…are no benefits in that climbing in the dream, for there are no benefits without hardships. If at the end of his climbing one thanks God Almighty for what he has reached in the dream, it means that he will become a just ruler. If he calls to prayers on the top of a mountain or performs his prayers thereat in the dream, it means that he will be appointed to govern. If one sees himself descending a mountain in a dream, it means loss of rank, business losses, or regret. If one is accompanied with his king and soldiers in a dream, it means that he is in the company of God Almighty and that of His angels, therefore, he shall be victorious, whereby, he can win a war, conquer an enemy, or renounces his attachment to the world. If climbing a mountain with difficulty means distress, then descending…

…borne at a terrific speed through every description of varied scenery, in a country that was entirely new to me. I saw bare mountains rising to a prodigious height; wide plains where never a blade of grass grew; great sweeps of prairie alive with every kind of vegetable life; slow rivers, narrow rapid streams, and cataracts of hellish fury; forests of pines, moaning as in a hurricane; trees with strange faces like living things; woods full of flowers and peopled by maidens of exquisite beauty; meadows bathed in sunlight; and lofty cities built of coloured marble.And I was borne past all these and set down at the entrance to a sombre city, whose black and silent streets re-echoed to my footsteps. Cold with fear, — for every building I saw was black, and destitute of any sign of life, whilst overhead the blue sky had turned to an intense grey…

…would turn over a new leaf and live like respectable people. But what we wanted was five hundred pounds. If we had that sum we could retire to the country and run a farm. Jim liked an outdoor life, and I loved animals, so we thought a farm would suit us down to the ground.”Well, it was my turn first. Biding my time I, at last, saw a safe opportunity. I mingled with a crowd of well-dressed ladies at a benevolent bazaar in the West End, and came home with five nice fat purses — close on a hundred and fifty pounds in hard cash. Not bad, was it? I banked the money, and Jim, being a man of honour, told me that would do, and that I must now definitely retire on my laurels — a feat which he hoped soon to accomplish himself.One day Jim came to me…

…motionless. There was then a great stir and the crowd, moving away, bore me with them through innumerable streets — streets that, narrow and winding, and crossing each other irregularly in all directions, were in reality alleys. The houses in them were fantastically picturesque. At all the windows stood, or leaned, men, and women, and queer looking things for which I can find no suitable name — they were part human and part animal — and all shouted, and yelled, and gesticulated, regardless of sense and order. At last, when the confusion had reached a climax, the crowd, again obeying some secret order, dived up another street, and the most deathlike hush ensued. Then, from far away in the distance, came the pattering of many soft-clad feet, and a long procession filed past me — knights in armour on richly caparisoned horses, standard bearers, palanquins, litters with fair-haired ladies, men-at-arms,…

…(Adultery | Coitus | Fornication | Hugging | Instinct | Lesbian | Molesting | Sexual drive | Sleeping together, Sodomy | Tribadism) If a man sees himself having sexual intercourse with another man in a dream, it means that both of them have lost their moral dedication, that have become aimless, turned stingy toward their own dependents and generous toward others. It also means loss of one’s capital, or divorcing one’s wife. If a poor person sees such a dream, it means that he will fall sick, or attract an incurable disease. To have sexual intercourse with a male in a dream also means falling into sin, committing the unlawful, or engaging in sexual intercourse with a female member of one’s own family, a blood relation, or a consanguineous person whom one is forbidden to marry. Molesting a child in a dream means suffering from a great affliction. Fornication…

…In a dream, death signifies religious failure, corruption and rising in status in the world. This interpretation applies if one is carried on a bier or on a litter and his funeral is accompanied with crying and lamentation except if he is buried in the dream. If one witnesses his own burial in the dream, then it means that his case is hopeless and that he will be seized by the world. One’s followers or assisting entourage will be as many as those who walk in his funeral in the dream. However, he will conquer people and ride over their shoulders. If one dies in his dream but does not have the look of dead people and there is no crying over his death or a funeral in the dream, it means that one of his properties will be torn down, or that a room in his house will…

