…Contentedness with one’s situation in life….

Threatened danger disappears.

(See Constellations)

…Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina in a dream means seeking God’s nearness and his pleasure through good deeds. It also means feeling safe, mixing with people of knowledge, associating with people of religious ranks, joining the company of knowledge seekers, and developing sincere love for the family of God’s Prophet, upon whom be peace, serving and loving those who love his progeny. Visiting the Prophet’s Mosque in a dream also means love, knowledge and guidance. Visiting Al-Aqsa Sacred Mosque in Jerusalem in a dream means blessings, understanding the inner meaning of important spiritual subjects and miraculous events, or reflecting upon the Nocturnal Journey of God’s Messenger (uwbp), the night in which the eight heavens were decorated to receive and honor him when he was called upon to come before God Almighty. Visiting the grave of God’s Prophet Abraham, upon whom be peace, in a dream means obedience to…

(See Couch)

Dreaming of exchanging them indicates a good bargain soon.

(See Courting | Poet)

(See Zikr)

…close friend. Stretching one’s hands in a dream also could mean generosity. If one’s hands are cut off without causing him any pain in a dream, it means that he may fall in love. If one sees his hands joined together in a dream, it means haviiig a family reunion, or a wedding. If one’s hands are trembling in a dream, it means weakness, illness, old age or longevity. If one’s hands feel dry in a dream, | it means that such a person does little good in his life. If one enters his hand under his arm’s pit in a dream, then brings it out bright and radiant in a dream, it means that he will acquire knowledge and may develop wisdom. Otherwise, it could mean profits. If he brings forth his hand from under his arm’s pit in the dream, and if it reveal a flame in his…

…(Love) In a dream, honey represents lawful money, love, prosperity, or wealth which is accumulated from a business partnership, or from a successful business. As for a pious person, honey in a dream represents the delight of his religious life and good deeds, while for profane and worldly people, it means little earnings which are acquired through toiling and hardships. If one sees the skies raining honey in a dream, it means confirmation of the social order, fostering proper moral standards, easiness, religious assiduity, blessings and plenitude. Honey in a dream also could represent a husband and a wife, or their private moment, taking a rest, or engaging in a marital relationship. However, honey in a dream also means distress, trouble, bad-temper, jealousy, or worrying about people’s perfidy, for honey also attracts flies and wasps. Purified honey in a dream means relief after suffering from a depression, or recovering…

…Dreaming of sleeping on clean, fresh beds, denotes peace and favor from those whom you love. To sleep in unnatural resting places, foretells sickness and broken engagements. To sleep beside a little child, betokens domestic joys and reciprocated love. To see others sleeping, you will overcome all opposition in your pursuit for woman’s favor. Dreaming of sleeping with a repulsive person or object, warns you that your love will wane before that of your sweetheart, and you will suffer for your escapades. For a young woman Dreaming of sleeping with her lover or some fascinating object, warns her against yielding herself a willing victim to his charms….

…(Dining table) A dining table with its food ready to serve in a dream means blessings, accepting an invitation to dinner or lunch, financial comfort, status and winning victory over one’s enemy. In this case, one’s enemy is hunger. The food placed on the table represents a booty. Clearing the dinner table in a dream means cessation of comfort and blessings. The dinning table of one’s house in a dream represents his livelihood and sustenance, an important project that requires the help of many people, or a great person who is gracious, true and generous. Sitting on such a table in a dream means joining the company of such great man. If the dining table is topped with clean food and fresh bread in the dream, it means love between friends and brethren. To have little food and some bread on the table in a dream means lack of…

…Dream of the moon represents something hidden, mystery with a feminine aspect of your inner-self. It also symbolizes the cycles of life, dependency, indirect knowledge, mobility, growth, imagination, the subconscious, the psychic and everything that is receptive and impressionable. Dreams of the moon are related to all feminine and fruitful things, especially with love and romance. Dream of a cloudy moon in a dark night is signal of misfortunes and losses. Dream of crescent moon indicates changes, renewal, and the cyclical movement. You are smoothly progressing towards your path. Dream of first quarter moon represents a burning love growing at times. Dream of a landscape illuminated by the moon indicates a romantic love. The phases of the moon indicate the evolution degree. Full moon means ends and goals. The bright and beautiful full moon means new romance, joy and peace. The new moon symbolizes new projects or business to…

It symbolizes love and passion. If they are red, it will be a passionate love. White one indicates that we can trust the love which is promised. Yellow means this love will be accompanied by jealousy….

