…To see young lambs frisking around their mother, is an excellent omen, as it denotes thrift, and also happiness in your family ties; if you see them sucking, it is a sign of an increase in your family by the birth of a child. For lovers to dream of young lambs, foretells a speedy and happy marriage. Lucky lottery dream numbers – 24, 60….

…(Flower garden) A garden in a dream means repentance, and repentance from sin in a dream means a garden. Watering one’s garden in a dream means having marital relations. If one sees his garden dry in a dream, it means that his wife has commenced her menstrual period during which he is not permitted to have sexual intercourse with her. If he sees someone else watering his garden in a dream, it means that such a person will betray him with his wife. If one sees himself entering an unknown garden with its trees unattended and its pasture unkempt in a dream, it means distress and worries. A garden in a dream also represents a woman. They both need water and they both bear fruits or children. In this case, if the garden is interpreted to represent a woman, then its trees and fruits represent her tribe, family and…

…(Setting the tooth on its edge.) To set one’s tooth on its edge in a dream means a betrayal carried by a member of one’s family the tooth represents. This includes one’s children, wife, partners, or employees. To set one’s teeth on their edge in a dream also could mean changes in one’s behavior that may lead to a changing attitude on the part of such family members. (Also see Body 1 | Tooth)…

…Symbolizes our desire of family warmth and intimacy at home. Depending on whether you’re cooking something or not, and what is the food, we may have clues about an issue that needs our attention in the family….

…one’s nose when he sneezes or blows his nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son from a secret affair with a servant or an employee. If a sable comes out of one’s nose in a dream, it means that he will beget a son who will grow to become a thief. If a pigeon comes out of his nose in the dream, it means that he will beget a girl that will grow to be insane. Blowing one’s nose and using one’s own shirt in a dream means committing adultery with a sacrosanct member of his own family or a blood relation. If one sees his nose gloppy with mucus in a dream, it means that his fecundity and sexual appetite will bring him many children. Nasal mucus in a dream also means an illness, a cold, charity or a will. (Also see Phlegm)…

…Dreaming of coming into the possession of your income, denotes that you may deceive some one and cause trouble to your family and friends. Dreaming that some of your family inherits an income, predicts success for you. For a woman Dreaming of losing her income, signifies disappointments in life. Dreaming that your income is insufficient to support you, denotes trouble to relatives or friends. Dreaming of a portion of your income remaining, signifies that you will be very successful for a short time, but you may expect more than you receive….

Dreaming of your own neck insinuates upcoming difficulties with family and friends because they interfere in the affairs and business of the dreamer. Dreaming about the neck of another person, especially if it is of a beautiful woman, announces family and emotional problems. A young woman who dreams of her own neck being fat and ugly, suggests that the dreamer knows that she is temperamental, which causes problems. A woman who dreams that she was given and put on a beautiful necklace, is the announcement of happy relationships that can lead to marriage, and if she is already married, then it announces a gift from the husband.

…(Fruit) In season, seeing an apricot in a dream means money. Seeing apricot out of season in a dream means illness. A fruitbearing apricot tree in a dream represents a rich man. However, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream also represents someone who suffers from a serious illness, and is of little or no use to others. On the other hand, it is said that an apricot tree in a dream represents someone with a cheerful face, who is courageous in defends himself, but who is stingy with his own family. When the apricot is still green and unripened in the dream, it represents little money. When it ripens and becomes yellow in adream, it denotes greater profits. Eating a ripened apricot in a dream means being generous and charitable, or it could mean recovering from an illness. Breaking a branch from an apricot tree…

…dream means correcting one’s religious life or begetting a son who will become the jewel light of his father’s eyes or if one’s brother is exiled or deported from his homeland, it means that he will solicit him and entrust him with duties toward his family. If one sees his sight better than what people think in the dream, it means that his inner character is better than what people think, or if he sees his sight weakened though people do not know about it in the dream, it means that he keeps his faith to himself. If one’s eyes become white in a dream, they represent sorrow, or loss of a beloved. If one sees his eyes white, and if the white veil is lifted in the dream, it means that he will be reunited with his beloved and his distress will be dispelled. The right eye in a…

…Dreaming of sickness, is a sign of trouble and real sickness in your family. Discord is sure to find entrance also. Dreaming of your own sickness, is a warning to be unusually cautious of your person. To see any of your family pale and sick, foretells that some event will break unexpectedly upon your harmonious hearthstone. Sickness is usually attendant upon this dream….

