…To dream that you’re eating ham suggests a desire for pleasant walks, parties and a comfortable life. When a woman dreams that she’s cooking ham, it symbolizes a happy, calm, problem free and pleasant home, and that she’ll have good social relationships. To dream about abundance of hams, and worse if they are in their rotting process, it suggests that someone is trying to scam you. To dream that you’re cutting slices of ham suggests that you’ll finally have control over all resistance and obstacles that youre facing. To dream that you’re preparing a ham to start serving it to your guests suggests that you’ll receive attention from others. To dream that you’re trading or selling hams suggests upcoming prosperity and good health for you and your family. To dream about a ham’s roasting aroma suggests that soon you’ll be rewarded due to the intervention of others….
Dream dictionary: xxx free. video dream meanings
Dream of funeral symbolizes that in your life some situations will end. Dream of attending a funeral indicates that you want to finish some negative issues with someone. Dream of attending a funeral of a family member means you will try to separate from family relations and be free.
Dreaming that you are granted a US visa, has the symbolic significance of the state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority. US Visa in the dream also represents how you feel about the United States and what it means for you. As example, if the US stands for freedom, then being granted a visa from the US may demonstrate your life situation in which you experience some newly founded liberty. It may represent that you may be travelling through an unfamiliar area in order to learn about something.
If you became settle for something, then such dream shows the barriers you set up for yourself or others made it for you. Make sure you get rid of those obstacles and make some free time for yourself as it will make the work you do or the life you live more fulfilled.
…dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. If a philosopher or a fortuneteller sees himself transformed into a king in a dream, then it denotes glad tidings should he not complain about it in his dream. If a slave sees himself becoming a king in a dream, it means that he will be set free. If one sees himself becoming one of the great kings of this world in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly success in his life, though it will be accompanied with religious failure. If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the kingreprimandinghim in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before…
…If we are lying on the grass and enjoying, it’s a warning that we are wasting our lives in unnatural ways. It is a promise of hope and freedom. If the grass is dry it’s the dream of the defeated, the resigned, those who have given up on a natural and simple life. If we lie on fresh and fragrant grass and we realize that it’s medicinal herbs, it means hope for a free and natural life coupled with knowledge and wisdom….
…as a result of having neglected his duties and responsibilities. If someone dreams of himself as an actor (especially when this person is young), it means that hell have to work to survive, even if its not nice, you better work with enthusiasm and resignation. When a woman dreams of being married, engaged or making moves to a famous actor, reveals her imaginative mind, which means that she doesnt have her feet on the ground. Therefore, this is a dream that warns you that illusions dont get you anywhere. When a man dreams of himself having fun with a famous actress, it reveals that he longs for breaking free from some pressures, perhaps as a result of strained relationship with his wife (or girlfriend if hes not married), or a close relative (usually the mother, aunt, etc.), and it also means that this relationship becomes more strained every day….
…again in a dream, it means that he will reach it free from the ills of this world, its adversities and temptations. If he is not sick, then entering the realms of the hereafter means glad tidings, business success, a pilgrimage, ascetic detachment from this world, sincere devotion, acquiring knowledge, strengthening of one’s kinship or exercising patience toward a calamity which derives from one’s own sins. If one sees himself entering the abode of the hereafter to visit and see around, and should he be a person of good deeds and character who is a capable person and who acts upon his knowledge, it means that he will be without work or suffer from business losses. If he is scared of something, or if he is accused of something, or if he is under stress, it means that his fears will dissipate. Mostly, entering the abode of the hereafter in…
If you are the abandoned person or powerful people or our lover abandons us, it indicates the possibility of freeing from their area. If our mother abandons us, we will have material problems. If it is our father, it indicates our unwillingness to make our projects. When it comes to our spouse, it shows problems that are occurring because of us. If it is you who leaves then such dream foretells about the things such as what is scaring us and what we should change or what we must free ourselves from. In all other cases, there will always be problems and difficulties. In any case, there are dreams that tell us that something is wrong inside us, without responding to any external suffering, then we should go to the doctor, who will clarify if we are sick without knowing it.
…and losses due to lack of tranquility. Perhaps the dream shows that you tend to make rash decisions instead of thinking about them calmly. When you dreamed of abandoning your businesses, then such dream shows some important issues that will need to be dealt, otherwise you will face problems with important institutions. When you are dreaming that a family member or friend was abandoned on some ship or boat, then it indicates that complications in business or social relations will approach. in the event that the person on the boat escapes in some way and finally reaches the mainland, indicates that despite the problems that will arise this person will go free, and If there are going to be any losses, they will not be significant. When you dreamed that you were abandoned somewhere or in unknown location, then it indicates that moral punishment for ingratitude will be presented….
To be or to see Hercules, when you are dreaming, can be interpreted as symbolism of forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction. Hercules in the dream is sign of your aspiring individuality and ambitions to find complete freedom and immortality.