The lake in dreams is associated with the love and affection. The lake that seems very calm and still, indicates very stable relationships with your lover. If the lake is a bit wavy, or there is some rain pouring on it, then you will face a hard times, especially in your personal love affairs. The dream in which you see some kind of the beast in the lake foretells that you are afraid of unknown.

To dream that a man sees two or three children, shows he shall have cause of joy, and meet with good success in his business. When one dreams that he hath many small children, and that they seem to him to run about the house, and yet notwithstanding he hath none, it signifies it will be very difficult for him ever to have any, besides which, he that so dreams will have many cares and obstructions in his affairs. And here note that, among little children, it is better to dream that you see boys than girls. To dream of anything to befall little children, which is not proper to their age, is not good; as to dream that boys have beards and grey hairs, and that little girls should be married and have children, which betokens to them death.

…means that he will marry a rich and a virgin young woman during that same year. If they are gold rings in the dream, it means that such a woman has lost her wealth. If one places a ring in his little finger then removes it to place it on his ring finger, then removes it again to place it on his middle finger in the dream, it means that he solicits customers for a prostitute. If one notices his ring sometime in his little finger, then in his middle finger, then in his ring finger without his doing in the dream, it means that his wife will betray him with another man. If he sells his ring for pennies or a handful of sesame, or for little flour in a dream, it means that he will separate from his wife, though they will have respect for one another, or…

…(Pig) In a dream, a swine represents an avowed and a fierce enemy who is perfidious, worrisome, anxious, who does not act upon what he says and who lies and tricks people. Riding a swine in a dream means that he will earn a large some of money. If one eats it raw, cooked, or broiled in the dream, it means that he swallows unlawful money, or knowingly eats impermissible food. Walking like a swine in a dream means turning quick profits from an investment or a business, or it could mean that one will acquire what his heart desires. A wild pig in dream is a sign of a severe cold weather. Eating ham in a dream carries benefits for all people, though it is unlawful for Muslims. If one sees a pig in his bed in a dream, it means that he will commit adultery. Little pigs…

…the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream also means deputyship, trials with women, trouble caused by women, or it could mean recitation of the Qur’an or being in a state of constant remembrance of God Almighty, prayers, supererogatory prayers atnight, understanding the meaning of what one reads, repentance from sin, chanting songs of God’s love, returning to God’s path after heedlessness, manufacturing and processing minerals, or it could represent God’s acceptance of one’s repentance. Should one be in such a manufacturing or processing business, it means that great wealth will come to him, or that his adversities will be of little importance. Seeing the prophet David (uwbp) in a dream also means reaching a successful conclusion to one’s life in this world. If an unjust man of knowledge sees him frowning at him or warning him, then one must be at his guard, fear any wrongdoing and correct himself….

it means that he will repay his debts. If one’s midday Zuhur prayers or his mid-afternoon ‘Asr prayers are interrupted in the dream, it means that he will pay half of what he owes. If one sees himself performing the mid-afternoon prayers in a dream, it means that his job will shortly be completed and only little work is left for him to finish. Praying the sunset Maghrib prayers in a dream means finishing one’s duties and it is time for him to take a rest. The night ‘Isha prayers in a dream means veiling things or entering the privacy of one’s home. On a third level, the midday guhur prayers mean repentance, dismissal or abrogation of laws. The midday Zuhur prayers also could mean struggling against Satan and one’s enemies, which struggle takes place usually at the time of one’s midday nap. The mid-afternoon ‘Asr prayers in a dream…

…well as in the hereafter will turn to her advantage. Seeing Joseph (uwbp) as a young boy in a dream means having little or no luck with one’s brethren. He will be lied to, suffer from imprisonment and other trials before he recuperates, to rise and triumph over them. They will all then become his subject. One who sees God’s prophet Joseph (uwbp) in a dream will also be a pious, generous, charitable, and shares his good advice with those who need it, or ask for it. If Joseph (uwbp) talks to someone, or gives him something in a dream, it means that one will understand dream interpretations and learn about Chronicles, or the two biblical books of History. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also means marriage to a beautiful woman who will truly love her husband. (Also see Jacob | Sale | Introduction p.p. xvi, xvii, xuiii)…

To dream you are shooting is very favourable, if you kill much game. To the love it shows a good mistress, kind and good-humoured who will make an excellent and notable wife. To the tradesman and farmer, success and riches. To the sailor, wealth acquired in a distant country, but if you dream you kill little, or no game, then it presages bad luck, and disappointments in love. To dream you are shooting with a bow and arrow is a very favourable dream, particularly to lovers and tradesmen.

