in a short time it will work for your good | but if you take disgusting medicine, you will suffer a protracted illness or some deep sorrow or loss will overcome you. To give medicine to others, denotes that you will work to injure some one who trusted you….

…into paradise. The holy Ka’aba in a dream also represents the annual pilgrimage to Mecca, the gathering of believers, the local markets and the vicinity of the holy Mosque. If one sees that his own house has become the Ka’aba and people are seeking it and crowds are gathering at his door in a dream, it means that he will be endowed with wisdom, gain knowledge and act upon it, and that people will learn at his hand and follow his example. Performing some of the required rites at the holy Ka’aba in a dream also means that one may work for someone in authority, or serve a man of knowledge, a shaikh, a renunciate, one’s father, one’s mother, or it could mean that one has a master who demands clarity, true following and hard-work from his students and disciples. (Also see Circum- ambulation | Entering Paradise | Gutter of…