…dream also denotes exposing hidden secrets. If a philosopher or a fortuneteller sees himself transformed into a king in a dream, then it denotes glad tidings should he not complain about it in his dream. If a slave sees himself becoming a king in a dream, it means that he will be set free. If one sees himself becoming one of the great kings of this world in a dream, it means that he will attain worldly success in his life, though it will be accompanied with religious failure. If the person is a natural con artist, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned. If a man sees himself awarded a knighthood that is suitable only for woman, then it means his death. If one sees the kingreprimandinghim in a dream, it means peace between them. If one sees himself arguing a case with knowledge and wisdom before…

…the weathercock ejaculated sternly. A drunkard! He drinks every drop of rain that falls on the tiles!” “The beast!’ all the cowls and chimney-pots” shouted. ‘The beast! Let us hope that he is suffering.’”Have no fear on that account,’ Moses replied; he is connected with the kitchen range, and I have given the chef strict orders to cook a forty-course dinner every night!’”And can’t I have even one drop of gravy?”I groaned.”Not a drop,’ growled the weathercock, ‘for the dinners are damned, and so are you!’ — Which so frightened me,” added the Salvationist, “that I awoke, and from that very day to this have never tasted a thimbleful of alcohol.”Another Salvationist, who attracted my attention by the vigorous manner in which he pounded the drum, informed me he owed the fact of his now being saved — and he seemed to regard it as a very sure fact —…

Dreaming of climbing a mountain is a good dream, and it indicates self-improvement with probabilities of success. But if the dreamer fails in his attempt of going up the mountain and falls, then it indicates the opposite. When a young woman dreams of climbing a mountain in company of a male relative, it suggests that she will be the victim of gossip and slander. However, if she seems tired and she refuses the man’s help or other people’s help, it indicates that in real life she’ll waste the opportunity of self-improvement. Dreaming of climbing a mountain covered with lush vegetation is a symbol that there will be improvement in matters that are being handled. But if the mountain is rugged, without any vegetation, and the dreamer does not get to the summit, then it indicates that the dreamer must work hard to achieve his or her goals.

…(Sea Life | Human being) In a dream, if their number is known, fish represent women, but if their number is not known, then they represent money from a doubtful source. If one sees a fish colony gathering at seabed, where he is fishing, bringing them up and eating them raw as he pleases, or if he places them into baskets and divides them into lots in the dream, it means that he will prosper and invest his wealth in different ventures and savings plans. A whale in a dream represents the minister of sea life, while the sea itself represents the king or the country. A whale in a pond with his jaws opened in a dream represents a prison. A large fish colony in a dream represents despised earnings, or earning a large amount money one is accountable for its expenditure. Fishing in a well means homosexuality,…

…Murderers, I understand, often re-enact their crimes in their sleep, and have not infrequently been caught owing to their inability to avoid visiting the scene of the tragedy, which has been depicted with such fascinating vividness in their dreams. One murderer, I was told, the day before he was hanged, dreamed he was married and that his bride was the person he had so barbarously murdered for a few shillings.Though murderers often do have very harrowing dreams the night before their execution, this is by no means invariably the case, as I have heard instances of murderers, on the eve of execution, having enjoyed a sleep in every respect as sound and tranquil as the sleep of the just.T. Charley, in his News from the Invisible World, quotes the following extraordinary instances of warnings of murder in dreams, taken from a work entitled Records of my Life, by John…

…dead tree in a dream represents guidance and wealth, for it is a source of fuel. Sittingunder the shade of a tree along with a group of people, praising and glorifying God’s attributes in a dream means receiving God’s blessings in this world and in the hereafter. Seeing the heavenly Tuba tree in a dream means a good end, or living an ascetic life, or it could mean helping others. Seeing mountain trees in a dream means performing supererogatory devotion, work, or receiving unexpected profits. A palm tree in a dream represents a good word and a true one. It also represents Muslims’ testimony of faith – ‘There is no God except Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.’ Seeing a garlic tree, or an onion plant, or a perennial vine of the gourd family, or the colocynth tree (Citrullus colocynthis | bot.) in a dream means hearing harsh words…

