If you played the lottery in a dream, then such dream shows your wish to get as much as you can, but to put very minor effort in it. Make sure you start doing something in your waking life if you want to get the results you are wishing for. If you won the lottery in a dream, then such dream indicates your desire to have a prosperous life with no worries.

If you see a hook in a dream, then it shows that you will be trying to get the better perspectives with material aspects of your waking life. If you caught something with a hook, then such dream suggests you to start acknowledging some features into your self-esteem. The dream about the hook could also represent your relationships. Perhaps you are looking for more intimacy. The hook could also indicate your desire to hook up with someone. Perhaps there is someone you really like in your waking life, therefore you wish to get in some kind of contact with that particular person.

…prosperity at home. If the dreamer, man or woman, is about to get married, it indicates happiness with their significant other. Dreaming about being lost in an unknown path indicates that there are errors being made that endanger what has been achieved, and there may be serious failures and losses. Dreaming about walking on a narrow stony path announces problems and difficulties that in order to be solved, require a lot of dedication and work. Dreaming that the path has been lost indicates mental confusion, which explains the problems that the dreamer is going through. Dreaming of walking down an easy path, lined with green grass and abundant flowers, hints that all of the dreamer’s affairs are going well and will soon reach success. Dreaming of walking on a dark night in an unknown path indicates that the dreamer is intervening in risky affairs that can lead to serious problems….

…If you dream of grease, it foretells that any undertaking you may then be engaged in will go right, and according to your mind: if the grease is dirty you will experience difficulties, but will get through them. Lovers who dream of grease, will be able to get married pretty easy, and have things go shock afterward. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 11, 44….

The sweater you are wearing is seen as the omen of comfort. The dreamer could also be looking for security and shelter and the sweater is the symbol of it. It protects you from the badness and scary situations you might get yourself into. To get more detailed dream interpretation, please also see the meaning of different colors or structures of the sweater.

…The blood in a dream, symbolizes vitality, affection and frustration. If you saw the word blood somewhere written in a dream, then such dream shows the things in your life that are going to stay forever and nothing is going to get different. If you were bleeding in your dream, then it indicates the frustration of your mind. Perhaps you are feeling very tired. The dream could also indicate the unpleasant encounter with those around you. The bleeding is also very common dream for women, because of the menstruation period they are having every month. If you were drinking the blood in a dream, then such dream indicates the strength and huge desire to live. To dream about seeing words which are written with the blood, denotes to the effort you put towards certain issue. To get more detailed explanation of your dream, please also see the meaning of…

…Dreaming that you’re laughing and feeling cheerful without reason, suggests that you’re paying proper attention to your affairs and they are in order. Dreaming of being joyful among friends suggests that you have faith in a promising and rewarding future in the family, in society, business, etc. However, if something unpleasant interrupts the joy, the symbolism of the dream changes, and it indicates that several problems that could end all that happiness are approaching. When a woman dreams of being cheerful with friends, including several young men, it suggests that she will soon get all the romance she wants, especially if the guy she likes is among the people in the dream. Dreaming that you’re happy and smiling, even if you’re alone, is a sign of near success, either in society or in the business you are managing. Dreaming of happy children laughing and playing, suggests that you have…

The cave in dreams indicates the deep thoughts and emotions that haven’t been shown to others. To get more detailed dream interpretation you must look at the feeling you felt while having this dream. If you felt unsafe you must find out what makes you feel this way and get to know yourself better.

If you dream that you sacrifice for something, then such dream suggests you should remove the people, situations or something else in your waking life that are making you feel bad. Make sure you look around and find out you makes you feel that way, what situations causes these feelings and why you are weren’t able to get rid of them until now. In some cultures the sacrifice must be done in order to get what you want, therefore it is normal for those people to dream about it.

