…without difficulty or pain in the dream, it means that his wife will give birth to a son. If his gums bleed, it means that he will forsake his family, except if he owed someone money, then it means that he will be asked to pay, or that he will be forced to comply. Collecting fallen teeth in a dream also means saying something one will regret. If a religious person loses his teeth in a dream, it means that he should be more assiduous in his devotion, and votive fasting will surely help him as a start. If one loses his teeth and finds himself unable to eat properly in the dream, it also means poverty. Falling teeth in a dream also denote spending one’s money to acquire spiritual knowledge, then recuperating one’s investment through a new and a blessed business. (Also see Body’ | Pain | Tooth)…

…(ant.) A healthy spleen in a dream means that one’s coffers are well protected and that he will enjoy success in his life. If one’s spleen is inflamed or larger than usual in the dream, it means that one will fail to achieve his goals, or to change his general condition, or that he will become physically weakened by a debilitating illness. Suffering from one’s spleen in a dream means that one will spoil or waste a great wealth which he is supposed to use to support his family. (Also see Body’)…

…(Skin disease of domestic animals | Abacterial disease) In a dream, mangy represents pestilence or a plague. If one sees himself struck by such a disease causing him to itch though no puss or malignant festering runs from his sores in the dream, it means that his troubles and adversities are caused by his own progeny or relatives. If one’s body is afflicted with mangy in a dream, it means that his troubles will come from his friends or from his working environment. If it strikes at his right hand or his cheek in a dream, then his adversities will come from his clan. If it strikes at his left hand, then his troubles will come from his business partner or brother. If his illness forms puss in the dream, it means hard earned money that will also cause headache. Such a disease means money for a poor person…

It symbolizes our moral dependency on another person and protection of our body. Untying a person’s strap (opposite sex) symbolizes that we will get their favors. If we break the strap or it is taken from us, then it represents a loss of authority.

…(Also see Body’ | Pain | Spleen)…

…also may affect any of the above members of his family or property. If a sick person sees his navel swollen in a dream, it means his death. To open one’s navel by hand in a dream means opening one’s coffer to get some spending money. One’s navel in a dream also means happiness, and could represent the wife’s lover, a beloved, or one’s will. Thus, if one’s navel looks beautiful in the dream, its beauty will show in his life | but if it looks ugly, it means that he may live a wretched life. A navel in a dream also represents one’s homeland. Any pain one suffers from his navel in a dream represents the adverse conditions of his family or country. If an immigrant suffers from any affliction to his navel in a dream, it means that he will return to his homeland. (Also see Body’)…

To dream of your body being covered with blotches, shows that a great fortune will fall to you.

(See Body 1 | Pain)

It symbolizes inferior areas of the conscience and a feeling of inferiority. If on the gorge we see a body of water running we can add to the previous meaning purification and regeneration. The dream warns us of a danger we will happily avoid if we see water at the bottom.

If you ate the cereal in a dream, then such dream could indicate the internal stimulus from your body, because you actually feeling hungry. The other symbol of the cereal foretells that you are about to start a new phase in your life. The dream might also suggest you to make a refreshment within your life and start everything from the scratch.

…Water in language of dreams is very significant, it symbolizes life, feelings and the inner life of people. When the water is clear and clean, it announces such a long and happy life as our feelings. Mineral water symbolizes convalescence, health improvement. Holy water means physical and spiritual health. If the water is dirty or stuck, it usually presages disgrace and misfortunes of moral character. If water comes bitter, shady or yellowish, it predicts disease. Tainted means living with anger in your body. Reek, it means misappropriated goods. Stuck, it means loss of freedom. Blackish, it means unhappy marriage. Receiving water in a container indicates health. Receiving water without drinking it and store it indicates greed. If we bring water to another home and receive money, we are actually selling our honesty and purity. If we bring it without charge, it shows mercy and religiosity. Rainwater presages an abundant…

When you are seeing a cast in any shape during the dream, then it foretells about the proximity of a painful period. We can expect to incur a large debt as well as suffer emotional losses. If the dreamer sees himself with a casted body part, it is a clear warning that some danger is coming.

…If you are weeping in the dream, this denotes your sorrow and unhappiness that you have in your real life. Maybe you hold them deeply inside and that is why they appear in your dream. You mustn’t keep negative feelings inside you because they are not healthy for your soul and body….