…(Celestial beings | Heavenly beings) If one sees the heavenly angels (arb. Mala’ika) coming before him to congratulate him in a dream, it means that God Almighty has forgiven that person his sins and endowed him with patience, through which he will attain success in this life and in the hereafter. If one sees the heavenly angels greeting him or giving him something in the dream, it means that his insight will grow, or that he maybe martyrized. If one sees angels descending upon a locality that is raging with a war in a dream, it means that the dwellers of that place will win victory. If the people are suffering from adversities, it means that their calamities will be lifted. Flying with angels or visiting the heavens in their company in a dream may mean that one will die in the station of a martyr and receive God’s…

…the sky of good or bad may represent the government and the hardships it inflicts upon the people, or the benefits it may bring them. Climbing to the sky with a rope, a ladder, or using a staircase in a dream means exaltation, rising in station, good luck and support. If one climbs without a common medium in a dream, it means fear and arrogance. If his intention in climbing is to spy on others in the dream, it means that he may work as a spy. If one descends safely from the sky in the dream, it means that he will escape and be spared the consequences of his sin. If he falls and breaks or fractures a bone or so in the dream, it means that he may suffer such accident in wakefulness. If a sick person sees himself climbing to the sky, and if he does not…

ladies fainted. Utterly unable to conceive what I had done, I was about to sneak away as fast as I could, when the verger suddenly tapped me on the shoulder and, in a stage whisper, said, “I beg pardon, sir, I don’t want to say anything disrespectful, but what has become of your clothes ? You had them on right enough a moment ago”. To my unmitigated dismay, I now perceived that what the verger said was only too true — my clothes, had been taken from me; I was absolutely and shamelessly nude. With a howl of anguish, I dropped the bag and awoke.Immediately after each of these dreams I experienced unexpected success in my work.From what I have been told, I conclude that it is the more prudish and ostentatiously pious people who are the more often subjected to this kind of dream. I remember once travelling on…

…in which I found myself, was at least three times the size of any I had hitherto seen. It was already full of white-faced people, who, sitting and lying among innumerable boxes in, apparently, the most uncomfortable postures, were fast asleep and snoring — snoring to the most fantastic and taking of tunes I have ever heard. My not having a ticket greatly perturbed me. I expected every moment the collector would put in an appearance and make a scene, and, sure enough, in accordance with my forebodings, in he came, accompanied by the guard, engine-driver; foreman, and half-a-dozen other officials, who, rushing on me with livid faces and flashing eyes; were about to annihilate me altogether when a tremendous hubbub on the line attracted the attention of one and all, and a most extraordinary spectacle presented itself to our gaze. Exactly opposite our compartment was a monstrous green engine…

…This dream usually has different meanings depending on with whom you sleep. Dreaming that you sleep with a person of the opposite sex can mean an obstacle to achieve you goals. If you dream that you sleep with someone of the same sex, it may indicate setbacks. If you sleep with an ugly man, it indicates disease; if on the other hand, you sleep with a handsome man, it indicates disappointment. Sleeping with an ugly woman means death, but sleeping with a beautiful woman indicates betrayal. Sleeping with a former spouse indicates bad news, but sleeping with your current wife or husband indicates joy. Sleeping with your mother indicates security in business. Having sex with your own daughter means scandal, and if you dream you sleep with your sister, it can indicate a close trip. Dreaming that you have sex with prostitute portends permanent fortune….