…Dreaming that you are shaking, can be interpreted as the renewal and the rebirth. Shaking in the dream is also a symbolism of your old routine and tradition of acting. Also it shows former ways of thinking. All of these qualities is taken off from your life. Otherwise, the dream indicates that you are going to get rid off these old habits. If not, just think about better future without old past. Maybe there is the need for you to get rid of the past in order to welcome in the future. On the other hand, there can be completely different explanation. Dreaming about shaking involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty can be a sign of an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous. Are you afraid? Have you any big fear right now? Maybe that is the reason why…

…to be married but feeling uncomfortable, it could signify that soon there will be upcoming unpleasant situations in her love and family relationships. When a woman who is about to get married dreams that she’s repulsed by the man who will be her husband, it could signify that there will be problems soon after they get married. This dream is a warning. If the dreamer is kissing a bride who looks sick or uncomfortable, it could mean that the dreamer will soon see her interests damaged and that friendships will be lost. If a man has a dream of leaving his bride just before getting married, this could mean that in real life he’s losing human values of various kinds that he will not be able to recover, like friendships or family. The man who dreams of being dressed up as a groom and ready to be married, could mean…

…Dreaming that you’re proud indicates that you will have to stop your ambitions to keep what you’ve accomplished. Dreaming that other people are exhibiting their pride means that you will soon get invited to do a major project or you’ll get accepted in a group….

…positive benefits for someone intending marriage or to enter into a business partnership. Seeing a herring or any of its clupeid type fish in a dream represent evil work or toiling for something one will never get. A fish in the pond in a dream is also a sign of benefits, though may be little benefits. Seeing dead fish floating in the water in a dream has an ominous connotation, or they could represent a hopeless case. Taking fish from the water and eatingthemalivemeansprofits, or an appointment to a high raking position in wakefulness. In a dream, if a sick man or a traveller finds fish in his bed it also connotes bad or a painful sickness or suffering from arthritis, or he may drown because he would be sleeping with them. Seeing sea fish covered with salt in a dream means lasting richness, because fish are preserved in salt,…

…To dream that you are stuck in the mud means that you are either stuck in some situation or relationships you can’t get yourself out. The dream suggests to do something about it, if you wish to get yourself out of this feeling….

This dream indicates that is possible that you meet a nice person soon, with whom you’ll get very close and you’ll possibly get married. The marriage will be happy and it is possible that you receive a heritage that will increase your joy.

When you dream of being amorous it means that your egoistic attitude while fulfilling your needs will lead you to many problems. It is a sign that you might have problems with the regulations. Be careful as you might get into disgrace. When you dream of seeing other people being amorous, it means that somebody will try to get you into illegal or disgraceful business if you see animals being amorous it shows that you will pursue in humiliating enjoyments will fast people.

It symbolizes the unconscious, errors and detachment from reality. Or it reflects troubles and difficulties of all kinds except if we get out of the labyrinth, in which case it indicates that we will find an unexpected solution that will allow us to get out of a muddled affair victorious. It also indicates the ability to react to the absurd.

It indicates a change in our lives, but we do not do it alone, but surrounded by all that we know. Getting on a crowded bus (subway, railway and train) reflects the need for relationships with others. If the bus is empty it indicates our shyness. If we see when the bus arrives, some passengers get off before we get on it, it means that this life change is not definitive. If we only see the bus, that indicates that we will receive a proposition that can change our lives although we have not yet decided whether to accept it or not.

…(Aperture | Peephole | Window) If one’s attic window towers over a large and a beautiful property in the dream, it means owning or acquiring a new property, earningrespect, honor and fulfilling one’s aspirations. If the view from one’s attic window is depressing in the dream, then it means relief from difficulties, or if one is sick, then it means recovering from his illness, or if he is unmarried, then it means that he will get married. If a woman looks at an attic window in a dream, it means that she will get married. Discovering an attic window in a house that does not have one in a dream means the spread of one’s authority, or the success of one’s business. (Also see Window)…

…To dream of tar is a sign you will travel by water: if you dream you get it on your hands or clothes, it shows that you will have difficulties; and to imagine you accidentally seat yourself of tar, and get stuck to the seat, foretells that you will he detained against your will in some foreign country. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 12, 6, 12….

