Your success depends on the outcome of the fight.

…Dreaming about a closed cash register and no one around to operate it indicates that nothing can be foreseen in the immediate future which means that everything is on hold around the dreamer. Dreaming about a functioning cash register full of money indicates that soon there will be good business and profits. On the other hand, if the cash register appears without money, then the opposite will occur. If during the dream there’s a person operating the cash register, it indicates that soon the dreamer will receive help. Dreaming about opening regular boxes indicates that the dreamer has a lot of interest in his work. If valuable objects appear in these boxes it indicates success in the immediate future. But if the box is empty, it indicates failures and difficulties. If the box appears with feces or manure or litter, it means that certain businesses might not be very…

…To dream that you’re an equilibrist and that you’re walking on a tightrope symbolizes that you’ll soon experience up and downs in your affairs, but in the end you’ll succeed. To dream that others are limply walking on such rope suggests that the dreamer will result benefited from others’ mistakes. To dream that you’re jumping rope, the way boxers do, suggests that you like the extravagant and sensational, no matter the risks….

…Opening a goods box in your dream, signifies untold wealth and that delightful journeys to distant places may be made with happy results. If the box is empty disappointment in works of all kinds will follow. To see full money boxes, augurs cessation from business cares and a pleasant retirement….

To dream of losing money denotes losses in business. To find money, if gold, or large bank bills, is a good omen, and signifies success in all your undertakings; but to dream you find small silver or copper coin foretells a discovery made too late to be of any benefit to you. To dream you are melting or see money melted or bank bills burned, presages disappointment in some cherished design. To dream you throw money away foretells chagrin and want. To dream you change money foretells inconstancy in a lover or sweetheart. To dream you have money given or paid to you, implies success in love affairs, and much domestic happiness. To dream of counterfeit money is a bad omen, and foretells quarrels, sickness, and secret enemies; it also presages domestic unhappiness. To dream of money in bags or boxes, also denotes misfortune of some kind.

…To dream of boring many ears denotes obedience and readiness; to dream of cleansing them, good news; of having your ears boxed, ill news; of having large ears, prosperity and honour; of being hurt or slit, offence and treachery; of loss of ears, loss of friendship; of loss of hearing, betrayal of secrets; and to a woman, ruin. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 19….

…a door lock indicates that it is not the time yet to achieve whatever is desired. But if the dreamer is able to quickly find the keys then there will be success soon regarding business and relationships. Dreaming of damaged or broken keys or that the dreamer has lost the keys is negative, it implies that soon there will be family or business problems. A woman that dreams of losing the keys of trunks, jewelry boxes, etc., suggests that there will be upcoming difficulties at home or sentimental problems. A woman who dreams of a key attached to a door’s lock and it appears to be open, means that the woman wants the presence of someone. Dreaming of looking through the keyhole of a lock indicates the dreamer’s own indiscretion which can lead to unpleasant situations. Dreaming of people who are peering through the keyhole suggests that there are hypocrites…

…in which I found myself, was at least three times the size of any I had hitherto seen. It was already full of white-faced people, who, sitting and lying among innumerable boxes in, apparently, the most uncomfortable postures, were fast asleep and snoring — snoring to the most fantastic and taking of tunes I have ever heard. My not having a ticket greatly perturbed me. I expected every moment the collector would put in an appearance and make a scene, and, sure enough, in accordance with my forebodings, in he came, accompanied by the guard, engine-driver; foreman, and half-a-dozen other officials, who, rushing on me with livid faces and flashing eyes; were about to annihilate me altogether when a tremendous hubbub on the line attracted the attention of one and all, and a most extraordinary spectacle presented itself to our gaze. Exactly opposite our compartment was a monstrous green engine…

…— sitting in the front row of the stalls, gazing at the stage, which, like the entire auditorium, was bathed in funereal gloom. Presently a hollow sounding clock boomed twelve, and, ere the last notes had died away, the orchestra filled with vast formless things that, seating themselves, evidently in their accustomed places, at the signal of their conductor beat their spectral palms frantically together. On to the stage from either wing there then wriggled and writhed in ghastly imitation of worms, shapes which suggested more than I dare to name — and which I shrank from analysing. And whilst they were in the midst of their hateful evolutions, a cloud of arrows suddenly burst upon them, and, on looking round, I saw, to my terror, that boxes, circles, and gallery were filled with huntsmen, who now levelled their bows at me. A thousand burning pains rushed through my body,…

…motor-‘bus to Park Lane. I had no difficulty in finding the lady’s house, and, entering the front door with the key she gave me, I crept upstairs to her bedroom.”No one was about, I couldn’t even detect” the sound of distant voices, and the house bore every appearance of being deserted.”The room I entered was large, and furnished most luxuriously. On the duchess-table, facing the brightly polished French bed, was a gorgeous array of silver-backed brushes, trinket boxes, hand- glasses, manicuring instruments, powder jars, and heaps of other costly articles, including several very valuable rings and bracelets, which were thrown about with the utmost carelessness; and a strong smell of some subtle scent pervaded the whole apartment. Connected with the room, by means of a door to the right of the dressing-table, was a dressing-room, where the master of the house usually slept. I did not enter it, as the…