…To dream that you hear bells ringing merrily is a sign of a wedding, or else that you will soon hear some good news. If the bell tolls solemnly, it foretells a funeral or bad news. To a girl, the tolling of a bell predicts that someone will deceive her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 16….

…To dream one’s belly is bigger and fuller than ordinary, shows his family and estate with increase; if one dreams his belly is grown lean and shrunk up, he will be joyfully delivered of some bad accident; if any one dreams that his belly is swelled, and yet not withstanding be empty, he will become poor; if a girl dreams of a big belly, it is a sign of marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 77….

…(Involved | Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others’ business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship….

…To dream of an abundance of this fruit is a sign of health, but yet you are liable to lose your life by an accident: if a girl dreams she is presented with plums, it foretells her early death. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 36, 14, 77….

…(See Sting) To dream of wasps denotes thrift and abundance, particularly to farmers and those who have fruit-trees. If a girl dreams that she is stung by a mud- wasp, it foretells that she will marry a gentleman who will love her dearly. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 62, 18….

…If any respectable person dreams of being arrested by police officers, it is a sign that some distinguished honour will be conferred on him: if a young girl should dream that policemen took her lover into custody, she will hear of his advancement in the world. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 46, 30….

…(See Gift) To dream of receiving a present, is usually sign of disappointment; but if a married woman dreams that she is presented with fruit, it shows that she will soon become pregnant: if a girl imagines she is presented by her lover with gold jewellery, it predicts that he covets the possession of her person rather than her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 64, 21….

…(See Fingers.) To dream of bleeding at the nose signifies loss of goods, and decay of riches; to a young girl it foretells the loss of her lover. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 75, 19, 5….

…To dream of polite people is a sign that a stranger will visit, or be introduced to you: if a girl dreams that her beau is stiff and formal in addressing her, it foretells that she will soon have a new admirer. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 61….

When the dreamer sees herself as a boy, when actually is a girl, then the dream symbolizes the masculine aspects of your personality. The most common meaning of this dream foretells that you already met some boy and have feelings for him and/or he left significant impression to you. There are some people in our lives that we find it hard to forget them or stop thinking about them, so this could be a very good example of you wanting to meet that special boy once again. Being all grown up and dreaming of being a boy foretells about the innocent and childish side of yours. However, sometimes being childish is not a bad thing, only if it doesn’t make a bad impact into your life. If you take the responsibility and duties you’ve got to do, the dream stands as a very good omen.

Being lucky in love, earning esteem and love, marrying a handsome girl.

…To dream that any one praises or flatters you, is a sign of scandal: if a girl dreams that her lover praises her good looks or amiability, she bad better discard him as a false-hearted person who cares nothing about her, but is merely flattering his own vanity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 35, 17….

To dream of being mad, or performing extravagant actions in public, indicates a long life, popular reverence, official respect, prosperity. If an unmarried girl or widow has this dream, prompt and happy marriage. If she is a married woman, birth of a son destined to become a distinguished character.

…(Castle | Citadel | Stronghold) A fortress in a dream means obliterating something from its roots or eliminating one’s trouble. A fortress in a dream also represents a positive power that eliminates negative forces, or it could represent good verses evil. Entering a fortress in a dream also could mean growing in piety or developing ascetic detachment. Seeing a distant fortress in a dream means travelling from one place to another and gaining fame. Taking refuge in a fortress in a dream means victory. A fortress in a dream also means repenting from one’s sins, or it could represent a great person. To conquer and capture a fortress in a dream means deflowering a virgin girl. (Also see Castle | Citadel)…

…For a woman to dream that she is pregnant when she is not, is a sign of some special good fortune; she will either have a handsome present, or else her husband will be lucky is some business transaction and give her a part of the money: if a girl dreams this, it foretells that she will get married about as sudden as if the dream were a reality. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4. 11, 44,…

…To dream that you hate any particular person is a sign that he or she has been talking bad about you. If a girl should ever be so silly as to dream such a dream about her lover, it shows that he meditates an attack upon her chastity; on the contrary, if she dreams that he hates her, it is a sign that she possesses his whole heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 44….

…To dream of having any yellow article presented to you, is a sign you will get gold: if a girl dreams that her lover gives her yellow flowers, it foretells that she will marry rich. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 60, 41….

An angel on the wing means death to the sick doth bring; To those in health much joy— man, woman, girl, or boy.

…Salt is an omen of discordant surroundings when seen in dreams. You will usually find after the dream of salt that everything goes awry, and quarrels and dissatisfaction show themselves in the family circle. To salt meat in the dream, portends that debts and mortgages will harass you. For a young woman to eat salt in her dream, she will be deserted by her lover for a more beautiful and attractive girl, thus causing her deep chagrin….

To dream of playing with dice is a sign of disgrace, or that you will do some act that, if it is not bad in itself, will cause people to censure you for. To a young girl engaged to be married, dreaming, of dice foretells that her lover will be wild and not of much account.

…To dream of falling on the knees, denotes misfortune in business. To see a woman’s knees, good luck and marriage to the girl of your choice. For a woman to see a man’s knee, shows that she will have many male children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 22, 37, 35….

…For a girl to dream that she has got new, and beautiful ribbons on her bonnet or dress, is a sign someone will flatter her to her disadvantage: if she does not like the ribbon, it shows that she win hear of some scandal relative to herself; and if the ribbon is red, the scandal will impeach her chastity. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 39, 6….