If it is nice to eat, then it indicates promising developments. If it is bitter, it means anguish and loneliness. If they have a very strong flavor, it means affronts. Very hot food means nervousness, and very cold, health discomfort. Cooking it means family agreement. Offering someone food means happiness at home, and rejecting someone to give food means family conflicts.

…a bird in a dream means having control over a powerful person. Killing a bird in a dream means fulfilling one’s goal. Plucking the feathers, cleaning and eating a bird in a dream means earnings, prosperity, or a woman. Slaughtering a bird in a dream means raping one’s servant. Holding a bird in one’s hand or having it inside a cage in a dream means a sickness that will befall one’s son. If the bird flies away from one’s hand or from its cage in a dream, then it means one’s death. A flock of birds in a dream also represents gatherings of love, unity, family reunions and celebrations. However, the gathering of birds in a dream also could mean banding to commit wrong or the dispersal of one’s family or friends, or it could mean business losses. (Also see Blackbird | Bustard | Nest | Osprey | Roller)…

…Dreaming of a corpse is fatal to happiness, as this dream indicates sorrowful tidings of the absent, and gloomy business prospects. The young will suffer many disappointments and pleasure will vanish. To see a corpse placed in its casket, denotes immediate troubles to the dreamer. To see a corpse in black, denotes the violent death of a friend or some desperate business entanglement. To see a battle-field strewn with corpses, indicates war and general dissatisfaction between countries and political factions. To see the corpse of an animal, denotes unhealthy situation, both as to business and health. To see the corpse of any one of your immediate family, indicates death to that person, or to some member of the family, or a serious rupture of domestic relations, also unusual business depression. For lovers it is a sure sign of failure to keep promises of a sacred nature. To put money…

Using it in nice and happy conditions announces pleasures at home. To lie on it is an omen of neglect or difficulties in your family life. Seeing it damaged or broken announces family feuds.

Dreaming of possessing good capital hints that the dreamer’s attitude will make others envious and it will create enemies that will seek to harm the dreamer’s family and friends. Dreaming that a family member or a close friend receives certain capital hints that somehow the dreamer will receive benefits. When a woman dreams of losing capital it indicates that difficulties are approaching especially in economic situations. Dreaming that the dreamer’s available capital is insufficient to meet their needs and commitments announces the presence of various problems.

…(med. Gastrointestinal disease | Inflammation) Suffering from colitis in a dream means feeling malaise, languid or indisposed with one’s own family, children or relations, or it could mean being niggardly toward one’s own family and consequently suffering from a just retribution. As for a woman, suffering from colitis in a dream means getting pregnant or befriending evil people, or it could mean hearing harsh words….

Dreaming of a hearse indicates that family relationships as well as business, employment, etc., are bad. It also indicates that there will be sadness due to misfortunes or illness in the family. Dreaming that a hearse enters or crosses the yard of the dreamer suggests the presence of an adversary who is dangerous. Dreaming of leading a hearse without carrying a dead person hints that the dreamer is accused of being extravagant because his or her character and behavior are not correct. If the hearse is carrying a corpse, the meaning is emphasized.

…To dream that you’re walking in mud is a warning that due to misconduct your friends are discrediting you, what may cause your family feuds. To dream that others walk over or splash mud suggests that something unpleasant will happen to your family or friends. To dream that your clothes are stained with mud suggests that your reputation is in question, but if in such dream you’re able to clean your clothes, this indicates that you’ll succeed over gossip and intrigues against you….

…him over the head in the dream, it means speaking ill of him and that one cannot retrieve his words or apologize for them. Beating a family member in a dream means that one’s wife is committing adultery. Beating someone in a dream also means benefiting him, or it could mean business losses. If one is beaten in a dream, it means profits and benefits, unless if the one beating him is an angel, or a deceased person, or a member of his family. Beating someone with a leather belt or with a cane in a dream means bad consequences in wakefulness. Hitting the floor in a dream means taking a trip. If one receives one hundred lashes on his back in a dream, it means that he has committed adultery, or it could mean that he has the intention to do so. If one receives forty lashes in a…

To dream of ants denotes that you will live in a great town or city, or in a large family, and that you will be industrious, happy, well married, and have a large family.

Mugs in dreams tend to symbolize home pleasures. Seeing a mug in a dream is a sign of mutual understanding, and happy emotional relationships and family ties. Nevertheless, if during the dream the mug breaks, or broken mugs appear, this is always a bad omen for emotional relationships, home and family.