…When you dream of seeing ballons it represents your frustration of finding your soul mate, the true love you have been looking for a very long time. It seems that there is a possibility for you life to get completely upsidedown. Keep in mind that ballons also represent pomposity and very high ambitions about yourself. If you saw ballons that are black it signifies sadness and uhapiness you are suffering from, especially if those ballons are becoming smaller and smaller. If you dream of the ballon that is pumping up with the air or becoming bigger and bigger it symbolizes the desperation and your wish to run from those problems away. The other meaning of seeing ballons indicates celebrations, parties and happy time. If you dream of the ballon that has blowed up it shows that there are some circumstances which you have not noticed yet, but it signifies…

…If the bathroom is nice, it indicates both physical and spiritual health, especially if the water is clear and transparent. If it’s cloudy, too hot or too cold, it indicates that something is wrong, but if it ends up being nice, we will get a profit. If the tub is empty or we do not get into it, that indicates missed opportunities….

The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.

…As in everyday life, the sidewalk is an area of relative safety, although in a dream this security is always provisional and depends on what we see ourselves doing. If we dream that we get on the sidewalk it means that we have gained some certainty in life or a career step that we must consolidate as soon as possible if we do not want to lose it. If we walked down the sidewalk it means that we feel very confident in our current position, regardless of what could happen if everything came crashing down in a moment of carelessness. But if we go down the sidewalk, then it indicates that even though everything looks the same as always, we are about to lose that position that gave us confidence and we must strive to think that it’s still in us, or about what we have done or not…

The dream, in which you see the cabinet, indicates the feminine aspects of your life and also the fertility of the women. The womb is also associated with the cabinet because of the shape of it. The dream could also symbolize the secrets you are carrying within yourself. To get more of the information about the dream you should pay attention to the size, shape and color of the cabinet. If somebody made a mess in your cabinets you changed everything, then it means you will get irritated by some certain people.

…Dreaming that you get in a car indicates that a trip that you already have in mind, will happen soon, but with different conditions than the ones you previously thought. Dreaming of getting down of a car insinuates that the things, that have started out well, are likely to go wrong, if you don’t pay attention to the details. Dreaming of driving a car in a place or street where there are a lot of people indicates success, but also means that envious people are trying to damage the things you have achieved. Dreaming of driving a car on a road where high mountains are seen in front of you, indicates the desire to climb the ladder to reach important hierarchies, it’s possible to achieve this through hard work, perseverance and effort. The mountains are a symbol of effort and high status. Dreaming of many moving cars suggests that,…

…Silk in any form, is a symbol of erotic and physical pleasures. Overall, this dream usually predicts physical or emotional satisfaction, and it also indicates that it is a good time for love. Dreaming of resting on a silk cushion or pillow means that you’re trying to solve the issues you have in your own affairs and poverty at the expense or sacrifice of others. Dreaming of silk cushions without touching them announces prosperity or success in the affairs you’re handling. A young woman who dreams of sewing or making a silk cushion, indicates that she wants to get married with someone good. Dreaming of wearing silk clothes suggests that you have too many ambitions for money, power, and business. It also reveals vanity and pride. If the silk clothing is dirty or stained, it means disappointment, sadness and failures. Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a…

It indicates the end of an era and the beginning of a new one. The message of the dream will be deducted from what happens on the trip. It indicates a change in our lives, but we do not do it alone, but surrounded by all that we know. Getting on a ship full of people reflects the need for relationships with others. If the boat is empty, it indicates our shyness. When the boat arrives, some passengers get off before we get in, it means that this life change is not definitive. If we only see the ship, it indicates that we will receive a proposition that can change our lives, although we have not yet decided whether to accept it or not.

If you see the fruit in a dream, then such dream indicates the time of your life where the things will get bigger and greater in your life. The fruits are also the symbol of sexual aspects in your life, which shows your desires and wishes. Consider to pay attention to the state of the fruit if it is ripe or not, because the ripe fruit shows the issues you are dealing with. You should ask yourself if there is some opportunities that you have missed. If you saw yourself being a seller of the fruits, then it shows the profit you will gain depending on how much of the fruits you have sold. If you wish to get more detailed dream interpretation, please see the meaning of specific fruits you were dreaming of.