…Ropes in dreams, signify perplexities and complications in affairs, and uncertain love making. If you climb one, you will overcome enemies who are working to injure you. To decend{sic} a rope, brings disappointment to your most sanguine moments. If you are tied with them, you are likely to yield to love contrary to your judgment. To break them, signifies your ability to overcome enmity and competition. To tie ropes, or horses, denotes that you will have power to control others as you may wish. To walk a rope, signifies that you will engage in some hazardous speculation, but will surprisingly succeed. To see others walking a rope, you will benefit by the fortunate ventures of others. To jump a rope, foretells that you will startle your associates with a thrilling escapade bordering upon the sensational. To jump rope with children, shows that you are selfish and overbearing | failing…

Dreaming of making candies with your own hands indicates that you’ll achieve the success desired with hard work and perseverance. Dreaming of eating any kind of sweets points out particularly to social success. In young people the meaning is about love and love affairs. In adults the meaning is of success and satisfaction. In old people it indicates memories of times gone by. A young person receiving candy as a gift indicates love, but also in some cases adulation and hypocrisy of false friendships. Dreaming of giving away candy indicates fear of failing in certain goals.

…Bird-dreams are very common. With them alone I might fill a volume. However, as my space is not unlimited, I can only deal briefly with a few of them.To dream of canary birds signifies good fortune in the shape of money— either a legacy, a rise in salary, or a present. Whereas to dream about doves implies good fortune of any other than a pecuniary nature, such, for example, as recovery from illness, success in work or success in love affairs.To dream of a cuckoo means an unexpected find, as, for instance, the picking up of coins or other valuables in the street, or the finding of something that has long been lost.Crows in dreams are harbingers of bad luck, and import losses, pecuniary and otherwise, quarrels and disappointments.Ducks, on the other hand, portend good fortune, presents, and kisses.Fowls imply quarrels; geese new dresses. To dream about eagles implies…

…friendship, goodness, love, affection. The dream in which you see the puppy signifies your tender and sweet side of the personality. The puppy is the symbol of innocence. If you have this dream, it means that you are the one who is trying to help for others or have lots of love and tender feelings towards those you love….

…To dream of white horses foretokens good luck of various kinds; of black horses, serious misfortune in the shape of accidents (frequently on the water), deaths, loss of money or property, violent quarrels and rupture in love affairs; of roan-coloured horses, journeys; of grey horses, good fortune in many forms, viz.: legacies, presents, success in love affairs and work; of brown horses, nothing in particular; of chestnut horses, danger of all sorts, from fire, water, and other accidents, from assaults, and from illness. To quote even half the horse-dreams that have been told me would fill a book, so I must content myself with merely quoting a few. Shortly before a violent rupture with her husband, which terminated in a divorce, one lady I met told me she had dreamed she heard a loud neighing outside her house, and, on looking out of the window, saw a gigantic black…

If you kissed someone in a dream, then such dream means that you are looking for love and affection. The kissing is also something we share with those we love, so it could show the lack of love you are suffering from, therefore you at least dream about it, because you get no kisses in your waking life. If it is not pleasurable for you, or your partner kisses somebody else, it means you are afraid of unfaithfulness.

Dreaming of sleeping in a comfortable and clean bed indicates internal peace in the dreamer and love in those around you. Dreaming of sleeping uncomfortably indicates probable illness or difficult situations of various kinds, for example at work, in business, in love relationships, etc. Dreaming of others sleeping peacefully announces that the dreamer’s own affairs or businesses will march unhindered. Dreaming of sleeping next to an unpleasant person, or any annoying object or animal is a warning of possible dangerous rivals, either in love, in business or social affairs.

Hesitations in the love field or innocence, platonic love, and desires of romantic situations. White daisies are interpreted by some authors as a promise of love.

If a woman dreams that she hears the sweet music played by a guitar, but she doesn’t see the musical instrument, it suggests that if she doesn’t stand firm and strong, she can then get caught in the middle of an illicit relationship or at least she could be deceived by false lovers. This is what is known as a siren call. If you see a guitar with broken strings, it suggests that all the harmony that surrounds you will soon disappear, and it can even suggest sentimental breakups. If a man dreams with music played by a guitar, it suggests that he is likely to be driven by difficult love relationships that can ultimately cause him problems. If you dream that you’re singing and playing a guitar or other stringed instrument in front of a woman, it indicates that your love intentions could be reciprocal. If in that…

