…If your breath in a dream was hard, then it means you are suffering some negativity, fear or pressure depending on the circumstances in your waking life. If you saw yourself breathing while being under water, then such dream denotes to your connection with the mother and the times you were in the womb. Perhaps you are looking for some security, therefore you are hiding under the shelter. The dream of breathing under the water could indicate the lack of self trust, therefore you put all of the responsibilities to those around you. If you were holding your breath, then it means you are unable to make some certain decision. Probably you keep to our own opinion and do not let others to give the advice. If you dreamed of having difficulties while breathing, then it means you are emotionally wrecked and tired. Perhaps you need to take some…

When a person, man or woman, dreams of using blush on their face, it suggests that through lies he or she will try to get what they want. Dreaming of other people with blush on their faces is a sign that someone wants to deceive the dreamer. Dreaming of blush in the dreamer’s own hands or stains on clothes warns that the dreamer is at risk of being embarrassed or criticism. Dreaming that someone tells you that you’re wearing blush on your face is a warning that you’ll suffer from humiliation and lose friendships.

Dreaming of postal stamps symbolizes that the dreamer’s life is ruled by order, discipline and system, which is why he/she will achieve success in his/her endeavors. Dreaming of yourself using paid postal stamps indicates that you’re trying to commit fraud. Dreaming of yourself receiving postal stamps indicates that you’re about to receive wealth or congratulations that will improve your life.

…To dream of the loss of property, is a sign of good luck, and you may calculate to acquire as much, as you dreamed was lost, for such dreams always work contrariwise. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 45, 1, 14….

The most frequent meaning is of a sexual nature, especially if the dreamers are young. It also symbolizes wisdom and healing power. Seeing a sleeping snake indicates that our instinctual forces are asleep. If it wakes up and wriggles without causing fear, it reveals desires of a spiritual evolution. Dreaming of snakeskin or seeing change indicates that a profound evolutionary change is coming. If poisonous snakes appear, it indicates fear to be in embarrassing situations.

When you are dreaming about a good-looking mare, then it usually indicates that your partner, boyfriend or girlfriend, is good and grateful. If the mare in the dream is scrawny and gawky, then it often implies that a woman that will cause displeasure in the dreamer’s life will appear, especially if the dreamer is a man. If the mare in the dream kicks, it is a symbol of gossip and betrayal.

Dreaming of being in front of a wall that is obstructing the dreamer from walking, hints that the dreamer will have serious difficulties in matters that are being handled and that they will require a lot of work to avoid failures. Dreaming of jumping over a wall suggests that if the dreamer puts intense effort into any issues, the dreamer will be able to overcome those situations. Dreaming of breaking a wall in order to continue the dreamer’s way, indicates that he or she will easily dominate any problems and will succeed in his or her activities. Dreaming of demolishing a wall, suggests that soon any problems the dreamer might have will be resolved and enemies or competitors will be eliminated. Dreaming of constructing a wall announces that soon the dreamer will succeed in his or her projects and plans.

Usually dreams about frogs symbolize the dreamer’s ability to adapt in various situations or change the behavior if it’s needed. The frog could also symbolize something disgusting and unclean. If you see the frogs that are leaping, then such dream shows the insecurities the dreamer has and things or people he is unable to take responsibility for. There is also a possibility that you are the person who is unable to be stable. Perhaps you are jumping from one thing to another or from one person to another. The frog could also show that you have made a decision for something very important and big. Perhaps you are ready to take the first step. If you caught the frog, then you should start looking after yourself. To hear the frogs quacking denotes to people who will make you feel disappointed and frustrated.

Most authors agree that when we dreamed that something is tearing down or collapsing portends a disappearance or loss in our lives, whether in economics or in relation to our health. The details of what was demolished can indicate us the type of loss.

More than the piano, in this dream is more important the music that is heard, because it is always a good omen. It is an omen of happiness and consideration and if is dreamed by a person with spiritual aspirations is a sign of piety and elevation.

Dreaming of a lighted house chimney hints that all matters at hand are going well and that there is prosperity. Dreaming of throwing wood to a burning fireplace indicates that any affairs that the dreamer might have will improve due to the attention that is being paid to them. If the dreamer throws any kind of fuel when the fireplace is off it indicates losses and failures. Dreaming that there is smoke coming out of a factory chimney, indicates that any affairs or matters that the dreamer may have are on track. Dreaming of factory chimney’s without smoke means that the dreamer’s affairs are declining and that bad times are approaching that will bring problems, diseases, etc. Dreaming of a chimney collapsing means that any activities that the dreamer might have will collapse as well.

…When you dream of avoiding someone it shows that there are some qualities in your personality that you did not notice before. Makes sure that you pay attention to those details in the person you have dreamed of, as these are the aspects you did not notice before in yourself. The other meaning could also explain a word avoid to different meaning of other word “a void”, which explains that you do not feel completely fulfilled at some point of your life….

