…(Darkness | Heedlessness | Ignorance) In a dream, a moonless night represents lack of work, stagnation, or losing one’s job. If one sees the whole world in the dark and the moon is still radiant in the skies in a dream, it means that the governor will temporarily relinquish his entire duties to his chief minister or secretary, and that thieves and robbers will cluster around them for business. If one then sees the daylight in his dream, it means that such an adversity will pass. If people are under siege in the dream and the daylight dawns after a long dark night in a dream, it means that their siege will be lifted. If people are suffering from high prices and someone sees that dream, it means that prices will go back to normal. If they are suffering from tyranny, it too will pass. The night in a…

…Dreaming that you’re in front of a theater and you’re trying to get in, but there are too many obstacles or it’s dark, insinuates that those same obstacles will present themselves in the matters you’re handling in life. On the other hand, if it’s well-lit and the doors are open, the meaning is the opposite, that represents future success and joy. Dreaming of yourself exiting a theater insinuates that you’ll soon suffer disappointments and sorrows. Dreaming that you’re inside a theater witnessing a performance insinuates that you’ll soon receive good news in company of family and friends. Dreaming of yourself backstage may mean that you’ll receive certain confidences, perhaps unpleasant ones. Dreaming of yourself inside a theater, being excited because of the play you’re watching, insinuates that you’re wasting energies in inconsequential pleasures. Dreaming of yourself inside a theater that catches on fire, or in which some kind of…

…(Teenage girl) A young girl in a dream represents an enemy however she may look. Seeing a well dressed and pleasingly adorned young woman in a dream means hearing pleasing news coming from an unexpected person. Seeing a young and a beautiful looking female servant in a dream means blessings, a favor, joy and festivities. In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one. The strongest in meaning are those teenage girls who are presentable, well mannered and beautifully dressed. If she is seen dressed with modesty in the dream, then she represents goodness, chastity, discreteness, and following the correct religious conduct. If she adorns herself and plays up her charms in the dream, then such goodness will be public. If a young girl sees herself as an old woman in a dream, it means that she will live with modesty and…

…(Teenage boy) An unknown young man in a dream represents an enemy. If the young man is known in the dream, then whatever strength, harshness, weaknesses, deceit, perfidy, or character he displays, they denote the same character in wakefulness. Walking behind an unknown young man in a dream means pursuing one’s enemy and conquering him. If one meets an unknown young man whom he dislikes in a dream, it means that such an enemy will surface and people will abhor him. If one happens to like him in the dream, then it means that he will face an enemy whom most people like and sympathize with. If a young man sees himself turned into an old person in a dream, it means that he will suffer major losses in his life. A young man or a teenager in a dream mostly represents an enemy, for a teenager rarely respects…

…(Bond | Bondage | Harness | Shackles | Yoke of matrimony) In a dream, a yoke means benefits for most people except for people in bondage. In their case, seeing a yoke in a dream means harsher subjugation to their masters. If someone is suffering from bondage, or if a prisonor of war, or a political prisoner sees a broken yoke in a dream, it means that he will be set free. The wooden frame which is attached to the plough-iron or the colter in a dream means marriage, bearing children, or work. A yoke in a dream also represents the turning of circumstances against one’s liking, or meeting with obliging conditions….

…means that what he is asking for will materialize, though after some hardships and adversities. If one does not complete his ‘Asr prayers in a dream, it means that what he is asking for may not take place. If one sees himself performing the sunset prayers, known in Arabic as Maghrib in a dream, it means that what he is seeking has reachd its term. If one completes his Maghrib prayers in the dream, it means that he will get what his heart desires. As for the night prayer, known in Arabic as ‘Isha. If one sees himself performing his Tsha prayers in a dream, it means that he will complete his work and get what he wants, or it could mean the end of his life, following which , one usu ally attends to his resting time, which is similar to death. If one sees himself performing the daybreak…

…(See Stars) To dream of a clear beautiful night when the stars are shining, indicates that you will have a long and happy life and be very successful in all your undertakings. To dream you are courting jour sweetheart on such a night shows that she is true to you. To dream of a cloudy night portends disasters in business, and to dream of a stormy night indicates sickness. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 5, 19….

Hearing a nickname in your dream, represents your feelings and memories of the person to who that nickname is referred. If the nickname is not familiar, then it may be a pun or a metaphor. To dream that someone is calling you by a nickname suggests you are trying to change how you and others see you.

To dream of being in the nightclub indicates your happy appearance. You will have much joy and celebrations, however you should be careful, because the celebration is happening during the night. The nightclub is also a place of the sins where people get drunk or have one night stands.

