If you left a telephone message, it means that you find it hard to communicate with other people. If you receive the telephone message, it means that you will get some important news. Sometimes the telephone message represents the fact that you wish to give some message for the world, because you have important things to say. Go ahead, do not be afraid to express your thoughts.

The telephone is a very important tool in these days, therefore it is very normal tod ream of one, because we use it for fun to communicate and so on. The telephone is part of our everyday life, therefore it is very common to dream about it.

If you dream of the telephone, then such dream indicates the communication you are trying to make with someone or yourself. If you did not pick up the phone, then such dream denotes to unsolved issues you have with the certain person, for who you did not pick up the phone. Probably you are trying to avoid to get sorted all of those problems. If you were talking on the phone with somebody you know, then such dream foretells you that, there is a need to meet that person. Alternatively, the telephone could mean nothing in a dream, as it is part of your lives and we use it every day.

The telephone is the form of communicating with others, therefore such dream could indicate your will to be heard. The telephone call could also mean that you will get an important message. If you call for help on your phone, there is some reason why you did it. Perhaps you need help.

Dreaming of a telephone, foretells you will meet strangers who will harass and bewilder you in your affairs. For a woman Dreaming of talking over one, denotes she will have much jealous rivalry, but will overcome all evil influences. If she cannot hear well in conversing over one, she is threatened with evil gossip, and the loss of a lover.

That sounds insistently and no one answers: anxious state, afraid to face certain problems of life. Speaking through the telephone: you’ll receive a phone call that will give you a great surprise.

Symbolizes sentimental and romantic relationships. If we are not able to stablish telephone communication, then it reveals fear of the impossibility of such emotional relationship or it shows that these relationships are going to be broken. If the communication is perfect, the emotional and romantic relationships will be equally good.

Seeing or hearing a phone in a dream means a message from your subconscious. You can face issues that you are trying to avoid. Or, a phone can represent your communication and relationship with others. To dream that you won’t talk on the phone represents a situation you want to end. Dreaming of talking on the phone with someone means that you want to face that person about an issue.

Phone box means that you risk your intentions being used against you.

Dreaming of a telephone is negative omen, as it announces dangerous liaisons with unknown or foreign people that are only seeking personal gain. When a woman dreams of herself talking on the phone, it insinuates that she’s jealous, and she suspects there’s a rival.

Additionally, read the interpretation about telephone.

…a journalist in search of suitable material for my pen. It is wretchedly wet and cold out here; let us go to the nearest restaurant and have some- thing nice and warm, and perhaps you will then tell me all about — him.”Him! She cried, with such a fierceness in her voice that I quailed. “Him! What do you know about him? He would have made two of such as you! But ” — and the scorn in her tones died away — ” I see you mean it kindly. Perhaps you are unlike the rest. Yes, I will trust you!Take me to some shop where I can thaw, and I will tell you about — Mm.”I dreamed we crossed the park and, taking a taxi to Victoria, found a restaurant where, for a moderate sum, I was able to procure her a solid meal — a meal that was…