If you reached the very high height of something, then such dream promises the magnificent achievements you are going to get. The dream, in which you are afraid of the heights, denotes to the lack of courage to go and get what you really want.

…(Author | Book | Letter | Scribe | Secretary | Starling | Write) A writer in a dream represents a dishonest, cunning, deceitful and a fraudulent person. If a writer sees himself unlettered in a dream, it means that he will forget his pranks, or lose his mind, or waste his religion, or develop a weak spiritual standing, or become poor. If one sees himself as an unlettered person, then if he suddenly becomes a writer in a dream, it means that he will develop pranks and deceive his opponent or enemy. Discovering oneself as a writer in a dream means that one will attend to the comfort of others rather than to his own comfort. Consequently he will get exhausted from such exercise and find that he gained nothing from it. If a sick person sees such a dream, it means his death. If a worker sees that…

…To dream that you are among briars and get pricked, foretells that you will have an angry dispute with somebody. If a young girl who has a lover dreams it, she will probably get vexed at him. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 3, 78….

The dream in which you are in the library, could indicate your deep desire for knowledge. You wish to get as much information as you can for the subjected you are interested very much. It could also represent the new idea that just popped into your head and you need to get to know more about it and how to make it real. If you bring the books to the library, you wish to give some valuable information to others.

…If we reach the summit, then it indicates that in real life we will achieve our goals. If we have barely arrived at the summit and we fall or we don’t get to reach it we will not get to achieve success because of weakness of character….

Symbolizes the woman and in a few cases the soul. To dream about a gazelle amounts to see an exotic and beautiful woman. If we dream we want to hunt the gazelle it means that we will try to seduce her. If we can get catch it indicates that we will get to seduce the woman. To throw stones at a gazelle indicates that we will hit our wife or abandon her for another other. If the gazelle attacks us it shows that our wife will rebel against our control.

To see the floodlights in a dream symbolizes your wish for knowledge. Perhaps you are trying to be more open with the surrounding and wish to get more information about the world. If you see the floodlight that has been burnt out, then such dream shows the dark surroundings. You are unable to get the information you need.

If you see the full shopping cart, then it means you are able to get the most of what you could get. The empty shopping cart denotes to the losses and disappointments.

To dream that you owe money someone for something means that you are feeling guilty because that certain person did something good to you. If other people owes something to you, then such dream signifies the feeling you can’t get over with, because you think they don’t appreciate your help and don’t feel thankful to you. To get more detailed dream interpretation about owing money, please see the meaning of indebted.

…If you dreamed of the books, then such dream symbolizes tranquility and intelligence. The books are the tool to get to know the world better and gain the knowledge about the world in general. The dreamer should pay attention to the type of the book he saw in a dream, because it gives much more of the clue about the dream. The unconscious mind of yours might have the message to you that could turn around your life completely. If you saw dirty or dusty books in a dream, then such dream symbolizes the things you have forgotten. Perhaps you need to look back at the past and take the things which will help you in the future. If you saw the book, which is written for kids, then it represents your memories and childhood. The dream could also show your desire to get out of the reality and…

…When a woman dreams of being a queen, and she’s young and single, it suggests that she wants to get married, have luxuries, and to live with particularly economic commodities. However, if she’s married, then this dream suggests that she wants luxury, wealth, material assets and a total absence of problems. In some cases this dream means the desire of a change in life that leads you towards self-improvement, when you have intellectual, artistic or spiritual ambitions. Dreaming that you are a grumpy queen, who is badly dressed, suggests that this is the state that you hold in real life, perhaps as a result of negative people who are always bothering you, humiliating you, or criticizing you. Dreaming of traveling next to the queen of a nation suggests that you crave for social success, distinctions and honors of political nature, for example, but they have little chance of realization….