…(A RECAPITULATION) The dreams in which one flies from one scene to another with breathless rapidity, and all the characters are bewilderingly mixed and everything is hopelessly incongruous, though apparently very meaningless, often contain many significant features.To quote an illustration: A certain Doctor Eastlake dreamed he was cycling through Hyde Park one very sunny morning, when a servant-maid, dressed all in pink and yellow, shot a perambulator straight in front of him, and he was thrown head over heels in the air; but instead of alighting on the ground, he found himself running about in a cage at the Zoo without anything on. Then, just as his mother-in-law, her face green with fury, advanced on him with uplifted parasol, the scene changed, and he was picking up sovereigns in the street as fast as he could. One of the coins, as he was about to pop it into his…

…It is by no means uncommon to dream of the dead, and as a rule such dreams are of little or no significance. There are, however, exceptions, as, for example, dreams which are extraordinarily vivid and in which the dead appear with some specific purpose; and in these cases I fancy projections take place, and the immaterial body of the sleeper meets the phantasm of the dead on the super physical plane.For the following illustration of this kind of dream I am again indebted to News from theInvisible World. The events in the story, I am about to quote, happened about seventy years ago in the south of Scotland.”Mr. Reid, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in the Vale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, the accumulated arrears of tithes, for which he was said to be indebted to a noble family, the lay proprietors.”Mr….

Climbing a mountain, enjoying its vegetations and drink- ing from its fresh and sweet water in a dream means sheltering one’s chastity in the company of one’s wife. (Also see Kfiimar | Veil)…

…there were legions — to swarthy Dagos and bullet -headed negroes, vied with one another in their mad efforts to escape the falling bricks and burning timber. In trying to elude one death men only courted another, and the dreamer saw scores of human beings who leaped from burning buildings, only to be dashed to pieces on the cruel stone pavements. Nor was the heroic element wanting, for many men and women perished in their efforts to rescue the infirm and sick, and to help those to escape, who were either too old or too young to help themselves. For some time, the dreamer was merely a spectator, but very suddenly, and by some inconceivable impulse, she became imbued with personal interest in what was going on, and, labouring under the impression that her home and family were in danger, fought her way to get to them. The city was…

…If you dream of seeing or riding a white horse, the indications are favorable for prosperity and pleasurable commingling with congenial friends and fair women. If the white horse is soiled and lean, your confidence will be betrayed by a jealous friend or a woman. If the horse is black, you will be successful in your fortune, but you will practice deception, and will be guilty of assignations. To a woman, this dream denotes that her husband is unfaithful. Dreaming of dark horses, signifies prosperous conditions, but a large amount of discontent. Fleeting pleasures usually follow this dream. To see yourself riding a fine bay horse, denotes a rise in fortune and gratification of passion. For a woman, it foretells a yielding to importunate advances. She will enjoy material things. To ride or see passing horses, denotes ease and comfort. To ride a runaway horse, your interests will be…

…(Color | Expose | Hair | Henna | Hide | Gray hair) Applying henna or a dye to one’s hair or hands in a dream represents a pharmacist, celebrations, glad tidings, tenderness, or it could mean compassion. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also means veiling or protecting one’s personal life and that of others. To dye the gray hair of one’s beard in a dream means ostentatiousness and adorning one’s merchandise or deeds to make them look better than reality. Dyeing one’s hair in a dream also connotes a display of blessings and favors, or it could mean dictating one’s conditions to his enemy, if the person is in such position. However, if not, it means difficulties, aggravation, distress, debts or dropping off one’s ties with those who love him. Interpreting woman’s dyeing of her hair in a dream is the same as that of a man. To…

…(Communication | Communion | Invocations | Prayers | arb. Salat) To see oneself performing one’s obligatory prayers {arb. Fardh) in a dream means receiving a high ranking appointment, spiritual advancement, leadership, presiding over people, delivering a message, performing a duty, paying dues, turning over one’s trust or satisfying obligatory deeds and enjoying peace. If one sees himself in a dream performing one of the five obligatory prayers on time, having performed the proper ablution and correctly completed its obeisance of the proper standing, bowing and prostrating postures, standing with reverence and piety and facing the Ka’aba, it means that he will perform a religious duty or attend the annual pilgrimage in Mecca. It also means that he will extricate himself from an unjust deed he fell into and repent, or it could mean eschewing evil. Performing the divinely ordained prayers in dream also means loyalty to one’s promise, employment…