Dream of a male statue means youll have honor and glory. A female statue means fertility. To dream that a statue is walking near you means a big problem is coming. Seeing people you know as statues in a dream means a lack of communication with these people and that those relations are inflexible. On a more positive note, it may represent someone you idealize and admire. To dream that you are a statue means you are out of touch with reality. Seeing the Statue of Liberty in a dream means personal or cultural freedom. You have found your own independence and you are starting to live again. On the other hand, means a symbol of free enterprise and good condition.
If you dream about any kind of the vehicle, then such dream indicates your urge to travel. You wish to explore the world and to know different people. If you are traveling on your own, you wish to escape the life you live at the moment and become free as the bird.
To be triumphant in anything is a good dream, capable of being realized in real life, but you have to be aware that, for this to happen, you will have to make big efforts and go through many difficulties, because success is not free or easy to get. To dream about achievements in any aspects is a sign of real achievements in real life. When dreaming about success or triumph, failure is implied, according to the good or evil previously applied in real life. All actions have its reactions, thats why negativity and positivity emerge in human beings double nature. To dream about triumph after applying negative methods as violence or deception to gain material benefits, is a sign of temporary success that will lead to consequent problems.
…(Bond | Bondage | Harness | Shackles | Yoke of matrimony) In a dream, a yoke means benefits for most people except for people in bondage. In their case, seeing a yoke in a dream means harsher subjugation to their masters. If someone is suffering from bondage, or if a prisonor of war, or a political prisoner sees a broken yoke in a dream, it means that he will be set free. The wooden frame which is attached to the plough-iron or the colter in a dream means marriage, bearing children, or work. A yoke in a dream also represents the turning of circumstances against one’s liking, or meeting with obliging conditions….
…If we are left: If powerful people or our lover left us, it indicates the possibility to liberate ourselves from their influence. If our mother leaves us we will have economic problems. If it’s the father, it indicates our lack of will to realize our projects. When it’s our husband/wife it means there are some economic problems because of us. If it’s you who leaves someone: what we leave in this dream will indicate what or who torments us and what we must modify or what we must break free from. In every other case there will be problems and difficulties. In any case there are dreams in which our unconscious tells us something isn’t right inside us without reacting to any external suffering, and then we will go to the doctor who will clear up if we are ill without knowing it….
…Dreaming of seeking refuge in a convent, denotes that your future will be signally free from care and enemies, unless on entering the building you encounter a priest. If so, you will seek often and in vain for relief from worldly cares and mind worry. For a young girl Dreaming of seeing a convent, her virtue and honestly will be questioned….
To have interaction or to encounter or to see an elf, when you are dreaming, can have symbolic meaning of physical sensation of nervous unease. Elf is reference to some imbalance and disharmony in your life. The elf often serves as a guide of the soul. On the other hand, there can be different explanation, it can be interpreted as symbolism that you need to be more carefree, worry-free, and light-hearted.
…(Dried fruits | Fresh fruits) In a dream, a sweet tasting fruit represents blessings, knowledge or money. Even a sour tasting fruit means the same when it suits the taste of the person eating it in his dream. When a sour tasting fruit does not agree with the person’s taste in the dream, then it means unlawful earnings or aggravation of his illness. Eating or drinking any by-product that is made of fruit in a dream means debts or facing challenges in a foreign land. Seeing one’s most preferred fruit in a dream represent profits earned from one’s own sweat and such profits will equal the amount of efforts exerted to earn them. A large size fruit in a dream represents earnings that are not yet free from due alms. A fruit without seeds or hull in a dream represents success and lawful earnings. Eating fruits out of season…
When you dream about your hands and you see them being clenched, then such dream shows the suppressed anger you are suffering from. The hands that are not clenched, but opened ones represents the friendly side of your personality. If your hands are covered in blood, then such dream foretells about some situation you will feel bad about, because of your own fault. If someone has injured your hands, it means you should protect yourself from others, because you never know where your enemy is. If you have at least one hand that is not yours or is wooden one, then you do not feel yourself completely, therefore you have some parts on your body that is not yours. If your hands are tied, then it means you are not feeling free enough, there is a lack of freedom in your life.
When you dream of living in a motor home, then such dream offers you to go on with the consider s to some factors youre your waking life. Perhaps you stayed for too long on some situation or place and now its time to go ahead. On the other hand, you are willing to become free and independent.
Usually planes are dreamed by those who are about to have some vacation. The plane could also indicate your desire to escape your life and be free from all of the responsibilities and duties. The plane is also known as the symbol of your smooth work that gets done very quickly. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of plane crash.
…When a man dreams that someone that he loves is absent, it indicates big issues that need his attention, and if he is older, it indicates that he has too many things accumulated, or too many issues unaddressed. Anyone, who dreams of grieving for the absence of someone, probably has annoying situations with old friends; if you dream that someones absence (friend or relative) gives you joy, it announces that youll soon be free of those enemies that have been bothering you. If you dream that someone is traveling far away but will return soon, suggests that some issues that were apparently resolved are going to return. If you feel happy because someone is absent, it indicates the desire to get rid of enemies and difficult situations. If someone that is absent dies, it suggests the probability of an upcoming wedding. Any young person, who dreams of absent people,…
This dream denotes boundless resources of wealth, happiness and learning. It is a free presentiment of prosperity to all classes.