…also denote shame. Losing one’s fingernails to a sickness in a dream means losing one’s wealth, or reaching a dead end. Clipping one’s fingernails in a dream means following the common norms, lending money, or collecting gold jewelry. White fingernails in a dream mean understanding, vigilance, or memorizing things. Fighting someone with nails in a dream represents a cunning person. Long and beautiful fingernails in a dream mean money, or business. If the length of one’s fingernails reaches near breaking in a dream, it means losing to others what otherwise could remain under one’s own control, or it could denote the need to pay alms tax or to distribute charity. Seeing one’s fingernails broken or chipped in a dream means loss of money, status or health. If one’s fingernails become claws in a dream, it means that he will triumph over his enemy. (Also see Body 1 | Claw)…

The mouth is the door of all the internal parts of the body, within which they are all enclosed. If, therefore, one dreams that his mouth is wider than ordinary, his family will be enriched, and he will become more opulent than formerly. If anyone dreams that the breath which comes out of his mouth is offensive, it implies he shall be despised by all people, and hated by his servants.

(See Backbone | Body 1 )

(Filth) A dirty face in a dream represents a rare art, while a filthy body represents a sinful person.

When you are impaled in a dream, then such dream indicates the strong power that was in you. Now you are able to let it go. Perhaps you don’t feel the limits anymore and able to go ahead with that huge force. Try to pay attention to the certain part of your body that has been impaled, as it would give much more of the clue about the dream and its meaning.

…First we should see if there are sexual implications, in which case the meaning couldn’t be more evident. If that’s not the case, then: seeing ourselves naked equals seeing ourselves free of all hypocrisy. If we feel happy that reflects the tiredness of continually pretending like society imposes. In extreme cases it might reveal the desire to leave all social life. If the nakedness makes us uncomfortable then it reflects hopelessness, an impotence we experiment, socially or professionally. It can also represent shame of our own body. If we see other people naked it might mean sexual desire, or the desire to know the thoughts and intentions of others about us….

Scabies in dreams usually have the connotation of a plague and therefore it kind of have similar meaning to measles, smallpox, cholera or the plague itself. It usually isn’t a good omen and it generally refers to family, emotional difficulties, clashes, disputes, concerns and anxieties. Dreaming that you’re sick always indicates that your affairs are not going well and that they will get worse, and this usually also refers to your health. If you feel itching caused by scabies and not an eternal factor during the dream, means that difficulties and sorrows are approaching because of debts. If the dreamer sees himself with scabies in their own body, then it usually means problems with the way you’re living your life, or with members of your family or close friends.

If you dream of the temple, then it foretells about the inner aspects of your personality, growth and knowledge. The temple also symbolizes connection with your physical body and how much you taking care of it.

…(Itch) Scratching in a dream represents the element of caring for one’s kin, though headache may follow. If the itch stops in the dream, it means reaping the benefits of one’s deeds. (See Body’)…

If you dreamed of the slugs, then it means that you are taking things easy with no rush and working on particular subject carefully and slowly. Consider, that sometimes the slowness that you carry on might annoy those you are surrounded by. If the slugs are coming out of your body, then it means that you find it hard to show your emotions for others.

Leeches in dreams usually announce that you’ll face several difficulties that will disrupt your daily life soon, and it’s possible that because of this you will radically change the way you live, or your living conditions. Dreaming that you have leeches on your body and you can’t remove them is usually a sign which means that someone is trying to take advantage of you but she or he won’t cause further damages.

If you see yourself being handicap, then it shows how worthless and fragile you are. Perhaps you must pull yourself together and make the most of your potentiality. Make sure you pay attention to which part of your body was handicapped, as it would give much more information about the dream. On the other hand, the dream about being handicap, denotes to the pride and very good opinion you have about yourself. The dream suggests you to be simpler.

To dream that one has been beheaded, and that the head is separated from the body, denotes liberty to the prisoner, comfort to those in distress, health to the sick, and to creditors, payment of debts.

If it appears a ball or a big pimple on any part of your body, it means that, even if you want to you cannot hide the truth of things.