…To dream of seeing sleek and healthy cattle yoked-together and acting in harmony, is a sign of a happy marriage: if a girl dreams this, she will be apt to put her own neck in Hymen’s yoke before a great while. To imagine you see yoked cattle wrangling, and trying to get their necks out of the yoke, foretells matrimonial troubles, though it still denotes wedlock to the unmarried. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 6, 11….

To dream of the nightingale is the forerunner of fire or thieves by night. If unmarried, a sweet good tempered lover. For a married woman to dream she hears this sweet warbler sing, she will have children who will have the gift of singing, but will be in the habit of staying up late at night.

…(The night in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.) Seeing and experiencing the night of power in a dream means that one’s wish will come true, even if one desired a kingdom or a great treasure. The same interpretation applies for seeing a celebration of the night of the Nocturnal Journey during which the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, ascended to the heavens to meet his Lord. The same interpretation is given to seeing the Friday eve in one’s dream….

The positive aspect of the evening is represented by the presence of the moon, with it the night loses its danger. Though often we have dreams at night that are negative, real nightmares where are reflected all our fears, hesitations, fears, dangers and sorrows. If a dream of the night is repeated constantly that reveals a marked inferiority complex.

To dream that you are in the night and things are happening during this time of the day, then it means that there are certain things you do not understand and willing to avoid them. The night is also a symbol of mysterious people that come into your life. Consider that the night could represent you as the individual that likes to keep the secrets to himself.

…Dreaming that some of your hair turns gray and falls, it indicates troubles and even health problems and diseases. Dreaming that you start getting gray hairs indicates joy, pleasure and even fortune for all of your future life. Dreaming that you see tangled, messy, uncombed hair, it indicates upcoming difficulties in your marriage or with family and friends. Dreaming that your own hair is weakening indicates the death of someone close to you; it can be a relative or a friend. Dreaming that your hair grows soft, nice and rich, announces significant success and happiness, but this shouldn’t be interpreted in a strictly economic sense. Dreaming that you get your hair cut really short, close to the scalp, indicates excessive generosity towards a friendship that can end up badly. Dreaming that someone cuts your hair indicates various problems and difficulties in the immediate future. Dreaming of flowers as if…

The embryo in dreams could represent the desire to get pregnant the dreamer has. Maybe you are ready to take the responsibility to become a parent? It is a very common dream for the women who are expecting the child to dream about the embryo, which is only a reflection of reality and means nothing. The embryo could also symbolize new tasks and ideas.

…Dreaming of seeing a yoke, denotes that you will unwillingly conform to the customs and wishes of others. To yoke oxen in your dreams, signifies that your judgment and counsels will be accepted submissively by those dependent upon you. To fail to yoke them, you will be anxious over some prodigal friend….

To dream about young people suggests that your family difficulties will soon disappear, allowing you to make new plans. If you feel young in a dream when you no longer are, it suggests a self-reproach because you haven’t properly seized opportunities, as well as it may suggest your desire to correct mistakes. When a mother dreams about her son as a child (who is now an adult), it generally suggests that success and prosperity is near for both her and the child. When a mother dreams that her young son is dying, it suggests that her affairs are going the wrong way and that she may be experiencing a delicate health situation.

…Dreaming of seeing young people, is a prognostication of reconciliation of family disagreements and favorable times for planning new enterprises. Dreaming that you are young again, foretells that you will make mighty efforts to recall lost opportunities, but will nevertheless fail. For a mother to see her son an infant or small child again, foretells that old wounds will be healed and she will take on her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child seems to be dying, she will fall into ill fortune and misery will attend her. To see the young in school, foretells that prosperity and usefulness will envelope you with favors….

(Avariciousness | Covetousness | Greed | Niggardliness) In a dream, niggardliness means committing a sin.

…To dream about a dark night suggests some major obstacles to achieve your goals. There are some tough issues in your life that aren’t very clear. You must put them aside to clear your mind. Alternatively, night is synonymous of death, rebirth and new beginnings….

…To dream of your niece, has the symbolic significance of self-knowledge which needs larger expansion. Niece in the dream also represents your qualities that are not explored. Also these qualities can be used not enough. Think about yourself: Is there in you some aspect that you need to acknowledge or recognize?…

…Standing as a night guard in a dream means obeying God’s commands and following the avenues of righteousness. If a sick person sees himself returning from his night guard shift in a dream, it means that he will recover from his illness….

If you dream about eating the macaroni, then such dream signifies the minor losses the one will suffer. The macaroni could also indicate the hunger you are suffering from. Maybe you didn’t have diner before you went to bed?