If you see a giant in your dreams maybe youre feeling little in some part of your life. If you are the giant, it will mean the opposite, although you will have to carefully analyze the feelings that accompany that dream. Some authors claim that dreaming about giants represent all that we must overcome to free ourselves and expand our personality.
Getting free from suspicion.
To run away from danger indicates luck. The kind of danger we run away from will tell us what we free ourselves from.
Dream of your mother represents the maternal side of your personality. Mothers provide protection, comfort, life, support and love. Some people may have problems to break free from their mothers and are looking for their own individuality and development. Having a specific conversation with your mother represents an issue that is concerning you and you dont know yet how to solve it. On the other hand reflects unsolved problems in the relationship with your mother in real life. Hearing to your mother calling you in a dream means you were negligent on duties and you will have concerns. Hearing your mother screaming in a dream denotes a certain disease or affliction.
(Under garment | Underpants) In a dream, a slip represents a free woman. A woman wearing an underwear slip in a dream denotes marriage. If she is wearing a flashy red slip in the dream, it means that she will be accused of wrongdoing. If a respectable woman adventures with her slip into the streets in a dream, it means that her misfortune will become the talk of the town.
The foot in dreams is known as the symbol of stability, but only if it is in a healthy condition. The foot that is broken, injured or hurt, signifies your desire to be more independent and free. On the other hand, the injured foot could represent the wrong path that you have chosen. To get more detailed dream interpretation about the foot please see the meaning of Feet.
To dream that you are using the tape, means that you want to make a special bound with someone particular, especially if you are the one who bought it. The tape could also mean that you feel too much of the attachment and wish to be free at some point of your life. Youre lacking of freedom.
…it means that the deceased person will become free from his burdens in the hereafter. Transport- ing dead people to the cemetery in a dream means that one is doing something right. If he transports them to the marketplace in a dream, it means that he needs something, or that his merchandise will be sold quickly. If one sees that a deceased person has returned to life in a dream, it means that one will recuperate something he considered it dead, or if he happens to be going through difficulties, it means that his adversities will dissipate. If a deceased person comes back to life in a dream, it also means that his progeny will benefit from something he left. If he looks beautiful, happy and well dressed in the dream, it means that such happiness will become the inheritance of his descendants. If one sees a deceased person busy,…
…Dreaming that you’re bleeding but youre not feeling pain, and you cant identify where the blood comes from, suggests that you long for breaking free from any annoying situation that prevents you from achieving what you have been trying to get for a long time. When the blood is abundant, then it means that the thing you crave for is very close, for example, succeeding in the affairs you have been handling. Dreaming of bloodstained clothes announce the presence of enemies that try to prevent that you succeed in the affairs or business that you are managing, therefore, you must be careful with your new friends and keep an eye on the old ones. Dreaming that you have blood on your hands announces a streak of bad luck if you are not careful with yourself or in the things youre handling. Dreaming of a wound that hurts and makes…
To see or use a harness in a dream, symbolizes controlled freedom. Also, it is an omen of deficiency to act free. Possibly you feel that you are being suppressed either by your own apprehension or by others. You need to explore more options in your life in order to act without restriction.
…(Splice | Entwine | Twine) To splice a rope or a thread, or to twist a rope around oneself, or to whorl it around a spindle, or to make a bobbin in a dream means undertaking a journey. If it comes out thin in the dream, then the outcome of one’s journey is meager. If the rope comes out thick and strong in the dream, it means that the outcome of one’s journey is beneficial. If the twisting of the rope or the thread is easy in the dream, it means that one’s endeavor is free from constraint. If one sees himself plucking the hair of his beard and twisting it like a rope in a dream, it means that he will receive a bribe to make a false testimony in court. Twisting a rope or a thread in a dream also could mean signing a contract, establishing a…
To dream that you are riding on a horse is interpreted as your desire to be free or your will to control someone.
…(Bewitch | Free | Gecko | Independent | Wall gecko | Witch) Seeing a lizard in a dream means greed, gluttony, or difference in opinion and taste. A lizard in a dream also represents a person who swindles people’s money. It also means a sickness, or it could represent a wicked, damned and abhorred person, or a lonesome person. Perhaps seeing a lizard in a dream may mean suspicious or tainted money, someone of an unknown lineage, a reincarnated or transformed person in the form of a lizard. Noting here that transformation of the human being into another creature in reality represents a divine punishment, though it may not last for more than three days. God knows best. (Also see Wall gecko | Monitor | Transformation)…
The floodlights shows that you wish to see things as clear as it is possible. You pay a lot of attention to one particular thing, person or situation that takes a lot of your free time. The floodlight that burns out signifies that you will be out of sight and wont know how to deal or escape the particular situation.
…A man to dream he takes a wife shows prosperity. To see her die, that he’ll be free from adversity….
Indicates that you will know how to free yourself from ties which make your existence difficult.