Dreaming about making business with coffee announces serious problems and even failures in business and other matters. If you are selling coffee in the dream, soon you will suffer losses. If you are buying coffee, then the risks are lower. When a woman dreams of managing coffee, it’s a warning that she lacks the necessary discretion, which is why she’ll have problems. A young woman who has a dream about her roasting coffee indicates that she desires to travel in order to find a husband. Dreaming about green or immature coffee beans suggests that enemies will try to prevent the dreamer to reach his or her goals in business, affection, etc. Dreaming about a coffee grinder announces serious risks which should be taken with precaution and integrity. If the coffee mill isn’t able to grind the coffee, it signifies that there will be failures in everything the dreamer tries…

If you dreamed about South America, then such dream indicates the actual trip you are going to take or the barriers you will have to face while traveling from one point to another one.

To dream that you are resting is the sign that you actually need to take some break. The rest is dreamed by those who are on holidays and having the resting time in their waking life.

To dream that you are drinking whiskey in the dream may have several meanings depending on the circumstances of the dream. The person who enjoys drinking whiskey is simply using the alcohol to relax. Some of the dreamers are drinking whiskey in order to forget something or get over with some situations.

Dreaming about arguing implies that the dreamer’s health is deteriorating and that the dreamer has been wrongly judging others.

Dreaming of lying in order to avoid responsibilities implies that the dreamer’s conscience is accusing the dreamer of having inappropriate thoughts. Dreaming of lying to protect someone implies that one’s behavior is leading to gossip and criticism which will affect the dreamer. Dreaming about other people lying, insinuates that there are some acquaintances who will try to harm the dreamer.

Dreaming of eating oysters suggests that the dreamer is losing the sense of morality due to engaging in activities that might be illegal. Dreaming of trading with oysters indicates that the dreamer’s unscrupulousness makes the dreamer search for illicit love affairs. Dreaming of only the oyster shells hints future failures and significant losses when trying to deprive others from things that belong to them.

Dreaming of seeing cities or country submerged in dark, seething waters, denotes great misfortune and loss of life through some dreadful calamity. To see human beings swept away in an inundation, portends bereavements and despair, making life gloomy and unprofitable. To see a large area inundated with clear water, denotes profit and ease after seemingly hopeless struggles with fortune. See Food….

If you dreamed of someone or yourself being cheap, then such dream indicates your feelings. Perhaps you do not feel comfortable in your own skin, therefore you feel worthless. If the other person looks cheap to you, then it shows your attitude towards that particular person. If you got something as a present very cheap, then it shows how underestimated you feel. The dream, in which you gave someone something cheap, also shows your attitude towards that particular person.

Dreaming about flying, especially at great heights, suggests, for married people, that there are problems at home that they are trying to avoid. Dreaming about flying very low and impeded by obstacles, means disease, instability in dreamer’s own affairs, however the dreamer will recover from it. Dreaming about flying over muddy water is a warning to remain vigilant regarding one’s own affairs. The dream shows that you should not trust others too much, as your enemies are awaiting for their chance to hurt you. Dreaming about flying over a rocky, steep and difficult terrain suggests that you’ll go through bad times. Dreaming about flying over a green forest signifies that soon you’ll see your wishes come true. Dreaming about flying towards the sun suggests that you’re not satisfied with your life achievements, and you want more. Dreaming about flying in the cosmos towards other planets may mean that you’re…

Dreaming of participating in gossip is a warning that the dreamer’s image will lose prestige as a result of intrigues from false friends. Dreaming of rejecting gossip suggests that there is an important and positive surprise for the dreamer coming soon.

If you dreamed that you played or saw someone playing a softball, then such dream offers you to stay with your opinion and do not let other circumstances change it. The dream could also show that you must value your ability to perform in all aspects of the life. On the other hand, the dream could indicate the relationships between man (the bat) and woman (the ball), according to the shape and position of them.

…To dream of a scarcity of anything is a sign that some of the article dreamed about is on its way to you; as if a farmer were dream of a scarcity of hay, it shows that his next hay crop will be very abundant; or, if a girl should dream of a scarcity of compliments, she will probably be overwhelmed by them from gentlemen, when she next goes into company. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 9….

Dreaming of receiving a package or a bag of any size is an announcement of upcoming benefits and self-improvement, but if the package slips out of the dreamer’s hands and falls to the ground, then this means that there will be unfortunate situations and the loss of an important opportunity.

In the dreams the color of bread has its own meaning: White bread symbolizes a good amount of food and health. Black bread symbolizes poverty. Sweet colored bread symbolizes parties and happiness. Old and moldy bread symbolizes disease. Dreaming of eating white bread means that there’s good health. Dreaming of eating black bread could signify that soon there will be suffering and hardship. For a woman with children who dreams of eating old and stale bread, it could mean that hunger and misery are approaching. This dream shows the fears of the dreamer, especially if the dreamer is female. Dreaming of eating bread with other people symbolizes friendship and the ability to solve the dreamer’s own problems, supported by sincere people. If the bread is damaged and moldy the meaning is the complete opposite.