(See Body)

…Dreaming of someone else’s head, especially if it is the head of important person, it suggests that the dreamer is going to improve his social relationships. Dreaming of your own head and predominantly feeling discomfort, this dream indicates that you suffer in waking life from stress and perhaps changes in blood pressure, or that you’re experiencing serious concerns. Dreaming of washing your head indicates that pretty soon some important people will appreciate your work, giving to it the importance that it really has. Dreaming of human head disconnected from its body indicates that your business and affairs are bad, which will produce various difficulties. Dreaming of having two heads hints that you will soon be successful in your things, but it won’t be permanent. Dreaming of a swollen or/and deformed head means that you’re living in mediocrity, with inconsequential ups and downs. Dreaming about the heads of cheerful children…

To analyze our dreams with fire, we have to observe the form of flames. A devouring fire, opposite from brightening, symbolizes exalted passion. A small but well lit fire, with no smoke, represents desire and tenderness, our need of human warmth. A burning fire can talk about betrayals or problems, presages that concern both body and spirit. Feeling threatened in a dream by flames, speaks of an intuitive fear of seeing us overcome by a company that holds some disloyalty or failure.

…(An organism living on another | Children | Insects | Parasites | Silkworm) In a dream, worms represent daughters or children living under their father. The same goes for all worms, annelids, intestinal worms, or parasites that live on cadavers. Seeing tapeworms coming out of one’s backside in a dream represents one’s grandchildren. If one sees worms coming out of his mouth in a dream, it means that some members of his family are plotting against him, though he knows about it, and he will finally escape from their danger, but at his own expense. If one sees worms coming out of his stomach in a dream, it means that he will distance himself from evil companions. Consequently, he will regain honor and purity. Worms leaving one’s body in a dream mean overcoming distress, or paying alms tax. Worms in a dream also represent one’s enemies. A silkworm in…

(Also see Body 1 | Pain)

The dream in which you see some paramedic means that you in psychological mayhem. If you’ve got some help from paramedic or certain procedures were made to you, then it means that you are shouting for help. The dream might also indicate the fact that you are suffering from some illness, therefore you dream that someone gave you the treatment. You should pay attention to the particular part of your body that was treated in the dream. Sometimes the paramedic indicates your senses where you feel that something is about to happen. Your inner self knows that the situation is arising. If you are the paramedic, it shows your desire to help for others.

If it’s decapitated, it means your ideas, projects and dreams cannot be achieved or materialized in short term; dreaming of a big head indicates health and abundance; a small head means the start of an illness and impairment in the economy. Dreaming of a head separated from the rest of the body represents a mismatch between the way you think and the way you act. If you have an ailment in the head, it’s a sign of adversities to come.

…Dream of laxative suggests that you need to stop doing emotional damage to yourself. It’s time to clean your body out of fear….

…(Pubic region) Shaving the pubic region in a dream means overcoming stress, or repaying one’s debts. The female pubes in a dream represent a garden or divorce, and the same interpretation may apply for her menstrual period. In a dream, if one looks at his pubic region and finds no hair therein, it means that he may indulge in a wrongdoing out of ignorance, and consequently suffers financial losses as a penalty. If one’s pubic region is hairy or in need of shaving in the dream, it represents money earned through corruption. (Also see Bath | Body’ | Hair)…

…Dreaming about a ball which appears on any part of your body indicates that, as much as you’d like, cannot hide the truth about certain things….

…Surgery in a dream represents the real limb which is operated on in one’s dream. If a young man or a young woman see themselves having an operation where their chest is opened, or having an open heart surgery for example in a dream, it means that they are in love. As for elderly people, it means distress. Having a minor surgery on the thumb in a dream means signing a loan. (Also see Body 1 | Chest)…

…it means that one may suffer because of his sister. If one sees his ring finger paralyzed in the dream, it means that he will suffer pain and difficulties because of an ailment that will befall his mother or a female relative. If one sees his little finger paralyzed in a dream, it means that he may suffer because of a daughter. Any infliction in one’s hand in a dream represents one’s brothers, while any infliction of the fingers in a dream represents his children. If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means that he will lose his source of income. If one’s fingers are paralyzed in a dream, it means that he has committed an awful sin. If one sees his right hand paralyzed in a dream, it means he has caused major losses to an innocent person. (Also see Body’ | Physical paralysis)…

Dreaming of waking up sometimes manifests as a feeling of flying, but almost always with many difficulties and limitations, which implies that the subconscious or spirit, being linked to the physical body, does not enjoy the freedom and independence it would like to have. Also, it indicates that the matters being handled by the dreamer, present many difficulties, and this is the reason for the concern. If during the flight the dreamer passes over beautiful green fields or forests, it suggests that even if the dreamer is suffering from some setbacks, better times will come soon.