…If one sees himself as a calif or as an Imam in a dream and should he qualify, it means that he will receive such an honor, rank, trust and fame in the land, though his vice-regency will not become hereditary. However, it is a bad omen if he becomes a calif in the dream and does not qualify for such an appointment. In such a case, and by contrast, he will be humiliated and dispersed, and his own helpers will become his superiors, while his enemies will rejoice at his misfortune. If one sees himself as a king in a dream, though in reality he does not qualify, it means that he may die quickly, and the same is true if a sick person sees himself turned into a king. If he is healthy, it means that someone in his family may die shortly. Seeing a king in a…

Represents good health.

Anger. 34.

Peace and safety. 71.

Unsociability, moroseness. 22.

Luck, concord in matrimonial life. 103.

Becoming sick. 109.

Dangerous sickness. 6.

Homely welfare, plain food.

Misfortune, sickness, death. 41.


Near misfortune. 47.

(See Cupping)

(Debts | Veins)

…(Repentance | Throw up) Vomiting in a dream means returning things to their rightful owner, divulging secrets, or of regaining one’s health through control of his stomach. Throwing up clean food in a dream means ease in one’s life. If a poor person vomits blood in his dream, it means receiving money, begetting a son, or the return of a relative from a journey. If the blood is collected in a bowl in the dream, it means that one’s son will survive a major illness, or it could mean that one’s relative may come to stay with him. However, if the blood is spilled on the floor, then it may mean the death of either the son or the relative. If one’s intestines or bowels come out during vomiting in the dream, it means the death of a child. As for a sick person, vomiting in a dream means…

Good luck. 204.

Good fortune. 127.

Denotes sadness. 137.

Denotes plenty of business. 108.

Bad. 177.

Richness. 177.

Sickness. 267.

Getting hurt. 154.

Happiness. 77.

Jealousy, days of sickness. 295.

Overcoming defamation. 7.

Becoming suddenly rich either by marriage, heritage, or by winning a law-suit. 243.

…(Ali bin Abi Talib, God bless his countenance, cousin and son in-law of God’s Messenger, upon whom be peace.) Seeing him in a dream means victory over one’s enemy. Seeing him in a place or a mosque where people are mourning him or performing the funeral prayer on him or carrying his coffin or prostrating to him in a dream means becoming a Shia or gathering one’s strength for a rebellion or to create divisiveness, or it could mean hypocrisy. If a scholar sees him in a dream, it means that he will earn increased knowledge, asceticism, reverence and strength. Seeing him in a dream also means capture by one’s enemy, migrating from one country to another and mostly to die as a martyr. Seeing Ali in a dream also means having a blessed progeny, vanquishing one’s enemy, presiding over the believers, hardships during travels, booty, manifestation of blessings…

A soon journey.

This means that much money will be left to you. 88.

Sadness. 232.

Great honour, loss and harm to our calumniators. 45.

Disappointment in hopes.

Thinking about great plans.

A good sign; in business success; also inheritance. 157.

Cares of life.

Discontentment. 53.

Envy and hatred.

hard work and trouble.

Being deceived by false friends.