…I believe there are people who dream the same dreams repeatedly, even down to the most minor details. One of the dreams I am continually dreaming is as follows: I am walking along the sea-front of some popular watering-place, which, judging by the style of houses and appearance of the people, I should say was abroad. The sun is shining, the sea exquisitely blue; whilst, to enhance the beauty of nature, a band is playing, and playing remarkably well, some gay operatic music. What I see, what I feel, what I think, has about it nothing of the unmistakeable idiosyncrasy of a dream, but all is rigorously self -consistent. I am enjoying myself to the utmost, when, on turning round, I perceive behind me a tramp — a man with a shock head of red hair, and features that are ineffaceably stamped on my memory. He is a blight,…

…Dreaming of yourself as a mountaineering or alpinist that’s climbing difficult slopes, and that reaches the mountain top in the end, means that you’re fully capable of getting through any obstacle and that you’ll achieve success soon; nevertheless, if the top is not reached in the dream, the meaning could be the contrary. Dreaming of yourself climbing a stepladder until you get to the top indicates success in the businesses you’re handling. But if for any reason you don’t manage to get to the top, or if the ladder breaks, this indicates the opposite and risks will be higher. When you are dreaming that you fall as you’re climbing, the setbacks and failures in your life will be as big as the fall. Seeing yourself climbing during a dream is a sign of your own will to find the right solutions to the tasks that must be completed. The…

…(Climbing | Rising) To see oneself ascending in the skies in a dream means falling in rank, or it could mean oppressing oneself. If one sees himself ascending in the skies until he reaches the stars, merges with them and if he becomes a star in the dream, it means that he will receive titles and powers. If one sees himself ascending a mountain it means depression, stress and travels. However, rising in a dream means elevation of status, and descending means a backslide. If one sees himself walking up a steep road in a dream, it means rising in status, but involving toiling and hardships. If one sees himself climbing a mountain, then the mountain in a dream is interpreted as one’s goal. Thus, one’s dream may mean attaining one’s goal as far as he reaches in his climb. In dream interpretation, any ascent of a mountain, a…

…(Ibex | Oryx | Sasin | Wild goat) In a dream, a mountain goat represents a foreigner who will be passing by one’s town. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means receiving money from a king or from a wealthy and a powerful person, for the mountain in a dream represents such a person and the goat represents the prize. Looking at a mountain goat in a dream means slandering a person who holds an important position in the government and who is well connected with the ruler. Catching a mountain goat in a dream means harm and sufferings, though eating its meat in a dream means that one will receive money from such a person. (Also see Oryx)…

…means that his wife will beget a son who will grow to be a renowned man of knowledge and piety. A fire lighting one’s house in a dream also means that one’s wife will get pregnant. Kindling a fire on top of a mountain in a dream means seeking nearness to God Almighty by making offerings, giving charities and increasing one’s devotion. Consequently all of one’s needs will surely be satisfied. If one who sees this dream is on a journey, it represents his safe return to his home. Sitting inside a fire and suffering no harm in a dream means working for, or associating with the ruler of the city or country. It also means becoming the ruler’s confidant or intimate friend. Fire in the desert in a dream means war. Setting people on fire in a dream means creating division and enmity between them. To stand in the…

…I dream I am in the entrance hall of a huge castle. The walls, floor, and ceiling are all of stone. There is no one about, and throughout the vast building reigns an omnipotent hush. Confronting me is a broad spiral staircase, which I proceed to ascend. Up, up, up I go, and I am beginning to despair of ever arriving at the summit, when from far below comes the faint sound of footsteps. I pause to listen, and my blood turns to ice. There is something in those footsteps that suggests the grotesque and sinister. Panic-stricken, I assay to run, and my feet seem weighted with iron. The footsteps grow more and more audible. They are no longer walking but bounding — bounding prodigiously, three stairs at a time. Wild with terror, I struggle feebly on; the footsteps draw nearer and nearer — three stairs — two stairs…

To dream that you sleep with a person of the opposite sex, signifies hindrance in your projects; with a person of the same sex, perplexing events. If a man sleep with an ugly woman, it means mischief to himself; with a melancholy-looking woman, dangerous sickness; with a handsome woman, treachery. For a woman to sleep with her absent husband, it denotes bad news. To sleep with your wife, pleasure; with your mother, good business; with you daughter, scandal; with your sister, departure; with a fashionable woman, success.