…Rams in dreams denote quarrels of a more violent nature than do sheep. For example, I remember, when I was a boy, prior to a quarrel (which ended in a fight) with a schoolfellow, dreaming I was attacked in a field by a big black ram with red eyes, that chased me persistently over hedges and ditches, and through water, and when, in some miraculous fashion, I took to the air, it sprang up after me, never desisting from its fierce butting still I was reduced to a hopeless state of jelly, when I was permitted to awake. In after years, before quarrelling with a venomous attorney, I dreamed I was fishing in a weir, when a grey ram, catching me unawares, butted me in the back and precipitated me head first into the water, where I found myself attacked on all sides by slimy, yellow snakes….

…Pomegranates, when dreamed of, denotes that you will wisely use your talents for the enrichment of the mind rather than seeking those pleasures which destroy morality and health. If your sweetheart gives you one, you will be lured by artful wiles to the verge of distraction by woman’s charms, but inner forces will hold you safe from thralldom. To eat one, signifies that you will yield yourself a captive to the personal charms of another….

If one child was born joy and prosperity. If more than one child were born, the success is proportionately greater. If dreaming of a miscarriage, then it means failure in some projects. An unnatural childbirth indicates dangerous disorders. For a woman not in reality pregnant to dream of giving birth to a son, success will follow her in all enterprises. If a man has this dream, gain, riches and profit will be attained slowly. The dream of giving birth to a fish represents a child in poor health. To dream of childbirth or giving birth to a rat, cat, snake or other monster, symbolizes the unsuccessful deals and poor health to the one who dreamed of it.

Dreaming of being in a very dangerous situation at risk of dying but escaping it, suggests that the dreamer is acting and thinking big, which will provoke jealousy and attacks to the dreamer’s aspirations of conquering honors and power, even if it’s only economic. Dreaming of being injured or killed in dangerous situations announces that most likely every attempt of acquiring wealth and power will fail. This dream concerning romantic relationships announces disappointments and failures.

Dreaming of a doorman guarding a door is a warning that there are upcoming disturbing events that will affect the dreamer’s stability. Dreaming of being a doorman suggests that there’s economic hardship approaching. Dreaming of taking away the job of a doorman indicates that soon problems and discomfort will disappear.

Dreaming of several horses calmly trotting indicates hopes of fulfilling the desires that have not materialized. It also tends to indicate that highly valued friends are suffering some pain because of failures in business or diseases, for example. Dreaming of one or more horses in a passive attitude is a good omen since it insinuates quiet days, without worries. Dreaming of a quiet and grazing white horse is a symbol of strength and health to enjoy life, which speaks of a good future. If you’re riding that white horse, it indicates a broad prosperity and important friendships. Dreaming of a black horse suggests bad temper and brutal mistreatment to respectable people, but such behavior will not be an impediment to succeed in your business. This same dream for a married woman suggests that there will be problems with her husband. When the horse is brown, it suggests the two…

If you dreamed of being a sorcerer, then such dream shows your creativity, unknown ability and other strong features. The dream of being a sorcerer also shows what kind of targets you have set on for yourself.

Guest is the symbol of new opportunities in dreamer’s life. Perhaps the dream shows that new things are coming into his waking life. There is also a possibility that the dreamer is taking some important part in reality. If you are the guest at someone’s house, then such dream indicates new challenges you will face. There is a chance that you will have small problems while dealing with these challenges, however it won’t be anything too difficult, because you can move away anytime you wish. Don’t be afraid, because these minor problems will be solved easily or they will pass soon.

The light in dreams is very common, because it gives people hope. The light is the symbol of hope, enlightenment, spirituality and love. The light that you see far way shows that you found the way to get out from all the negativity you were suffering from. You will get the answers to the questions that you’ve been asking for a very long time. The light could be dreamed of, because of the sun light or any other stimulus that shines into your eyes while sleeping, in this case it means nothing.

If you dreamed of the thrift shop, then it foretells about your past where you did not learn all of the lessons. Perhaps the dream wants you to remember some matters and include them in this time of your life. Maybe you just simply forgot what you learned, only now you are trying to get back to your past and remember all of those things.

The woodchuck indicates the things in life such as the cycle of life. If you see one in your dream, it means that you are going from one phase of your life to another. The woodchuck could also represent the minor and hard work the one is doing. Alternatively, the dreamer might be suffering from laziness. These features of the animal could be applied to the other people in dreamer’s life.

The soup is associated with the warm place, where the one is feeling secure and protected. It is also very important to know what kind of soup the one was dreaming, as it tells more about dreamer’s personality is it hot or spicy and so on.

…If you dreamed of the thumb, then such dream indicates the power and apprehends you put on certain things. To have very large thumb, means that you will succeed at everything you do. If you lost the thumb, then it symbolizes to losses and illness one will suffer. If you have a very long nails on your thumb, then it means that you will be trapped by those you have trusted. The metaphor “under the thumb” would indicate the tendency to depend on others….