…Finding money in a dream means that soon you’ll receive very pleasant news related to your economic situation. Finding money also indicates the pursuit of love or power. Counting money indicates profit and luck. See others have money means you have big material losses. Lose money in a dream means serious disease or death. It may also mean temporary unhappiness at home and some setbacks in your affairs. You may feel weak, vulnerable and out of control in your daily life. Making money in a dream symbolizes success and prosperity. It can also mean your attitudes about love and the heart. It is often a symbol of sexuality and energy. To dream that you give money to someone else means you’re looking for love, or feel that your partner does not pay enough attention to you. Dream that you have no money denotes that you have a fear of…

Dreaming that the person you love is beautiful, although in reality he or she is not, indicates true and lasting love. Dreaming of beauty is always good and indicates spiritual and mental tranquility and, therefore, peace and harmony with others. If a woman dreams of beautiful children, it indicates that she is able to provide with genuine, sincere and honest love, which is reciprocated. Dreaming of beautiful things, no matter what it be (flowers, meadows, buildings, artworks) insinuates that many people appreciate you.

If you were dreaming of playing a banjo it represents joy and happiness you will receive from your friends, family and the ones you love. If you saw the others playing banjo it denotes of an escapade. Alternatively, very soon you will meet somebody you realy like and this will turn into very beautiful love story. Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.

…success in any branch of art; pinks, success in business; poppies, breaking off an engagement, work or business, losses; prim- roses, new friendships; roses (white), success in courtship and the arts; roses (yellow), danger from intrigue and jealousy; roses (pink), engagements, journeys of pleasure, presents; roses (red), weddings and legacies, falling in love; sunflowers, accidents (chiefly on land); sweet peas, reunion of parted friends and lovers, kisses; tulips, deaths, journeys to foreign parts; wallflowers, visits from old friends and to old places.To dream of forget-me-nots portends visits and presents from old friends, new clothes, success in work; heliotrope, falling in love, visits to places of amusements, meetings with those likely to influence one in after-life; violets, reciprocation of one’s affections, presents from lovers.If a girl dreams she is given a bunch of violets by her sweetheart, it is a sure thing he is sincere in his protestations of love….

…(Love | Passion | Rose | Tenderness) A kiss in a dream means satisfying one’s need, want or desire, or it could mean subordinating one’s enemy. Kissing a man or embracing him lustfully in a dream means getting hold of what one intends to acquire from him. If it is a lustful kiss, then it means accomplishing one’s pursuit of benefits, knowledge, or guidance. If it is an amicable kiss, it means that the one who received the kiss will receive benefits from the one who kissed him, or learn something from him, or reap a new understanding of things through him. Kissing a child in a dream means love, care and tenderness toward that child. Kissing a servant in a dream means soliciting the friendship of her master or employer. Kissing a married woman in a dream means seeking friendship with her husband. Kissing someone in authority in…

The heart in dreams is the symbol of love, affection, goodness, purity and happiness. The hearts represents the current situation and how you are dealing with it. Consider how you are treating the people: do you love them enough, is there a respect? The heart in dreams could also indicate the relationships you have with those around you. Do not forget that you will receive love only when you will give one.

…A priest is an augury of ill, if seen in dreams. If he is in the pulpit, it denotes sickness and trouble for the dreamer. If a woman dreams that she is in love with a priest, it warns her of deceptions and an unscrupulous lover. If the priest makes love to her, she will be reproached for her love of gaiety and practical joking. To confess to a priest, denotes that you will be subjected to humiliation and sorrow. These dreams imply that you have done, or will do, something which will bring discomfort to yourself or relatives. The priest or preacher is your spiritual adviser, and any dream of his professional presence is a warning against your own imperfections. Seen in social circles, unless they rise before you as spectres, the same rules will apply as to other friends. See Preacher….

…Dreaming that you are topless, stands as a symbol of love. Being topless in the dream is also a sign of showing love to someone. Alternatively, if you do not wear clothes that cover your breasts in the dream, then it is an indication of the invitation of love, desire and passion. Are you inviting these feelings toward your direction?…

If you dream of seeing an amethyst it is a sign of the luck, joy and pleasure in work and personal life. Maybe there will be fall in love with someone very soon and it will be successful new step of your life. This dream is a sign that you are capable of being happy with what you already have. The success in work is not so important to you, because you know that money do not bring happiness and fortune because it is more important spiritual things, which always makes you feel happy. When you dream of losing an amethyst it is a sign of losing someone you love. It could be that the one you love will cheat n you or simply will stop loving you and the relationship you have been into will not recover and will never be the same as it used to be.