Dispute about money.

Going backward in business, misfortune of all kinds. 117.

Trouble, disagreeableness, danger. 5.

The mountain is the symbolism of the highest spiritual reach the one is willing to get. The dream in which you climb the mountain could show the hard work you put into gal that has been set. Usually dream with mountains predicts the view you have towards some purpose and if you see many mountains, it shows that you are not ready to go and get whatever you wish for. However, if you feel excited about climbing the mountains, you will reach whatever you wish. The mountains could also denote to your connection with the nature and how important it is to you.

…(Incline | Mountain road | Steep incline) If one sees himself climbing a steep incline in a dream, it means toiling to succeed in both his material and spiritual life, or it could mean trying to gather the benefits of both worlds, though with great strain on him . An ascent in a dream also could signify a difficult woman or a stern man who can only be handled with kindness, gentleness and love. An ascent in a dream also represents one’s associate, or a business partner who cannot be trusted with one’s money or life. An ascent in a dream also represents the road to salvation or the dangers one may have to cross and the deeds that can save him from hell-fire. An ascent in a dream also could represent adversities, difficulties and dangers. Ascending a steep incline in a dream means danger and descending a steep…

…Sex dreams, when they are frequent, mean that some of your real needs are not being met. Dreaming of having sex is generally an indication that you have unmet and repressed desires, or that at least you want to get adventures to please your sexual needs. Dreaming of other people having sex usually means that someone will soon propose something indecent to you, though it may not be sex related. When a woman dreams of having sex with an unknown man, then it indicates desire for having an illicit relationship, perhaps as a result of frequently inappropriate friendships. A married woman who dreams of having sex with a person outside her family suggests that she wants to have sex outside of marriage. If a woman dreams of having sex with an ugly man, then it indicates disease, if on the other hand, the man is handsome, it indicates disappointments….

Dreaming that you sleep with one of your relatives means that you’ll have economic security with your partner and you are both happy; dreaming that you sleep with someone that’s really attractive means that you’ll be disappointed; dreaming that you sleep with an ugly person means death or illness; and if you dream that you sleep with someone of the same sex, it means anger and concerns.

…Dreaming of climbing up a hill or mountain and reaching the top, you will overcome the most formidable obstacles between you and a prosperous future | but if you should fail to reach the top, your dearest plans will suffer being wrecked. To climb a ladder to the last rung, you will succeed in business | but if the ladder breaks, you will be plunged into unexpected straits, and accidents may happen to you. To see yourself climbing the side of a house in some mysterious way in a dream, and to have a window suddenly open to let you in, foretells that you will make or have made extraordinary ventures against the approbation of friends, but success will eventually crown your efforts, though there will be times when despair will almost enshroud you. See Ascend Hill and Mountain….

…For a young woman Dreaming of crossing a mountain in company with her cousin and dead brother, who was smiling, denotes she will have a distinctive change in her life for the better, but there are warnings against allurements and deceitfulness of friends. If she becomes exhausted and refuses to go further, she will be slightly disappointed in not gaining quite so exalted a position as was hoped for by her. If you ascend a mountain in your dreams, and the way is pleasant and verdant, you will rise swiftly to wealth and prominence. If the mountain is rugged, and you fail to reach the top, you may expect reverses in your life, and should strive to overcome all weakness in your nature. To awaken when you are at a dangerous point in ascending, denotes that you will find affairs taking a flattering turn when they appear gloomy….