…Dreaming that you have patches upon your clothing, denotes that you will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations. To see others wearing patches, denotes want and misery are near. If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress, it indicates that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest moments are approaching near. If she tries to hide the patches, she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover. If she is patching, she will assume duties for which she has no liking. For a woman to do family patching, denotes close and loving bonds in the family, but a scarcity of means is portended….

…Traveling is always a symbol of life itself. Dreaming of traveling means gains or losses, based on what happens in the dream, that is: if you suffer or rejoice, if it’s a happy journey or if there are accidents. Dreaming that a friend is happily starting a trip means an upcoming change in one’s life which is reflected in one’s harmony with family and friends. Dreaming of friends who are invaded by sadness due to a trip might mean that the dreamer won’t see his loved ones for a long time. Also, that one’s at risk of losing his values. Dreaming of oneself traveling in a vehicle overloaded with passengers may mean that you are getting involved in adventurous and risky business and tasks in which a lot of people are not honest. Dreaming of oneself traveling in the sea suggests that you crave for new life, new relationships…

…Dreaming of being in a coffin means that you should check your own behavior, since the coffin announces various losses, including the death of someone close. This symbol is especially important if the dreamer is praying beside the coffin. Dreaming of a coffin covered with flowers, especially if they are white, inside an illuminated temple, suggests that soon there will be a wedding in the family, but that marriage will fail. Dreaming of lying inside of a coffin, without knowing anything else indicates long life for the dreamer. Dreaming of a coffin moving by itself suggests a serious illness in the family or in the marriage if the dreamer happens to be married. In case you are about to marry, this dream can announce impediments for the wedding. Dreaming of using a coffin as a seat inside the carriage that transports it to the cemetery, it announces major disorders…

If it is full of dirty water, then it indicates family problems and trouble. If the water is clean, then it announces family happiness.

…(Enclosure | Fence | Surrounding) If the green hedges of a fruit garden climb toward the outside of the fence and the trees remain inside the garden in a dream, it means improper attitude toward one’s religion, or loss of worldly status, business losses, failure to repent, or giving preference to the company of ignorant and boastful people over the company of righteous people, or it could mean lack of adequate religious devotion, rejecting one’s religion, or raising the esteem of commoners above the elect. If one sees that the green hedges are replaced with a wall, a fence, or a ditch in the dream, it represents the rising star of the owner of such a garden. Hedges in a dream also represent one’s religion and the trees represent one’s religious duties. Hedges in a dream also represent one’s family, relatives, or his trade. If hedges are interpreted to…

The embolism of this dream is roughly the same as the storm dream. It’s generally warning you to stay alert. If, in dreams, you see a tempest approaching, it means that your living conditions may possibly change negatively, because your business situation will get worse, which will bring money losses along with unexpected spending. In the emotional and family scenario, you can’t expect anything good either. The dream predicts strong family fights in which you’ll have to take sides with someone, and you’ve reached this unavoidable situation because of your own indecision.

…establishing the truth, fulfillment of a promise, reaching a high rank among the members of one’s family, or perhaps it could mean that one may suffer from their envy and jealousy, or leave his homeland and migrate to another country, or it could mean that he may lose his parents and become an orphan. Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord. If an ophthalmologist sees him in a dream, it means that he will acquire great expertise in his field and become renowned in the land, for God’s prophet…

…Urinating in a dream means wasting money in an unnecessary or an unlawful way. It also means a marriage to an unsuitable or a non-compatible person. Frequency of urination in a dream means receiving regular income. On the other hand, suppression of urine in a dream means the opposite, or it may mean hastiness, or making an incorrect decision. If one sees himself urinating in an unknown place, in someone else’s house, a lodge, a town, etcetera in a dream, it may mean kinship with its people. Wetting one’s underpants in a dream means a newborn in the family. Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or giving charity. Urinating in a valley in a dream means expansion of one’s progeny. Emitting bad odor after urination while others are looking with despise in a dream means defamation, or exposing one’s ills in public. Drinking urine in…

…Dreaming of rats or mice is never pleasant, especially when this occurs frequently. This dream is a bad sign because it announces several misfortunes, among others, risks in your own health or in the health of loved ones. In some cases, it usually announces the start of infections. In any case, it always suggests problems at home, with family, with friends or neighbors, in business or employment. If the dreamer is involved in politics or complicated businesses, it means that there could be betrayals that will be dangerous, especially by those who are acting extremely giving and helpful. Dreaming of chasing a mouse or rat but having it escape, it could mean that problems will persist, although they are under control. Dreaming of killing a rat or a mouse signifies triumph over problems and enemies. When a woman dreams of rats or mice it might mean that she suspects…

…Dreaming of seeing your own feet, is omnious{sic} of despair. You will be overcome by the will and temper of another. To see others’ feet, denotes that you will maintain your rights in a pleasant, but determined way, and win for yourself a place above the common walks of life. Dreaming that you wash your feet, denotes that you will let others take advantage of you. Dreaming that your feet are hurting you, portends troubles of a humiliating character, as they usually are family quarrels. To see your feet swollen and red, you will make a sudden change in your business by separating from your family. This is an evil dream, as it usually foretells scandal and sensation….