…In a dream, a nightingale represents a wealthy man or a wealthy woman. It is also interpreted as having a son in his early childhood who recites the holy Qur’an beautifully. If one sees himself as a nightingale in a dream, it means that he depends on his assistant to provide professional advice, wisdom and good management of his business….

Having nightmares of any kind is usually a reflection of a health problem, and in many cases it’s due to indigestion due to eating too much. Nightmares that have hideous monsters (when it’s not a health problem) suggest that situations, which are difficult to control, are approaching. If a woman has these kinds of dreams, it indicates that soon she will have setbacks, and problems with family and friends.

…If you are surrounded by night in your dreams, you may expect unusual oppression and hardships in business. If the night seems to be vanishing, conditions which hitherto seemed unfavorable will now grow bright, and affairs will assume prosperous phases. See Darkness….

To dream that you are eating macaroni denotes small losses. To see the macaroni in large quantities means that you’re economizing your need to be frugal and saving money.

The night light is interpreted as the symbol of hope, ability to see and clarity. If you see the lights in the night, it means you haven’t lost the hope for something.

If you dream of being in the night and not seeing things clearly, then it means that you are trying to cover some of the things in your waking life. Perhaps you are the person who often closes his eyes and pretends that nothing is happening around you. The dream could also show that you are a very negative person who doesn’t believe in good things and mostly thinks about things in a negative way. The night could also show the tranquillity of your mind and peacefulness.

Dreaming about an embryo signifies the appearance of a new idea or new plan. Also, your subconscious feelings may be surfacing your conscious mind. Alternatively, it may refer to your feelings of vulnerability and your need to be defended. However if you are pregnant, it is reasonably common to see the embryo in your dream.

…Dreaming of a fig tree indicates abundance in many ways, especially of food. Dreaming of a beautiful green forest is a good sign, and if there are plenty of white or colored birds is much better because it indicates a successful end to the affairs you’re handling. But if you dream of plenty of dark or black birds, it indicates that someone envies the good fortune of the dreamer. Dreaming of admiring the beautiful foliage of a forest indicates deep satisfaction and appreciation for what has been achieved in life, which is like giving thanks to God, but in this case directly with the soul and without saying empty words. Among artists or intellectuals, dreaming of a beautiful forest indicates getting additional acknowledgement. Dreaming of just one green, leafy tree that is flowering indicates health and wellbeing. But if the tree seems like alone or abandoned, wilted or with…

…If an old or middle aged person dreams that they are young, it foretells their death: for a young person to dream that he or she is a child, the omen is similar; but to dream of youths, is a sign that you will live to a great age. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 69, 4….

…If we are young and we dream of ourselves elderly that reflects we still have a lot to lie and perform in our lives. If we are mature or elderly and we dream that we are much younger it’s a sign that we feel we are still young and we still have plans and ambitions to achieve. The old man dreaming of being old means that he feels finished, has lost the illusion and the need to continue living….

If one dreams about eating egg yolk, then it is usually a sign of misfortune, unless the dreamer changes his current way of life. If, during the dream, the yolk spreads out, then it tends to be a clear announcement of upcoming professional or academic successes.

…When you are practicing yoga or watching others who are practicing yoga in a dream, then it is a clear sign that the dreamer’s decision making capability will need respect and discipline. It is usually a signal that shows – if things are done well, one will be recognized, appreciated, and esteemed….

To dream that you became young again, means that you are longing for the old days. It could also show that you are regretting the things that happened in the past. To see your children being young, means that you are worrying about them too much and wish to protect because of some matter. For parents it is a very common dream, especially if the children are already adults.

To dream of young persons represents enjoyment. If you are young, it represents your sickness. You may die quickly.

…I have often dreamed complete tales, and, oddly enough, the scene of my tale-dream is, more often than not, in Hyde Park. I append the following by way of illustration. I dreamed it was a wet night, and that I saw, sitting alone on a seat in Hyde Park, with the rain falling mercilessly on her head and shoulders, and forming a large puddle in her lap, a woman — a silent, white-faced woman, that might well have passed for a corpse, or for a typical phantasm of the dead. I was so struck with the sight that I involuntarily stopped, and, advancing towards her, enquired if she were ill.The sound of my voice made her start, and, shaking the water from her dress with a dull, mechanical movement, she said reproachfully, ”Why can’t folks let me alone? You are the third who has spoken to me within the…

…Dreaming of eating macaroni, denotes small losses. To see it in large quantities, denotes that you will save money by the strictest economy. For a young woman, this dream means that a stranger will enter her life….