…For a young woman Dreaming of being seduced, foretells that she will be easily influenced by showy persons. For a man Dreaming that he has seduced a girl, is a warning for him to be on his guard, as there are those who will falsely accuse him. If his sweetheart appears shocked or angry under these proposals, he will find that the woman he loves is above reproach. If she consents, he is being used for her pecuniary pleasures….

…To dream you are hard at work, shows you will go a painful journey, unless you be very circumspect; but to see others at work, betokens good fortune. If a girl dreams she sees her lover at work, it signifies that he will try and seduce her. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 27, 9….

…To dream of coffee, signifies loss of reputation. For a young girl to have such a dream, predicts the loss of her virtue. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 19, 17….

…To dream of crossing a large and clear river, foretells a splendid fortune: if the water is muddy or riled, it predicts difficulties, but they will be overcome provided you get safe over the river without accident. If a girl dreams this, it is a sign she will travel somewhere and get a rich husband. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 34, 20….

…To dream of seeing rockets flying in the air, foretells joy and gladness at some event about to happen: to married people it denotes the birth of a child, or the marriage of a daughter if they have one old enough. If a young girl dreams of seeing a rocket, she needn’t trouble herself further, as her speedy marriage is certain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 15….

Superstitious people may dream of seeing this arch-enemy of mankind. If so, it foretells that they will go away from home to be absent some time. It also shows that they will be very fortunate in life. To a young girl it is a sign that she will either be well married or leave home, or leave for some other reason.

…(See Cock.) If a girl dreams of hearing a cock crow it foretells that she will soon have a new lover; if a lover dreams this, it is a sign that he has a formidable rival: if a married man or woman dreams of roosters, it shows that some outsider is enamoured of the wife. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 10, 19….

…To dream of a white cat is lucky; of a black, either extremely lucky or the reverse; of a tabby, neither lucky nor unlucky; of a tortoiseshell, simply disastrous.Of the many cat dreams that have from time to time been related to me, I think the following are the best examples:Mrs. Smith, who resides in the neighbourhood of Haverstock Hill, Hampstead, writes to me thus:“My daughters and I have on several occasions dreamed of white cats, and our dreams have always been the precursors of astonishing pieces of good luck. Daisy, my eldest daughter, dreamed a black cat sprang on her shoulder and refused to stir, the night before she received tidings that her picture was on the line in the Royal Academy. Vera, my second girl, dreamed she was punting on a lake, which was overcrowded with white cats, that swam about with the keenest enjoyment, every now…

If you dream you have any contagious or foul disease on you, it foretells luck and benefit, and as such a dream goes by contrary. If you dream of a running sore, it shows that you will have plenty of money and spend it freely. If a young girl dreams she has any contagious disease, she will probably fall in love soon after.

If you are a little girl this dream indicates loneliness and lack of communication if the dream is sad. To a woman it means nostalgia for childhood.

…If you dream of seeing large herds of cows, it predicts prosperity and wealth. To see one cow in our dream is a sign of a, good piece of luck of some kind. If a young girl dreams of cows, it is a sign she will marry a rich man, and have numerous children. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 4, 26, 1….

…house servant. Clearing one’s nose from a nasal congestion in a dream means dispelling distress. Wiping and washing someone else’s nose in a dream means concealing his secret life in front of his wife. Eating one’s nasal mucus in a dream means cheating one’s son in his money. A congested nose in a dream represents a pregnant wife. If a beast or a bird comes out of one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee. If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief. If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s…

…These paper missives are good to dream about: if you dream you receive a great number of letters, it foretells that honours await you: to receive one letter in your dream, denotes that soma one is praising you behind your back. If a girl dreams that she receives a love-letter from her beau, it shows that he adores her: a gentleman who has a similar dream of a letter from his sweetheart, may rest satisfied that he only possesses her heart. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 28, 54. 1….

To dream of keys is favourable to a person in trade and, to a sailor, it shows that he will return in safety, but, if he dream that they are lost, he may be lost in his turn. To dream of finding a key, denotes an addition to your property, it may be a legacy. If married, it foretells the birth of a child, if a ribbon is attached to it, you may expect a girl.

…To dream of going upon a high scaffold, shows that you will rise in the world: if, in your dream, you imagine that you fall from a scaffold, or from any high place, it shadows forth a misfortune that will make you poorer: a girl who dreams of climbing upon a scaffold, will positively marry a rich man, or one of distinction, who is far above her in position. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 33, 7….

…If a young girl dreams of being fondled and hugged by her lover, it is a sign he will soon get sick of her and want to be off: is not half so bad to let him hug her in real earnest as it is to dream of it. The same sign holds well with the other sex. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 2, 11,…

…If one sees himself pillaging or plundering something in a dream, it means that he will recant a covenant, or ruin something useful, stray from God’s path, or it could mean that he will marry a young girl whom he will abuse sexually. If what he ruins is a cast of precious metal in the dream, then it denotes bad words he speaks, or jealousy and envy he carries. (Also see Booty)…

…To dream of flying a kite is a sign that you will soon write a letter to some friend or acquaintance. For a girl to dream of seeing a kite in the air, predicts that she will receive a letter from a young man — whether a lover or not, is uncertain. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 53, 62….