Dreaming of one or more nephews implies that you have a good relationship with your family and friends, which announces imminent success. In general, it’s a favorable omen that pushes us to improve our family and emotional ties, and it predicts economic growth.

Seeing yourself smiling in your dreams is usually an omen of understanding among the members of your own family or your close friends. It’s always a sign of satisfaction with life itself and the projects that are moving forward. Dreaming of yourself smiling and being happy, sloppily and for no reason, means that you’re not paying the right attention to your activities. Smiling among friends means that you have faith on a promising and pleasant future in your own family, society, business, etc. Nevertheless, if something unpleasant interrupts the joy, then the meaning is often the contrary, and indicates approaching problems that could end everything you’re enjoying.

…a dream, it means crying in that house for the sake of a departed soul or crying because of a sick person in that family. If rain dissolves the ceiling in a dream, it means loss of money and falling-out from grace. If one sees himself standing on the ceiling of his house and cannot come down in the dream, it means his imprisonment. In a dream, the central beam that carries the ceiling represents a hypocrite who supports the business of an alliance of profiteers. Should the central beam break down and fall in the dream, it means that such a person will be removed from his office. If the ceiling falls over someone’s head in a dream, it means that punishment and sufferings will befall him too. If one sees the stars under the roof of his house in a dream, it means that his ceiling may actually…

This dream is a warning about the need of introspection, reflection, and patience, before taking on projects that you want to develop. Other authors believe that the dream sends you to a family environment and the need of paying more attention to problems with your children or close family members.

To dream that you see the lion of the mountain, indicates power, strength, sense of family and aggression. If you see the lion being surrounded by its family, it also shows the special bond you have with your relatives. If the lion is trying to attack you, you are going to face your enemies, however, if you escaped the attack of the lion, you will escape the evil in your waking life. The mountain lion could indicate the devotion to the loved ones. As it is known the lion is the king of the jungles, therefore the dream could indicate the fact that you like being in the center of the attention.

…Eating a raw onion in a dream denotes an evil happening. If a sick person eats a small amount of onions in a dream, it means that he will die from his illness, but if one sees himself eating a large quantity in his dream, it means that he will be cured of his illness. However, eating a green onion, or a scallion in a dream means prosperity and good health, though they will be accompanied with stress, sadness or separation from one’s wife. Eating a strong smelling or a fragrant herb in a dream means contempt, loathing on the part of some members of his family toward him, or it could mean that hidden matters will finally surface. If such herbs are the type of bulbs that require skinning before eating, then they denote curiosity and eavesdropping, representing what is usually discarded. In a dream, onions for a…

…Dreaming of violent winds or air, especially when they’re hurricane-like and worse if they blow over dirty and stinking swamps, is usually not good omen, as it warns of anguish and mental confusion. It can also mean irreparable losses. This interpretation varies when it’s fresh, soft and fragrant breezes, in which case it points to benefits in the immediate future. Dreaming of breathing hot air may mean that you’re falling under bad influences that are making you acquire bad vices and habits. Dreaming of breathing cold air can mean that your family, social or business relationships aren’t going well and that you need to pay attention to them if you wish to correct all of the mistakes. Breathing moist and heavy air may mean that something bad will hinder your plans, preventing achievement in the immediate future. Dreaming about breathing pure and fresh air may mean that your family,…

Dream of funeral symbolizes that in your life some situations will end. Dream of attending a funeral indicates that you want to finish some negative issues with someone. Dream of attending a funeral of a family member means you will try to separate from family relations and be free.

Dreaming of staring at your own feet signifies self-resignation, and subjection to others, which the dreamer will be able to overcome. Dreaming of staring at the feet of other people could mean that the dreamer has the will to not be influenced by other people and is able to achieve important success. Dreaming of washing your own feet means that you are not applying enough power to defend your rights, letting others take advantage of that opportunity. Dreaming of having foot pain, announces difficulty in matters being handled and with family. Dreaming of having red or swollen feet suggests that soon there will be changes, perhaps family separations that may eventually become a serious conflict.